Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Copy of Black Minimal Motivation Quote LinkedIn Banner (1)

nessa chuckled, appreciating Thalia’s good-natured teasing. I know, right? My mask’s practically a formality at this point," she quipped, her eyes s sparkling with amusement. True, simplicity has its perks. But hey, if you ever need me in the crowd, just look for the barely-there mask," she added with a playful wink.

As Inessa stood in the ballroom, a subtle seed of doubt sprouted in her mind regarding Thalia’s playful comment. She now started to second-guess the nature of the teasing exchange. Was Thalia’s remark merely friendly banter, or did it carry a hint of the same backhanded tone that Inessa had playfully employed earlier?

Inessa found herself grappling with the delicate task of interpreting Thalia’s comment. The joyous atmosphere now carried a subtle note of uncertainty.

Inessa’s tendency to get stuck in her own thoughts was not a stranger to her. The habit of overanalyzing comments, letting them sink in a little too deeply, was a familiar in her mind.

Inessa grappled with the echoes of Thalia’s comment,the enchantment of the ballroom was momentarily overshadowed by the patterns of her thoughts, as she strived to navigate the labyrinth of her own mind with the same grace she displayed on the outside for everyone to see.

As Thalia and Inessa weaved through the lively crowd, the ambient sounds of chatter and music creating a vibrant backdrop, they reached the bar. Thalia posed the question, “Alcohol now or alcohol later?” The choice between immediate indulgence and deferred enjoyment hung in the air, adding a touch of anticipation to the already lively atmosphere. Inessa, momentarily freed from the complexities of earlier contemplation, grinned and replied, “Now feels like the ideal moment to raise a glass in honor of being back at school,” she suggested, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

Inessa couldn’t shake the uneasiness that lingered beneath the surface of the masquerade’s festivities. The news of the missing student, a shadow cast over the night. Surprisingly, Inessa found herself not entirely surprised by the revelation. The realization weighed on her, and a part of her, though unspoken, hoped they could swiftly move past the unsettling news.

Inessa chose to keep this inner turmoil concealed, acknowledging the discomfort without giving it voice.
The unspoken weight of the missing student hung in the air, a collective awareness that intruded the masquerade without finding voice.

Thalia’s compliment about Inessa’s presentation broke through the undercurrent of uneasiness, and a genuine beam of happiness lit up Inessa’s face. The acknowledgment of her efforts brought a sense of validation and pride. “Thank you, Thalia! I’m so glad you enjoyed it,” Inessa responded, her eyes reflecting the gratitude for the recognition amidst the complex backdrop of the masquerade’s mysteries. The acknowledgment was like a well-deserved spotlight on her achievements, and a subtle air of overconfidence seeped into her thoughts.

“Really hoping the practice is showing. Everyone’s dedication shines through,” Inessa acknowledged, her initial response genuine and appreciative. However, as the conversation shifted, a cloud of frustration settled over her thoughts, and she couldn’t help but bring up her brother. “Unlike some people, who seem to have no concept of dedication,” she added with a hint of irritation, the mention of her brother injecting a note of annoyance into the conversation.

Can you believe he missed everything this afternoon?" she exclaimed to Thalia, her irritation evident.

catching herself in the midst of expressing frustration, she took a deep breath. Wanting to shift the atmosphere, she changed the subject, turning to Thalia with a forced smile. “Anyway, let’s not dwell on that. How was your summer, Thalia? Anything exciting happen?” The redirection aimed to steer the conversation away from the brewing frustration and towards a more positive and engaging topic, allowing them to navigate the masquerade with a lighter tone.



Esther Ruth Dubois (2)

━─━────September 1st, 2023────━─━

The day of the ball was finally here. Esther’s eyes glistened with emotion as she stood before the full-length mirror, the deep blue dress flowed gracefully around her slender frame and accentuated all the right places. She had eagerly awaited the event for weeks, making the decision to attend despite feeling quite unwell. In the time she spent preparing, she had mustered up all of her strength to pretend she was fine. She’d chosen to ignore the unsettling feeling in her chest and the prickling sensation on her skin, but as she strapped the intricately designed mask to her face, a spell of dizziness made the ground beneath her start to sway. Her vision blurred, and she stumbled, feeling weaker with each passing moment.


The sleek black car glides through the bustling streets and the city lights pass by in a blur, the anticipation of the ball hanging heavily in the air. Esther gazed out of the window, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. As they approached the entrance, Esther breathed in deeply, taking a minute to regain her composure. Before leaving the comfort of tinted windows, she promptly curved her lips into a convincing smile to disguise the pain she was in. She then stepped out of the vehicle, taking in the refreshing cold air. Holding her head high, she walked up to the doors, dress trailing behind her.

The performances had filled Esther with an excitement for her future at Ninth House, momentarily and successfully distracting her from the painful pricks that ran up and down her body. As she stands up to clap at the end, her vision goes black for a second, causing her to grasp the chair in front of her for support. She glances at her surroundings, and to her luck, everyone’s eyes are still glued to the stage.


Esther glances around at her surroundings in an attempt to fit in somewhere, feeling slightly claustrophobic in the sea of people. Almost on cue, she felt a pair of eyes on her, and she was met with a man greeting her with a friendly smile. Esther meets the man’s gaze, his piercing blue eyes stare down at her in a familiar way, evoking a sense of deja vu. “Yeah, it’s great, I really enjoyed the performances”, she answered confidently. The man’s approach was warm, and his eyes lingered over her dress. “Match with you? Please, blue just so happens to be my favorite color”, she teased in a joking tone, twirling around her in a dress.

@idiot.exe - Atlas



⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

Whoever Freya was talking to didn’t give an answer to it not being their scene, which was answer enough. Okay, well at least it wasn’t everyone here that enjoyed these kind of futile moments. Even dating back to high school, Freya didn’t attend any homecomings and barely made appearances to prom. She was always too busy preparing for the next thing in her life. Whether that had been exams, work endeavours, or finding herself busy with anything else, Freya had always prioritised… pretty much anything else. Had there have been any work set in preparation for Wyndham College, she would be acting in the same manner. Instead Freya was stuck talking to someone who appeared to share similar views.

Though he seemed to be baring bad news to Freya, as the concept of these gatherings being ‘rare’ was received as comedy. The words of someone who had to attend many of these in the past, the words of a returner. Noted. “Like you have?” She commented back to his reassurance that she would get used to it, as he still appeared to seek refuge in the quiet corners. He then mentioned how these parties resulted in sharing classes with hungover students. Interesting. It made her watch the heart of the party again, would they all truly waste this time getting drunk and inevitably hungover? “And you know better, I’m guessing?” Freya asked him with ambiguity. But maybe he thought similarly, again, that being amongst those with hangovers would naturally elevate them to the top.

As she could feel his eyes on her, Freya’s eyes fixed on the crowd of people away from them. This person’s voice was quiet, but audible enough to make out the questioning of what brought her here. “The loud music and bustling crowds,” She responded without missing a beat, her joke disguising her wonder as to what he actually had meant by that. Here, as in the ball? As in the school? As in the world? Whatever the meaning behind his question, most answers were not ones she would probably not share. Not this soon. “And you?” She turned it onto him, wondering how he would take the same question.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

@astxrism Hayes



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Thalia’s lips formed a gentle smile, genuine warmth shining in her eyes as she absorbed Inessa’s playful banter. “I’ll keep an eye out for that barely-there mask of yours,” she replied, her tone light and playful.

