Ninth House: Questions Thread

special vinnie questions EEK

“I’m alright, and sure. It’s better here than it is where I’m from.”

“It’s not shady if it’s necessary.”

“Well I gave you a little bit of a description. I told you a bit of her night routine, I gave some hints about her style, so you tell me. Who does it sound like she could be?”

“Well either he’s an idiot, and he got caught up in something, or… he was some kind of victim.”
this thought bothers vinnie, and he switches back to his previous point.
"I think that if he went missing, there was a reason for it. Because right now, for all we know, the culprit is running free, but he’s still gone. Because whatever it was, he couldn’t escape it…
“I think he might have been weaker than we thought.”

“I… I didn’t know… til I was there. and by that point I couldn’t stop.”

he chuckles.

“we figured it out… eventually.”


so vinnie @raviola

how was it with amani?

what happened betwee you and her previously, you seem to know her well

whats the beef with jesse

how do you think amani will react discovering its you

you and dom bros?


“it was good.” (he started hearing colors)

“we used to be friends, and then she started acting like kind of a b^tch.” he sighs a bit, feeling insecure

“he just needs to wipe that f*ck boy smile off his face. I mean, I can’t talk, but…”

he smiles
"i think she would kill me. and then find me in the after life. and kill me again.
“But what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.”

“the new kid? not yet, but i think we could be.”


I’m no a detective, why don’t you make it easy for us and tell us


Atlas baby @idiot.exe

  • How are you? I see you’re happy to be back
  • Why are you so happy to be back? Don’t you think it’s becoming a little too dangerous? Isn’t a kid missing?
  • Did you miss Aurora? I know you did
  • You look so nice, how do you feel about a random girl trying to match with you?
  • Who do you think it is?
  • Who would you like it to be?
  • Are you gonna be a good boy or go around and explore?

And Esther baby @Mouschi

  • First… WHAT’S WRONG?
  • Are you dying? This isn’t a place to die, go home
  • Who did this to you? DID someone do this to you? Should they be expelled?
  • What do you think about the guy you are talking to? Do you think you know him?
  • Wait… you’re new? What bring you here now?

Hi again but Devon this time @Mouschi
Let’s start with our usual questions

  • How are you? Happy to be back?
  • Why were you partying last night? Coaxing some random rich men into buying you drinks? Is that fun to you?
  • Do you… have a problem? Do you need help? We can start serving non alcoh. drinks
  • Aw how cute you’re gonna dance with some random guy? FUN
  • Do you know who that is? Who would you like it to be?
  • What do you think about Agastya? Do you know him?
  • You said your previous suitors lacked charisma and humor, they were plain, boring even… What makes you say that? Do you think this mystery guy is not like that?

Ogggggy @Tina.G

  • How are you? Happy to be back? Nervous? Why? It’s gonna be fiiiiine
  • have you ever written someone love letters? would you do it for this girl you’re dancing with? I’ve heard she’s beautiful. A little troubled but
  • What do you write about in your journal? Mind sharing a page?
  • Why are you such a flirt? Did you flirt with everyone in school? With who the most?
  • Do you know Devon? What do you think about her?
  • Do you know who you’re dancing with?

Oggy: “The way you phrase that makes me feel like it’s not….But I am doing well and yes, I am happy to be back. As for being nervous, I suppose there is always a bit of anticipation when rejoining the community, but I am confident that everything will turn out fine. Better than fine, at my current circumstance.”

Oggy: “Yes. But not lightly, actually… never mind.”

Oggy: “Probably not.”

Agastya: “Agreed.”

Oggy: “How about I just share my favorite poem I’ve written?”

click me

A butterfly named s

The gentle flutter of fragile wings,
A delicate dance as nature sings,
Butterflies drifting on a breeze,
A fleeting moment, a whispering tease.
Soft and light, they soar on high,
In a world where time drifts by,
Life encompassing, beauty profound,
In her ethereal flight, secrets are found.

By: Agastya Kumara

Oggy: “At Ninth House? Definitely. The boys who were straight—kidding! Mostly. Really just anyone who shifted my attention.”

Agastya: “I know of her. She’s gorgeous of course, and she has that overwhelming—delicious—Quantum influence.”

Agastya: “Not yet, but I’ll figure it out. But then again, maybe it’s even more fun not knowing.”


“I’m doing better than ever, thank you for asking!”

