Ninth House | Official RP Thread

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Tae smiled when the man accepted his offer, unable to deny that he found the way in which he did so adorable, and he found himself blushing when he referred to him as a ‘handsome fellow’. “Well, maybe I can make the party a little more exciting for you.” He suggested with a playful smirk as he let him take his hands, leading him onto the dance floor.

There were few things in Tae’s life that he would say were easy but dancing with this man, that was easy. The hardest part was keeping his weight distribution equal because he liked this guy and how this was going and didn’t want to open the ‘I was injured in a car accident when I was 15’ can of worms just yet. His blush deepened as the man complemented his dancing and then asked if it would be too forward of him to ask his name. “Lucky for you, I’m in the habit of giving my name to people I find attractive. My name is Tae.” He responded with a playful smirk. “What about you? Do I get to ask for your name?” He asked, mimicking his tone. He then laughed as the man twirled him around.

“No, nothing like that.” Tae interjected when the man started wondering why he wanted to dance with him and started to come up with possible excuses that danced around the actual reason why he asked him to dance. “Your mask caught my attention and I wanted to get to know the person behind it. So far I think you’re exceeding all of my expectations.” He responded, looking his dance partner directly in the eyes. “I wouldn’t say that jazz would be the first thing I reach for but I have a few jazz records. They’re nice when I want to have a relaxing afternoon. What about you?”

@cordyx - Seung-Min