Thalia had always been an astute observer. Dubbed a “people watcher” by many, she relished the art of scrutinizing others, noting their behaviors, expressions, and the often-overlooked nuances. This penchant for observation wasn’t merely a passing curiosity; it evolved into a skill that Thalia meticulously developed over the years. It allowed her to unravel the unspoken language encoded in gestures, facial expressions, and the subtle shifts in mood. People, in all their complexity, fascinated her. Even during focused study sessions for exams, her attention would stray to the conversations around her, captivated by the diverse cadences of voices and the untold stories playing out in the periphery.

In class, her gaze would inevitably wander, exploring the room with a curious intensity. Patterns of light, the interplay between classmates – these details captivated her. Occasionally, her eyes would meet someone else’s, leading to a brief flush of embarrassment as she quickly averted her gaze. Such instances often led others to misconstrue her intentions, assuming boredom or misplaced affection. But Thalia had grown accustomed to these misunderstandings.

Her love for photography seamlessly intertwined with her fascination for people. From an early age, she found joy in capturing candid moments, freezing them in time to tell unique stories. Upon entering Ninth House with a purpose, her passion for photography evolved from a hobby into a powerful tool for a mission she had set herself for coming into Wyndham College. Her camera still was being used as a hobby of course, but it was also being used as something more, to find someone, but now it seemed she needed to find more than someone.

Despite her proficiency in deciphering people and navigating social intricacies, Thalia grappled with the complexities of human interaction. She found solace behind the lens of her camera, where she could observe without being observed, capturing moments without being captured herself. Yet, for all her people-watching skills, Thalia remained oblivious at times. In the present moment, she couldn’t discern Inessa’s thoughts, unaware of the internal contemplation taking place. “Earth to Inessa,” Thalia gently tapped Inessa, who had been lost in her thoughts, “Are you okay?” she asked with concern, oblivious to the impact her words had on Inessa. Thalia had suggested that they get some drinks, something to refresh them and hopefully helped whatever doubts that was going through Inessa’s head decrease.

Approaching the bar, Thalia’s eyes scanned the array of drinks available. Amongst the assortment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic options typical of a university gathering, she contemplated her choice. Settling for a non-alcoholic beverage seemed like the sensible decision, especially with classes awaiting her the next day. Hangovers were never pleasant, but perhaps, in this instance, it could serve as a temporary distraction from thoughts of Miles North. Yet, the likelihood of him escaping her mind anytime soon seemed slim, particularly amidst the unsettling atmosphere permeating the school.She was bound to think of him for a while, him and the others she had heard went missing. But alcohol might help ease her mind, if alchohol helps make one not to think then hey wouldn’t that mean she would not think of Miles North? In that case, would alcohol not be the better option? After all, if her attention waned during class, surely the teachers would understand, given the occasion. Thalia wasn’t exactly known for her unwavering focus in class, after all. Still, was it worth the risk?

Her internal debate crystallized into a question, one she posed to Inessa, hoping that Inessa was to chose alcohol now and indeed she did, making a smile spread out across Thalia’s features and her eyes lighting up. But she felt the glint in her eyes dim a little at Inessa words of ‘raising a glass in honor of being back at school’ Thalia suppose it was an honor that she had not died or been one of the missing students,it was indeed an honor to still be in the presence of Inessa but over all was it an honor to be back at school? To be back where everything just felt too big, to be back when you could possible be another target to go missing? Was it truly worth celebrating when Serafina Nolan, who was not often talked about and Thalia knew nothing about being missing just like Miles North?

Nevertheless, Thalia poured herself a modest drink, a blend of wine and another substance, turning to Inessa. She plastered a smile on her face, determined to embrace the spirit of the occasion. With a gentle clink of her glass against Inessa’s, she echoed the sentiment , “Cheers to being back at school.” Her words rang out amidst the lively chatter of the masquerade ball, the clinking of glasses blending seamlessly into the melodic rhythm of the evening.

As she took a sip of her drink, the familiar warmth of the wine coursed through her veins, momentarily eclipsing the shadow of doubt that lingered in her mind. For a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to be swept away by the camaraderie of the moment, the shared laughter and the lively banter of the crowd washing over her like a gentle tide.

This didn’t feel right, none of it did. He should be here, celebrating with them, he- “Do you ever wonder what happened to the people who keep disappearing?” Thalia found herself asking. She shook her head, no she shouldn’t ruin the mood. “Never mind,” Thalia said, a smile still on her face, as she quickly changed the subject. Showing appreciating towards Inessa performance that was indeed amazing “Enjoyed it? I did more than enjoy it! I couldn’t keep my eyes off you on the stage.” Thalia remarked, her voice carrying genuine warmth as she shifted gears. The soft smile that graced her features bespoke her sincere appreciation for Inessa’s performance.

“From the looks of it, you spend all week practicing, the practice showed and you were the best in the crowd.” Or at least, the one Thalia remembered a lot, which again meant that indeed Inessa was the best in the crowd of the performers. Thalia brought her glass close to her lips about to take a sip, when she found herself almost spitting her drink out at the mention of Inessa’s brothers. She felt her face reddening as she dropped her glass on the table, looking away so Inessa could not see her expression. “Is it just me or has alcohol become spicy- I mean has this alcohol become strong.” She stammered, her attempt at deflection sounding rather nonsensical. The flush on her face, however, betrayed a deeper unease lingering beneath the surface.

“I can’t believe he missed everything this afternoon,” She said taking another sip of the drink as she agreed with Inessa. “Did he oversleep or something? But no matter what, whether he came or did not, you did amazing, putting a smile on everyone’s faces.” Thalia dropped her drink as she held Inessa’s warm hands into her’s, staring at her with a smile, “All your hard work, dedicated showed and if he was here, I am sure he would have loved it too. Oh I think i got some parts of it on video too.” Thalia said going through her pursue to bring out her phone, she placed her password in and panned through her camera roll. “Here it is!” she exclaimed, finally finding the video she was searching for. Thalia showed her phone to Inessa. “I can send it to you if you wish,” it was a very high quality video for it being on the phone, because after all, it was angled correctly with the right lightening.

As the conversation shifted, Inessa inquired about Thalia’s summer activities. Thalia paused before responding, “It was fun, I went to visit my grandparents at their house for some time and went rock-climbing. You?”




A tray of drinks, atop a gold platter, passed by, carried by a worker dressed in all black with a matching mask. Renlin swiftly seized a glass from the tray. As he engaged in conversation with the girl, he brought the delicate glass to his lips. An intrusive thought crossed his mind—shattering it on the ground. Not that he enjoyed breaking things, but memories of a bar where customers threw their beer bottles under a large deck when they were empty flashed through his mind. It had been the bars thing, a chaotic yet oddly exhilarating ritual.

He dismissed the thought, realizing that this elegant venue was not the appropriate setting for such rowdy practices. Yet, Renlin couldn’t shake the notion that, behind the all the elegance, hidden rituals and activities might be unfolding behind the closed doors of this venue.

The room was filled with sense of mystery as secrets overlapped and entwined. Each person carried their own hidden truths, contributing to the intricate web of complexity that defined the school they were attending.

