Ninth House | Official RP Thread

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“You’re quite the charmer I must say”. Agastya felt the warm pink tones radiating off the woman. He reveled in it. “I can only be as charming as I am charmed. But I try. Although, I do see myself going the extra mile. There’s just something intoxicating about you,” he gave a small, tilted head smile. Soft and sweet. He was actually enjoying the dance and was planning on keeping the track uphill.

”As far as passions go, I like cooking and crafting drinks. It’s funny you mention dreams, because I don’t have any, honestly, sometimes I feel like I’m here searching for a purpose,” He studied her intently, feeling a strong connection to her despite not knowing her real identity. Miss Vixen was a mystery to him, but one he was determined to solve. “I find it hard to believe that someone as enchanting as you has no dreams,” he said with a small smile, his eyes never leaving hers. “Everyone has a small fire in them. Is it almost out? Possibly. But until I’m dead, it’s still there. A little flicker. And I can’t let myself believe that your fire is out.” Agastya hadn’t meant for that last part to sound challenging, but it did. He was contradicting himself and he knew it. He looked down at her, quickly clearing his brash demeanor away. He gave her his best closed lipped smile, the sparkle in his eye becoming polished in this light.

”Tell me, handsome, where do you see yourself in 10 years?”. Dead. Agastya’s heart clenched at Miss Vixen’s question, the weight of his own mortality pressing down on him like a heavy burden. He knew all too well that his future was uncertain, that the cancer could come back at any moment and claim him. Became round three. But he couldn’t bring himself to voice his fears aloud, not to this woman who had unknowingly captured his heart.

For a moment, he was silent, grappling with his inner turmoil. Then, with a small but genuine smile, he met Miss Vixen’s gaze and said, “In 10 years, I see myself following my passion for writing. I’d probably go back to Norway, take over my piyāgē(father’s) hotel business. Experience new cultures and meet fascinating people.” His words were filled with hope and longing, a vision of a future that seemed so out of reach. But in that moment, dancing under the soft glowy lights, Oggy allowed himself to dream, to imagine a life beyond the shadows of his sickness. And for a brief moment, he felt a glimmer of solace in the midst of uncertainty. “How about you?”

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@Mouschi • Devon Dearest • I feel like we need something to spice this up a bit :eyes: