Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Esther Ruth Dubois (2)


As Esther mentioned the performances, she caught a glimpse of envy in his eyes, his smile faltering before correcting into a weak smile. The man who stood before her was a strange sight, he seemed to admire her dress as she twirled around in it. But perhaps his body language betrayed him, because the next thing he said appeared to be a lie. As the two made eye contact, a chill crept up her spine and the sounds of the ball room around them seemed to warp, becoming distorted. Seconds later, Esther found difficulty in maintaining her footing while the man in front of her appeared to morph into multiple people. Taking the glass to her lips with trembling hands, she took large sips of water in an attempt to steady herself.

There was something about him that seemed to hint at a hidden agenda, a subtle gleam in his eyes that sent Esther on edge. As the man offered a dance, Esther’s eyes flickered for a moment, briefly hesitant. He was indeed quite charming, but hidden beneath the mask there seemed to be a dark side. ”Oh - I’m not much of a dancer”, she lied, smiling shyly. ”Actually, I was wondering, have we met before?”, she asked, attempting to change the conversation. Even if she fancied a dance with him, her movements would be too shaky and was a good enough reason.

Despite her best efforts to stay composed, her heart began beating faster, tears forming in her eyes. With each passing moment, the effects of the poison coursing through her veins only intensified. But she couldn’t show weakness, not tonight. Only sheer determination kept Esther upright, her every movement a test of endurance. Placing her hand on her chest, she took deep breaths, willing herself to focus. She took to the water once more, with every sip, the lingering taste on her tongue getting increasingly bitter. Esther wondered if she should excuse herself to get some air, but the man had intrigued her, and she desperately wanted to figure out why he was so familiar.

@idiot.exe - Atlas