Renlin, with a curiosity for secrets, knew that some secrets loomed larger than others. While he harbored his own truths, he relished uncovering the mysteries that others held close. His lips, typically sealed.

“Well, some might argue that the true beauty lies beneath the mask, while others may find the allure in the stunning craftsmanship. It’s all a matter of perspective, wouldn’t you agree?” Renlin responded, his words carrying a hint of mystery about his true meaning.

Renlin chuckled, feigning disappointment. “No secrets? How utterly dull. I was hoping for a bit more…excitement. But perhaps, you’re saving the best for later?” He flashed a playful grin, enjoying the banter.

Renlin downed the contents of his glass, his fingers rhythmically tapping against it, producing a soft sound. His gaze roamed the surroundings, searching for another drink. His eyes darkened as he leaned in, a playful curiosity in his body language.

“Well, of course, you’re the first. I wouldn’t waste such a question on just anyone,” Renlin responded with a playful smirk. He leaned back slightly, raising an eyebrow. “The real game? Who said anything about games? Though wouldn’t you say we’re all just players here in our own way, aren’t we?”

Absolutely, everyone at the school had their own desires and motivations, and Renlin’s wants were indeed unique to him.



Atlas Theodore Alstone


How delightful to hear compliments on the performances just when Atlas was sitting aside. They’d truly caught the crowd’s attention through their grand opening, setting the mood for the rest of the celebration. And there was Atlas, standing and cheering among the viewers like some outsider. But he was nothing but proud of his group, they deserved all the praise. They did so well, even with his absence, as if nothing was lacking. Maybe once he returns, he’d even find he no longer belongs—

It was just a performance. A simple performance. Atlas’ lips curved into a weak smile, but his eyes subtly betrayed his thoughts. “I’m glad to hear that. Our friends at Enigma Stag have practiced extensively to bring you a show you’ll never forget,” he replied in a more playful tone, masking his discomfort. “I’ll have to let them know of your compliments.”

As the woman twirled around, Atlas’ eyes wandered to her dress, captivated by the light dancing across the sequins. They almost resembled stars. She matched his playful approach, and Atlas couldn’t help but chuckle. “Come on, now, you can be honest with me. I know I can be quite charming,” he teased, looking into her eyes. “Blue happens to be my favorite color too,” that was a lie. “What a coincidence, it seems we think alike.”

The strange feeling of familiarity lingered, even though Atlas was trying to push it to the back of his mind. There was a nagging question of just who was hiding behind that mask, and why was she so familiar? Atlas put his drink down on a nearby surface, not even half empty. “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, so feel free to refuse, but would you like to dance with me?” He extended his hand with a smile. “I’d love to get to know you better, though secrecy is understandable. After all, it is a masked party.”


@Mouschi Esther Ruth Dubois


Esther Ruth Dubois (2)


As Esther mentioned the performances, she caught a glimpse of envy in his eyes, his smile faltering before correcting into a weak smile. The man who stood before her was a strange sight, he seemed to admire her dress as she twirled around in it. But perhaps his body language betrayed him, because the next thing he said appeared to be a lie. As the two made eye contact, a chill crept up her spine and the sounds of the ball room around them seemed to warp, becoming distorted. Seconds later, Esther found difficulty in maintaining her footing while the man in front of her appeared to morph into multiple people. Taking the glass to her lips with trembling hands, she took large sips of water in an attempt to steady herself.

There was something about him that seemed to hint at a hidden agenda, a subtle gleam in his eyes that sent Esther on edge. As the man offered a dance, Esther’s eyes flickered for a moment, briefly hesitant. He was indeed quite charming, but hidden beneath the mask there seemed to be a dark side. ”Oh - I’m not much of a dancer”, she lied, smiling shyly. ”Actually, I was wondering, have we met before?”, she asked, attempting to change the conversation. Even if she fancied a dance with him, her movements would be too shaky and was a good enough reason.

Despite her best efforts to stay composed, her heart began beating faster, tears forming in her eyes. With each passing moment, the effects of the poison coursing through her veins only intensified. But she couldn’t show weakness, not tonight. Only sheer determination kept Esther upright, her every movement a test of endurance. Placing her hand on her chest, she took deep breaths, willing herself to focus. She took to the water once more, with every sip, the lingering taste on her tongue getting increasingly bitter. Esther wondered if she should excuse herself to get some air, but the man had intrigued her, and she desperately wanted to figure out why he was so familiar.

@idiot.exe - Atlas



House Of Balloons / Glass Table Girls

· · ────── :black_joker: ────── · ·

For Casey, this was a new and unfamiliar world. It wasn’t the wealth, of course, Casey was used to that. He attended Wharton school of business, if anything the wealth was comforting in this new world. So he appreciated the ornate architecture, the student’s elaborate outfits and masks and the elegant decadence that filled the halls.

His own mask was not particularly elaborate or decadent, just a simple thing to match his simple suit. However every stitch was perfect and identical on both objects and great pain was taken by the tailor to highlight his best proportions. Simplicity, elegance, prestige. He observed students conversing with another, a good amount of them familiar with one another. He felt estranged in a sense, within this magical, upper-class world no wonder the students would already have attended before him and have connections. Starting from ground zero, he thought to himself as a serving girl approaches him with a glass in hand.

Casey reached for a glass offered to him by one of the assistants within the ball. He offers a smile, showing all of his teeth. “Thank you.” He walks across the ballroom, before catching a glimpse of a girl not to far away. She was definitely a pretty girl, with dark hair, dark eyes and an alluring, almost siren-like appearance. That was contrasted with the light tones of her dress and mask, floral embroidery decorating both. He walks across to her, smiling as he began to talk. “You seem a little lonely all the way over here,” he remarks in a light-hearted manner. “How are you enjoying…” he gestures at the scene around them, as if he was searching for a word. "The event. " He leans against the wall before taking a sip of his drink, his blue eyes focused on the lady in front of him.

This took me wayyy too long, :pensive: I just didn’t know how to approach sjsksjskj…

@Littlefeets - Cayenne


celestine beaumont

needle in a haystack


Did he just wink under that mask? Celestine wondered as she stared into his mask, a mask plain enough to reflect some hinges of emotion that Dante was supposed to convey to her. The compliments slide over her head, washing over the thoughts of nothing but pure, unadulterated uninterest in the conversation. Compliments that she had heard many times throughout her whole life spiraled down the drain as she muted them out once they became old. What did ring in her ear was the slight reference to retirement, giving some relief that he caught on to some of her references. The once stiff posture she maintained during the conversation would soon mellow down as she was able to slightly pinpoint who he was. It was still a hunch, but Celestine just needed something that could break that shadow of anonymity.

Still in the middle of picking up the pieces in the puzzle she had conjured up in her brain, those boring compliments would soon shock her as he revealed a pair of sunglasses in his pocket, giving a slight form of amusement to her dollish features. She anticipated a bit, hoping he would put glasses in the mask and leave it askew, but failed to do so, making her let out a chuckle uncharacteristically out of her system: “And I thought you were brave enough to try it on, especially with a mask that… needs a bit of color in every sense of the word. Surely, it will make your world much brighter.” Celestine soothed herself as she continued to say what she wanted to say, reverting back to her graceful self as she patted Dante’s jacket. “The chandelier makes the gowns and tuxedos glitter in such a way; shouldn’t you be wearing this throughout the whole event? I can’t be the only one that shines brighter than a crown.” Coquettishly fanning herself, she let out a slight sigh as she hoped to never slip into something she would never see at an actual serious formal tie event.

“You flatter me. At least you can add something to your account after meeting someone so wildly interesting as to make a comment on their stylistically intricate hairdo. But so much for that, I did expect you to enjoy such an event. It is a masked ball, and you could practically meet with everyone, making any form of consequence obsolete. That is, if you keep your cards high enough, never let someone slip the ribbon on your flat mask.” Celestine thought of her conversation as being void of the energy to match with Dante, but she was fond enough of rebuilding a boundary, especially with his fondness for making so many ‘golden girl’ references. She thought to confuse him once more, giving a slight smirk as she looked with cheeky vengeance, “As for this… golden girl, unfortunately… I’m no Blanche, certainly not with style and attitude. I’m more of a Dorothy, enjoying a fancy night looking for my friends, as I see one particularly being friendly. But… thank you for being a great friend and companion and for amusing me with such a pleasant conversation.”

She had thought to leave him then and there, particularly unamused by his whims and playful compliments that could lead nothing to more hollow conversations, but he had slipped in an invitation that could strike words that had never been in her vein before. A simple walk in the gardens, sure. Strolling under the moonlight, interesting. Finding secrets to uncover—I don’t like where this is going. But the last anecdote struck a nerve in her—something she found so repulsive as to diminish herself as this clean slate girl. So this is why he keeps bringing up the golden girl, as she deduced. Memories seeped in moments where she danced along the crowds, barely even reaching their shoulders, alongside her mother’s request to be her personal camera at parties inappropriate for any children to be in. Something so simple, yet it made her realize a common form of insult to her character: so proper she can’t be moved. That hunch she made proved to be true, and she did not want to take the bait. She took the bait nonetheless.

Her stance jolted, stiffened with a look dark enough to dim a room. She smiled fiercely to his face, “Exploring the gardens, eh? Secrets buried beneath the magnolias and asters—how amusing this definition of adventure is to you. And I thought you were notorious for fuming the heads of professors with dubious schemes.” Her hollow laugh soon followed, “Maybe it’s the liquor talking, but what do you make of me? Is it because I style myself too bodacious for practical events, or maybe I walk with my heels in a way that looks like I’m balancing books with a firecracker on my mouth lest I make any form of uncouthness unbenign by a lady of my stature?”

Celestine tried to calm herself, sensing a quiver in her voice, but she continued on as the room felt like a void with only Dante to hear the panting of her breath, "Forgive my impertinence, but this is a masquerade event, a codeword for a party. Etiquette may be in the way you walk, socialize, and even dance! But to play your cards in such a traditional way won’t ever be amusing to your guests; the thrill comes from learning the schemes and forming them. I know for a fact that there are not enough people in this ballroom, especially with a school esteemed like this. Where do you think they went, hm? ” Before he even answered, she picked up her pace as she scanned the room to direct her thoughts, “I know where they went. Setting their businesses… elsewhere. Bad blood, assassinations, and even the conception of children—or lack thereof— Who knows, there might be someone already in the headmaster’s bathroom making whoopee, or even some gowns being ruined at the school gardens with the excuse of admiring the roses. I will again say my apologies for lightly making a great impression on such a simple statement, but a party is supposed to be fun! And to make your night satisfactory, I will accept your offer… out of spite.”

Letting out a sigh, she walked against Dante, slightly budging him as the sound of her heels clacked. Immediately, she stopped as she pivoted to him, giving a stern question, “You’re the gentleman with an invitation; lead me the way.”


@Jass - Dante


Copy of Black Minimal Motivation Quote LinkedIn Banner (1)

Inessa, acutely aware of Thalia’s perceptiveness, channeled her acting skills to mask the shift in her mood. Despite the internal turbulence, she maintained a bright and chipper demeanor, ensuring that the change in her face and tone went unnoticed—or so she hoped. Thalia’s intuition was a challenge, and Inessa recognized the need to stay true to the expected vivacity while hiding what was inside, a frustration that lingered beneath the surface. The masquerade, in this instance, extended beyond the literal masks, requiring a skillful performance to navigate the complexities of emotions.

Inessa, a seasoned actor in the intricate theater of social interactions, embraced the challenge with finesse. The need to conceal her frustration became just another scene to master, an opportunity for honing her acting skills. To the outside world, Inessa remained the epitome of brightness.

renowned for her vibrant personality and looks. She understood the importance of maintaining that image. Her characterr, carefully cultivated over time, was a hallmark of her identity. The image she presented to the world was a product of years of crafting.

Inessa snapped back to the present, Thalia’s gentle tap pulling her from her thoughts. She mustered a bright smile, “Of course, just got lost in the the beauty of tonight” The redirection, a seamless blend of charm and casualness, aimed to conceal the momentary lapse and maintain the vibrant front that was Inessa. The masquerade, both literal and metaphorical, continued around her, and Inessa gracefully returned to the rhythm of the conversation.

Thalia’s question cut through the air, steering the conversation into a more somber realm. Inessa’s thoughts briefly flickered to her recent contact with her ex, a subtle acknowledgment of shared history and concern. Maintaining her composed demeanor, she replied, “It’s a troubling thought, isn’t it? I reached out to someone about it today, just to let them know I’m thinking of them.” The weight of the disappearances lingered through everyone’s minds.

She reassured herself that her concern for the disappearances wasn’t excessive. While the news had prompted her to reach out to her ex and express support, she held a pragmatic view, assuming that those in charge were actively addressing the situation.

Despite the undercurrent of concern and the thoughts that went through her mind, Inessa remained resolute in her decision to keep these sentiments closely guarded. hidden from the scrutiny of those around her.

“Can you imagine if one of us went missing?” she asked, the gravity of the thought settling between them.

Inessa chuckled at Thalia’s comment, finding amusement in the playfulness of the conversation about her drink being spicy. She took a sip of her Riesling, savoring the crisp taste. Glancing at Thalia’s glass, she raised an eyebrow. “Maybe the taste of your drink is an omen, giving a sneak peek into the vibes of the upcoming school year,” she suggested with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Thalia’s inquiry about Inessa’s brother missing the performance brought a growl of frustration in Inessa’s mind. Suppressing the irritation, she replied, I don’t know what he was up to. I went to yell at him, and he was on the floor doing who knows what." Inessa kept the details vague, silently relishing the hope that her earlier reprimand had left an impact.

Inessa nodded appreciatively at Thalia’s offer. With a gesture of gratitude, she put her hands together, silently conveying her thanks for Thalia’s willingness to share the information.

“That sounds amazing! Rock-climbing, really?” Inessa responded with excitement. Her eyes lit up, and she leaned in, eager to hear all the details. “Do you have pictures? Im sure you do! I’m dying to see.” Inessa’s enthusiasm added a lively energy to the conversation, and she anticipated the visual journey through Thalia’s experiences.

“Me? I was stuck on the island with my brother and Dante. You can only imagine how much excitement I was given.” Inessa’s tone carried a dull edge.



Atlas Theodore Alstone


As the conversation progressed, Atlas caught a glimpse of the woman’s shaky hands as she raised the glass to her lips. Something about her body language was off, but he couldn’t be quite sure. Was it his eyes playing tricks on him, or was she truly disturbed over something? She pointed out her inability to dance, and Atlas nodded in understanding, taking it as a subtle rejection. “That’s completely fine, we don’t have to,” he smiled faintly. He could only hope he hadn’t done anything to make her uncomfortable. It wasn’t likely, after all, they’d just met.


Wrong. He was wrong. And the question following made Atlas’ blood go cold. His suspicions were confirmed, she was familiar and she seemed to recognize him as well. His eyes scanned her face, his smile faltering as he struggled to get a proper glimpse of her features. It was true that he recognized her, but he couldn’t think of a single person at Ninth House that would fit her appearance. At least, it wasn’t one of his friends. Maybe he was overreacting, and it was just an acquaintance he happened to speak to once. But his heart began to race as he thought about it more, just the possibility of the stranger being someone he’s close to. He’d have embarrassed himself with how he’d acted, pretending to be someone he’s not, just for the fun of it.

Atlas let out an awkward laugh, picking his glass back up from the table. He began to swirl the drink in his hand, focusing on the light glimmering on the liquid’s surface. “Hmm, have we met before? Funny you mention it, because I’ve been wondering the same thing,” he replied in a relaxed tone, taking a sip of his drink to regain his composure. Atlas looked into her eyes again, putting on his usual smile. “Maybe we’ve seen each other around the hallways? If you were in my classes, I’d have recognized you by now. There is rarely a person who…” he trailed off, noticing her discomfort was only worsening. Her eyes seemed to glisten slightly in the dim light and her breathing seemed shaky. As he thought about it more, she was alone before he approached her. There were so many possibilities as to why, but dwelling on it would only send his thoughts spiralling. Whether he was assuming things or not, he had to ask and clarify.

His expression softened as he leaned in slightly, lowering his tone. “Are you feeling okay? You seem… nervous.”


@Mouschi Esther Ruth Dubois


devon Lacey (2)

:sparkling_heart: I’m out of this world, come with me to my planet :sparkling_heart:

✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ :sparkling_heart:▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩

The man’s touch on her waist was gentle and inviting, making the tension in her body slowly dissipate. As they danced together in synchrony, Devon’s eyes studied the ornate detailings of his mask and suit, a soft grin forming on her lips as she listened to his velvety voice. The man chuckled quietly in reaction to her question before answering, “To prove to myself that I have what it takes to truly master the craft of writing, to delve deeper into the mysteries of language and storytelling”. Listening intently to his words, she gave his hand a little squeeze before complimenting him on his craft, ”That’s rather impressive, writing is a fairly difficult skill”, she beamed at him with a tinge of admiration in her voice.

✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ :sparkling_heart:▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩

“What might you be doing back, Miss Vixen?”, he asked in his mesmerizing voice, making Devon blush. She glanced up at him with seductive eyes, ”Charming, I like it”, she let out a light giggle. ”I guess I’m here to have fun, and develop my powers too of course”. Her voice spoke with an uncertain tone, almost like that was only the half-truth. In reality, the question had lingered in her mind previously, but she was unable to think of a solid answer. ”Anyways, I like reading from time to time, and by that I mean I read once a year. But I try!”, she joked.

@tina.g - Oggy


✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ • ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧


✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ I’m a Ten, So I Pull in a Ken ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧

”That’s rather impressive, writing is a fairly difficult skill” Agastya’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and pride. “Thank you,” he replied, his voice low and sincere.

Agastya’s lips curled into a warm, tender smile as he met her seductive gaze with a gentle twinkle in his eyes. Oh, Miss Vixen, a woman of mystery and power? I feel… absorbed,” he landed on, his voice a soft caress in the air between them.

That was a lie. Gentle twinkle did not describe his eyes, not anymore at least. He was narrowing down the between Quantum and Enigma Stag. But his mind was having trouble staying on the topic of playing detective…

”Anyways, I like reading from time to time, and by that I mean I read once a year. But I try!” Agastya chuckled softly in response to her comment, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he replied, “Ah, so you’re a once-a-year reader, huh?” He turned it over in his mind. Turned her voice over, her spirits, her eyes over in his mind. “I think that means you’re saving up all your literary energy for one epic reading session to end all reading sessions. Quite strategic, I must say.” He simpered, swishing them in the way of a slightly-too-drunk-to-be waltzing couple near them. Agastya continued to dance with the mysterious lady, a glistening smile playing on his lips as he gently guided her across the dance floor. As they swayed to the music, he leaned in slightly, his voice a whisper in her ear. “So, Miss Vixen,” he began, his tone warm and curious, “tell me, what lies beneath the mask? The written word is mine. What passions and dreams do you hold close to your heart? I sense a hidden depth to you, a captivating spirit waiting to be revealed?” His voice went up with an inflection, though, it was almost like he was teasing the line. Challenging, some unknown aurora, mysterious and hidden.

✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ • ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧

@Mouschi • Devi • I was rereading and I thought, “of no, does this sweet sweet angel of fine sound too robotic?” If so let me know hun!! :sob::sob:



Dante flashed a charming grin, amused by Celestine’s playful banter. “Heh, well, you make a compelling argument, Celestine,” Dante replied, his tone light and teasing. “But you see, I like to keep the mystery alive. A little darkness adds depth, don’t you think?” He continued, his tone lighthearted yet confident. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to steal the spotlight from you entirely. After all, what’s a masquerade ball without a bit of contrast?” He gestured toward the shimmering chandelier, adding, “As for the chandelier, it does have a way of making everything shimmer, doesn’t it?” Dante chuckled softly, nodding in agreement.

Dante’s lips curled into a mischievous smile to Celestine’s playful yet sharp commentary, clearly enjoying the verbal sparring match between them. “Ah, touche,” he replied with a chuckle, acknowledging her clever retorts. “I must say, your wit is as sharp as your sense of style,” he added, a hint of admiration in his voice. He leaned in slightly, his eyes gleaming with mischief behind his mask. “And here I thought I was the only one with a penchant for mixing metaphors and masking intentions,” he remarked, his tone teasing yet warm. “But you’ve caught me red-handed, Celestine. It seems I’ve underestimated the Dorothy in you,” he continued, his grin widening. “As for being a friend and companion, well, I can’t say I’m one to turn down good company,” Dante replied, his tone genuine but with a teasing undertone. “Consider it my pleasure to have amused you, even if it means enduring a few jabs at my ‘golden’ commentary,” he added with a playfulness, his demeanor relaxed and casual as he spoke.

Dante’s lips curled into a knowing smirk at Celestine’s comment about his reputation, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. “Ah, you’ve heard about my reputation, have you?” he replied, his tone playful yet tinged with a touch of pride. “Well, what can I say? I have a knack for stirring things up. I suppose the gardens might not seem like the most thrilling adventure to some, but who knows what mysteries we might stumble upon? Who’s to say the gardens don’t contain more secrets, ones you might not expect?” His voice carried a hint of something deeper, something he could not reveal. Not here. There was a reason, a reason he wanted to get out of the party. He wasn’t expecting her to have noticed some of the same things he had noticed himself. He realised, that maybe even with the drinks she seemed to have had, she might exactly be the partner in crime he needed tonight. “As for what I make of you, seems I might have misjudged you a bit,” Dante remarked, his tone reflecting a genuine sense of reconsideration. “Looks like there’s more to you than meets the eye. You’ve got a way of seeing things that’s… refreshing, to say the least.”

As she accepted his offer out of spite, Dante’s smirk widened slightly. “Well then, shall we uncover some of those secrets the outdoors might uncover together?” he replied, gesturing towards the garden entrance with a nod of his head, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure. He whispered in her ear, “Outside we can talk safely, follow me.” He initially had asked her on a stroll to tease, to test her, but now, now she had spoken so openly, he couldn’t help but worry for her. She spoke so openly, almost too openly, and he was certain that if she would speak those things to others, she might get in serious trouble. These were things, one could not speak openly about. He glanced around the room, especially with these masks, you never knew who might be listening in on your conversations. He continued whispering, “Pretend we’re going on a romantic stroll, can you do that?” He held out his hand for her to hold as he spoke, as he did, he realised the stakes of what they were getting into.

@cordyx - Celestine



[[༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ] ]

“Earth to Inessa,” Thalia uttered, her touch gentle as she tapped Inessa, a clear undercurrent of concern permeating her voice. “Are you okay?” Thalia asked further, sensing that Inessa’s demeanor suggested anything but okay. The question lingered in the air, accompanied by a perplexity fueled by the mystery of Inessa’s unusual state. Was she hiding something? No, that was not Inessa. Inessa had always been an open book, particularly with Thalia. So, what exactly was the source of this disturbance? Inessa’s explanation was seemingly simple—it was because she had been “lost in the beauty of tonight.” However, Thalia knew that was a lie. “Ok,” Thalia offered a small smile, her voice laced with understanding. “If you say so.” She said, not pressing further though she wanted too. It was nothing that was going to make her worry, right? Inessa had just been off because her performance had made her nervous- right! That would have been a good explanation, if not for the fact that Thalia knew quite well that it was not it. “But hey, If you ever want to talk about it, or if you need anything, I’m here,” Thalia added softly, her eyes conveying genuine concern. That was what Thalia had said, a small weak and friendly smile on her face, letting Inessa know that she was here if she wanted her to be there, that she could listen but not pressing further. Instead, she had asked for drinks, asked whether Inessa would be interested in grabbing drinks with her, and when she had said yes, they quickly made their way towards the bar.

Thalia had been quick to scan the array of drinks, her eyes flickering towards the alcoholic section, and weighing her choices. She had classes tomorrow, yes, a 10 pages short story and a poem due in 4 days that she had to write. Yes, the school year had just began and she already had work to do, because after all this was college and also Thalia had taken an extra credit assignment for the beginning of the term that was optional, to start the term with a good grade and keep her writing skills strongs. The poem was easy, it was a free verse, and Thalia had already completed it and printed it out, but she still had a couple pages for the story one, that she had planned to finish today and the next day, meaning that going to sleep and waking up with a hangover was obviously not a good choice.

Thalia should absolutely not do that, she should say no to drinking and in a perfect world, yes, that would have happened but this was not a perfect world. In Thalia’s defense, she did not plan to drink so much that she would get drunk and wake up feeling sickly, it would just be a tiny teansy drop, really believe her. Inessa had, for after all, she had affirmed that alcohol now was the choice.

The good choice, the choice that will help her ease her mind, her frustrations and her fears that she would not be able to carry out her plans for the school year or that North shall never be found. Yes, alcohol would get her to forget- it should have, but why was it not? As she took a sip of the her drink, the wine sliding from the mouth to the esophagus, to the stomach, waiting to be absorbed by the small intestine, the alcohol was doing everything but making her relax. Especially, when her eyes scanned the laughing crowd, the dancing crowd, the crowd where North should have been, the crowd that should have been worried about this whole thing.

She could not help herself, really, then again, it’s not like she tried to control her mouth, but before she could think she had turned to Inessa and ran her mouth, ruining the mood. She shook her head, trying to steer away the conversation into a more relaxing and less depressing mood. But Inessa had replied, telling her she had reached out to someone about it today, just to let them know she was thinking at them. At that, Thalia raised her eyebrows, "Who? " She asked, filled with curiosity. wondering if it was someone she knew. “Is it someone I know? Are they in trouble?” Thalia asked with slight worry in her tone. “But hey-,” Thalia began, her voice slight and soft, “With your reassurance, I’m sure they will be fine.” Thalia reassured, or at least she hoped that was a reassurance because Thalia herself was not the most reassured currently.

Especially at Inessa’s next words. “Can you imagine if one of us went missing?” Can you imagine if one of us… Can you imagine if… Can you… Can, yes Thalia could, she had imagined it ever since the first disappearance- what if this was to happen to her? What if Thalia was to disappear? She had onced questioned, before she came to the conclusion that no- it was not going to happen to her, she was not a big threat in this world, she was not trying to be a big threat at that time. She stuck to herself, did all that she had to did and kept silent, using pictures and writings to speak for her. But now… Thalia was not so sure, and she was especially scared for Inessa who was like gold. Inessa has always been quite popular, she had always stuck out and she could be a next target. Thalia could lose Inessa and that worried her greatly.

She grabbed Inessa’s hand tightly, not tight enough to hurt Inessa, but tight enough to feel something, to create an effect. “Promise me…” She began, “Promise me you won’t put yourself in any trouble,” She squeezed Inessa’s hands gently, “Let’s stick together, okay?” She offered a weak smile, placing her head on top of Inessa’s shoulders with a sigh. Removing her head from on top of Inessa’s shoulders, she held Inessa at arm’s length, getting a good look at her. She was savoring the moment, just in case… just in case. Then she smiled, “Maybe the power of friendship will work on our side,” She teased, wishing to light up the mood. “So let us enjoy the beauty of the night,” And get one more drink of alcohol.

It was her second glass, and Thalia was drinking it blissfully, and she would have continued to do so if not for Inessa’s words that made her almost choke on her drink. It was nothing offensive or shocking, no, instead Thalia should have had no reaction to it- it was just a mention of her brother, just talking about Renlin. But see, that was the problem. is it just me or has alcohol become spicy l- Thalia began looking closely at her glass instead of at Inessa’s face. She could not face her, unless Inessa would see the reddening of her cheeks. “it’s so hot in here,” Thalia said, fanning herself, trying to divert attention away from her reaction. Inessa had chuckled at that, and Thalia could not help herself but to chuckle as well at Inessa’s words. “An omen, huh? Hopefully not, I already have enough spice in my life.” Thalia mused.

The mention of Inessa’s brother and his mysterious activities drew a furrowed brow from Thalia. “Siblings, huh?” Thalia laughed, her voice a touch forced. "Brothers can be quite unpredictable, it seems. She shrugged, “So what about you, how unpredictable has your life been?” She questioned , taking another sip of her drink and stirring the conversation away from the talks of Renlin.

“Rock-climbing was incredible,” Thalia began, her eyes lighting up with the memories. “And yes, I do have pictures. Loads of them,” she added with a playful wink . “The views from the top were breathtaking.” Thalia reached for her phone, scrolling through the pictures, unlike her sister, Kaelith, Thalia had not gone so far up while rockclimbing nor done a lot of tricks because well she was not Kaelith. She had a lot of pictures of Kaelith climbing far because Kaelith had requested for pictures to be taken, “That one is Kaelith,” She said, pointing at a girl in the photo with a sport bra and yoga pants. “That’s Calista, and this one me,” She showed, swiping through the photos, until she reached one, but before Inessa could see that picture, Thalia had quickly placed her phone inside her pocket.

“Sounds like torture,” Thalia agreed with a small giggle, taking another sip from her drink. As she finished her drink, she began to pour herself another one, “But really is that all you need? How was the island, any fun apart from them?”



─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. State Of Grace (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

Lenore walked down the familiar halls of Ninth House, marking the beginning of her final year. Already, there was an unexpected element to the year - the presence of her older brother. He was supposed to have finished his schooling the year before but for reasons unknown to her, he was coming back for another year.

The Enigma Stag performance that kicked off the Welcoming Day festivities was something Lenore always looked forward to at the start of the school year. This year’s was bittersweet, knowing that it would be her last, but Lenore had decided that she would rather make the most of every moment. Which was exactly why she had taken it upon herself to make her own mask for tonight’s masquerade ball. There had been a bit of trial and error and a lot of scraps of lace on her floor, but eventually, she was able to create something that perfectly echoed the vision she had for the ball. The mask matched the blue of her dress and to make those the main focus of the outfit, she put on a pair of black heels and simple pearl jewellery. She tied her hair back into a half-up style before fastening her mask onto her face, delicately placing a black lace shawl over her shoulders and heading towards the ball.

The splendour in the atmosphere of the ball filled Lenore with amazement and she smiled to herself, having a good feeling about the evening. She made her way through the ballroom, stopping every few minutes and saying hi to people she knew. She made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a gin and tonic. She scanned the room as she waited for her drink, wanting to take in the event from a different angle. A man with a fascinating aura caught her eye, sitting all alone at a table. She met his eyes but he dropped his gaze almost as quickly as he had found hers. With her curiosity being piqued, she made her way over to where he was sitting after being handed her drink.

“Mind if I join you?” She asked him, holding her drink delicately. Surprisingly, the mask wasn’t the most mysterious thing about him and Lenore was determined to find out more about him. Despite this, she still prided herself in being a lady and she would wait until permitted before joining him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@idiot.exe - Dominic


Esther Ruth Dubois (2)


Amidst her thoughts, Esther sensed a pair of eyes fixated on her, carefully studying every detail of her face. In his gaze, there was vulnerability that lingered, belying the confident facade he presented. As he answered her question, he appeared to be unnerved by the familiarity, glancing down at his drink as he quickly strategized his next move. Esther smiled curiously as she pondered a series of possibilities, “Well, we seem to be wondering the same thing”, she started. As a little time had passed, Esther’s internal feeling of dread only grew. With another glimpse into his eyes, she slowly realized that the man’s presence had stirred up memories of her past. Particularly, a fragment of her past buried deep within her mind, never to be uncovered.

Her smile faded into a mixed expression, one of concealed trepidation and dismal. She took another sip of water, clearing her throat before continuing, “I think we’ve met prior to Ninth House, after all, this happens to be my first year”.

Esther shifted her weight once again and the man had noticed her odd behavior, inquiring about her anxious movements. “I’m fine - Just a little dizzy”, Esther answered. She tried to suppress the discomfort that weighed down on her, but with each passing minute, the poison continued to tear through her, threatening to unravel her carefully constructed mask. Feeling weak and vulnerable, her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment, and she was unable to meet the man’s gaze as he stared at her in concern. She saw him lean in closer and soften his expression, seeming to observe her distress. He spoke to her but she could hardly hear him over the pounding of her heart. “I - I should go - I’m sorry”, she stammered, barely audible under her shaky breaths. Realizing the rapidly escalating situation, she abruptly excused herself from the conversation, fearful of causing a scene. But as she stepped forward, Esther found herself spinning, the room spinning around her, a darkness closing in on the edges of her vision. Before she knew it, she felt herself falling, her legs giving away beneath her.

━─━──── @idiot.exe - Atlas ────━─━



the refractory period (post nut clarity)

I skipped the banter part sue me we’re moving on <3

Ass- hole. She struggled, and he maintained his aggressive strokes inside her, knowing now that the sound of her cries, and the shape of her body did not belong to just any insignificant hookup, but it was Amani: his friend, his never requited love. And that awareness drove his senses to their peaks, feeling the moment with her as if he had never forgotten the memories, and his longing had only grown stronger every day of her absence.

A part of him also hoped it he was hurting her.
He wanted her to feel the pain she deserved, but still, he waited for her to finish. He kept his composure as long as he could because he was an adequate sexual partner, but specifically with her, he wanted to preserve the moment for a bit longer. This was a one night stand after all, so if he did not see her in the morning, that was expected. She would only become a memory to reside in, so he tried to extend the moment just a bit, knowing there would be more to replay.

After they had finished, Amani tried leaving, but his mind was still a bit paralyzed. It was so surreal. Everything he had wondered before, he knew the answer to now; how she looked without any of her clothes on, the way she kissed, what she felt like on the inside. Yet still… he could not have her.

A part of him wished it hadn’t happened this way.
But he brushed it off, and held her wrist before she could leave.

She raised a brow, and he laughed, pulling her by the hand. “And where are you gonna go now, to sleep? Because if you still feel like you can dance right now, then I didn’t do my job right.”

She rolled her eyes, and he raised his hand from her wrist, using it to brush her messy hair from her face to preserve some of her grace.

“The night’s barely started.”
He spoke to her sensually, and she listened with the same energy he was giving her. For a moment, it felt distantly like the times she would tease him back in the day, just that this time she hadn’t left him wondering. It was so familiar that it almost felt like magic, pixie dust floating around her shoulders.

Til someone opened the bedroom door.

@kristi Amani
@novella Jesse?



≪•◦ Suit & Tie - Justin Timberlake ◦•≫

Entering the new year at Ninth House, Jesse Isaac Routledge was more ready than ever. Every passing term he had previously endured had shaped the person that stood at the doors of the masquerade ball. Having navigated the Umbra Coven’s social dynamics while delving into the various academic pursuits, Jesse felt well-equipped to starting the year that now faced him. He had to be, as time was catching up to him, and he would before long have completed his course. Soon, he will be left to find a life with his achievements, and answering the question – what kind of legacy will Jesse Routledge be leaving?

Tonight would be the start to that answer, and as Jesse entered the ballroom he braced himself for what was ahead. His method of doing so? Heading straight for the bar.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t have gotten through that class without you too, man,” Jesse responded to the person he had truly never seen before, clearly in some nostalgic mood, his eyes frequently looking past their shoulder for the attention of the bartender. The problem with coming back to school after a prolonged period? Everyone wants to have a catchup. This was his third round of pleasantries he was caught in on his journey to the bar. His gaze eventually remained on the bartender, his responses to the stranger cut down to the occasional half-hearted “Really?” and “Oh wow,” as they spoke about their summer endeavours.

After the seemingly impossible mission of obtaining a drink was finally complete, Jesse broke off from the small-talking hardly-acquaintances as he reached for his phone. Upon doing so, his attention was caught by a missed text he had received from a face that he actually found familiar. A covert rendezvous at events such as these became regular practice for him and Amani Monet, and so her suggestion for another had been expected. And thank God, something to make this more interesting.

With that, Jesse weaved his way through the crowd, headed towards the usual place of action.

Though as he entered, the scene Jesse had expected was far away from the one he could see. “In high demand tonight, I see,” He exclaimed the moment he walked in, making his presence known by Amani and whoever she had been joined by. He was surprised, but he wouldn’t show it. Jesse and Amani’s relationship was heavily casual, and this is in the terms of that agreement. Which is why he advanced further into the room, aware and ignoring the fact that he was probably interrupting something, a lighthearted tone to his voice as he asked “So when’s my turn?” His eyes glistening as they met Amani’s.

“Come on, then, who’s my placeholder?” Jesse asked, amused as his gaze then moved on to the second person, now reaching the foot of the bed. “Mystery man, reveal yourself!” He exclaimed in a gameshow manner, talking into his hand that became a makeshift microphone before pointing it in the direction of the masked man. As he did, vague recognition became identification, realising Amani’s partner for the night. “Interesting choice,” Jesse remarked casually, stifling a laugh.

As a moment of silence approached, Jesse held his hands up as if in surrender. “Please, don’t let me stop you guys,” He insisted, though he didn’t move away. Then he shrugged and a smile crossed his face. “Why don’t I stay here too, and jump in when necessary? I’m sure the need will arise soon enough, anyway.”

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

@raviola bestie!!
@Kristi babes


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


As Amani rose from the bed, a sharp pain shot through her wrist, radiating to her back. It was a side effect of the… substance. At the same time, that thing offered Amani protection, and she cherished it. It was a gift from her father, after all. But it also tended to feed off her, particularly in moments this, especially in moments like this when her little substance got really hungry. The pain was bound to exit soon, it usually took a couple of minutes, before it finished eating after she had sex. She reached down for her clothes, and she felt the slight urge to stagger, but Amani maintained her composure. She was Amani Ditto Monet after all,and Amani was always composed. Not to talk about the fact, she was accustomed to the hunger, that at times it felt like a slight pinch if she ignored it and took a rest and her medicine.

Yes, that was the plan- the plan for the remainder of her day, retreat back to her room for a leisure bubble bath, clear her mind for class and perhaps have a snack to let it feed more, so it shall be satisfied for weeks. The prospect of a quiet evening, seemed far more appealing to Amani than returning to the dullness of the party, and pretending to like the performances- oh right, Amani did not pretend to like any, she simple did nothing but take slight sips of the wine she drank as she listened to the commentary that the Headmaster said every single year and blocked her mind from the performances-. none of them seemed to be of any good, they were quite repetitive, the same thing she watched the first year, but for some reason it seemed the quality had gone down. It possibly had to do with the facts that; it did, she just did not pay attention or everyone’s mind was occupied with Miles North. But whatever it was, it was an embarrassment, especially since little Nessy was in it.

Before Amani could actually reach out for her clothes, she had been stopped again by Lux Luther’s heir the mysterious man. At that, Amani’s brow had arched, her expression a silent commentary on the interruption. The man seemed to have other plans, tugging her by the hand as if there was some pressing matter that required her immediate attention. Her eyes conveyed an unspoken annoyance, the raising of her brow more passive-aggressive than inquisitive, as if asking, *What the hell are you doing? * Leave me alone. It was all over. She hated it even more because he seemed to be intensifying her pain , as if the substance did not like him or more like the way he was holding her.

'And where are you-" He began, his voice laced with quite the confidence, making Amani roll her eyes at his next words. How cocky could one be? The hand that had been firmly on her wrist was now released, used to brush her hair from her face. His whispered words hung in the air, a reminder that the night was far from over. But instead of agreeing with his words, Amani smiled- it wasn’t a friendly smile, far from that, although it was quite sultry. Her lips parted, ready to whisper back a line, as she leaned into his ear, “And now,” Amani breathed out, her voice a velvety whisper, “It’s endi-” Before Amani could finish her words, the door swung open, interrupting their moment. “What the-” She blinked, about to cover herself, when the intruder began to speak.

Jesse , she thought, Oh, it was just him. There was no need to cover herself; , after all it was not like he had not seen it before. Instead, there was only a need to give him a bored look as he continued to speak. She had momentarily forgotten the fact that she texted him, but it would be a lie to say that she was not expecting this type of unfazed behavior from him. “Jesse,” Amani’s tone carried a note of caution, a subtle command for him to either keep quiet or make himself scarce and wait for her outside. However, Jesse, true to his carefree nature, paid little heed to the unspoken request. His eyes shifted to the masked man, and Amani could feel the tension in the stranger’s grip tightening, holding her more tightly, as if there was something about Jesse that he thoroughly disliked. Whatever it was, the pain seemed to be dropping.

For some reason, that made Amani quite amused, as her eyes darted from the two. He seemed to know Jesse, and Jesse, well, Jesse decided to play the showman. “Maybe Enigma would have been the better choice for you, you would fit in with that bubbling energy. Not a favorite certainly, you still need a lot of work on that showman thing.” It was said playfully, because after all, Amani could not help but to find herself quite amused at what she was feeling, especially since the pain seemed to be diluting.Interesting choice, Jesse had said, stifling laughter, though there was a hint of passive aggressiveness that made Amani think they definitely knew each other. She couldn’t resist a small smirk, realizing that the night had taken an unexpected turn. The masked man’s identity remained elusive, his face hidden behind the mask, but Amani couldn’t shake the feeling that she had seen him before. Her mind resisted the possibilities, unwilling to entertain certain ideas, because what if it was- no, it could not be, the substance would have told her if it was, giving her some kind of reaction.

Ignoring Jesse’s casual banter, Amani reached up, her fingers gently adjusting the mysterious man’s mask. As her fingers grazed his face, she looked into his eyes, trying to decipher the familiarity she felt. There was a nagging sense that she should recognize him, but the connection remained elusive. Amani leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear, “Do I know you?” she whispered. Not who are you?, remove the mask, because, truthfully, she did not want to know who he was. There was something telling her not to, to live with the unknown for today. After all, with that boring party, Amani needed some entertainment, and knowing who the man was might just ruin the fun. Besides, she was hoping it was not who she thought it was, but there was no way for that, right?

Before he could respond, Amani pressed her lips against his in a brief, tantalizing kiss. It was a playful act, not necessarily driven by genuine affection but rather fueled by the desire to escalate the tension in the room and to have some fun. Perhaps the peeling hairline was right; Ok I will stop with the jokes, maybe the night was still quite young. A small devilish smile played on her lips, and she savored the palpable tension that lingered in the air. Pulling away, Amani turned her attention back to Jesse, I never knew you were a peeping tom, a voyeur,” Amusement was very evident in her voice, “Perhaps we shall not need you” She teased, her voice velvety mix of challenge and mockery. She turned towards the masked man, eyeing his still naked body up and down to his eyes, ignoring the stinging sensation in her back, “What do you think, are we going to need him?” She asked with a low voice, the corners of her lips twitching to a small smile and her eyes sparkling with suggestiveness, “Want to keep him entertained, or do I keep him entertained?” She whispered the last part into his ear. She pulled back, her fingers lightly traced the edge of his mask, “Very interesting choice indeed,” She said, turning to Jesse, referencing his words.


@raviola- fren

@novella frennie