“How can I not be happy? The summer was too long, I couldn’t wait to go back. I missed the knowledge, the competition, and I’ve missed seeing my friends. Besides, isn’t there always someone missing? If we dwell on it and fear the inevitable, we’ll never find a way to enjoy the present! He’ll be okay, I’m sure.”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I? …Did she miss me?”

“Thank you! I was mostly teasing her, but if it was true then I’m flattered. Her costume is truly beautiful.”

“Well… She reminded me of someone I used to know in high school. But there’s no chance it’s her, just a strange sense of deja vu. Funny how I still think of her, even though… Haha, next question.”

“Oh interesting question, I’ll let you figure that one out on your own!”

“I don’t see a rule saying we can’t?”


“I believe something was slipped into my tea, whether that be drugs or poison. I feel a prickling sensation on my skin, and my head is spinning around in circles. I had to retrace my steps a bit, but I think I’ve figured it out. It’s becoming clearer the more that I think about it. If anything, I’m just upset that they underestimated me like this.”

“Will I die? We’ll see.”
“I’m certain that I’ve figured out the “who”, but first, I need solid proof. Eventually, there will be a time where I could yield this to my advantage, and because of that, I won’t reveal a name. Currently, whatever was given to me is at my dad’s lab, the results would confirm if it was in fact poisoned.”
“Should they be expelled? I don’t know. If I ever confront them, I’d have greater concerns. I want to know the reason.”

“I think our paths may have crossed in the past, his voice sounds oddly familiar. Though, I’m much more concerned with the fact that he approached me, he seems to be seeking something and I can’t pinpoint what. I’m unable to remember if I’d gotten his name, my memory keeps drawing blanks every time I look at him. All I can say is that so far he strikes me as the confident type, but it’s far too early to tell if he’s genuine or trustworthy.”

“It’s simple, I want a challenge, mentally and physically. My love of learning is profound, and quite honestly, I’m bored. I’ve been alone for so long and a part of me still desires that human interaction.”


Dom @idiot.exe

  1. Hi. How are you so cute?
  2. What brings you to NH? Now? Isn’t it a bit too late?
  3. Do you know anyone who goes to NH from before? Is that why you decided to come? Old love you can’t get over or something like that?
  4. Why are you nervous to talk to pretty girls?
  5. Whya re you such a loner?
  6. Do you know Lenore? What do you think about her so far?

Lenore @Caticorn

  1. Hiii. How are you? Having fun?
  2. You like to make stuff? How cute. Did you ever make something for your friends? Do you often do that?
  3. What did you make for your brother that he always wears?
  4. Speaking of your brother… Is he like… Okay? Whats up with that dude? Creep huh?
  5. Why is he back? We’re all so sick of him
  6. He really doesn’t trust you enough to tell you whats happening?
  7. Do you know who the guy you’re talking to at the bar is?
  8. Ever heard of Dominic?

Vinnie @raviola

  1. Hi, again, we’re not done. How are you feeling right now?
  2. So… Amani now knows it was you. How does that feel?
  3. Why are you the way you are?
  4. She was kinda mean to you, huh… So mean, I’m sorry :((
  5. Do you like Jesse? Did you secretly wish he would join you?
  6. How do you think things would go if Jesse never showed up and revealed who you are?
  7. Do you wish you said more mean things to Amani?
  8. What are you gonna do now? Go cry?

Amani @Kristi

  1. Hi welcome we did not speak yet. How are you?
  2. There is this one guy… Vinnie, cool nice dude yeah?
  3. Why don’t you like him anymore? He seems kinda obsessed with you
  4. Ever had someone obsessed with you? Ah… stupid question probably yes
  5. Were you ever obsessed with someone? Stalked someone?
  6. Did you really not know it was Vinnie you started dancing with or were you secretly hoping it was him?
  7. You like him, don’t you? CONFESS
  8. What’s up with you and Jesse? You think you’d get on top just because you appear to be close with him?
  9. Jesse is a nice dude, isn’t he? Just like his cousin Aurora
  10. Aurora misses you, do you miss her?
  11. Anway, back to what we were talking about… How was it with Vinnie? Happy it happened?
  12. Why are you the way you are???
  13. Why are you so mean? Especially to him now??? What did he do to deserve that?

Ren @Madilnel

  1. Hi how are you? Feeling gooood I see? Getting those drinks in
  2. Why are you not sleeping? Sleep is so niiiiice
  3. Did you really save those nice words for Aurora. Is she your fav girl? Do you like her more than Arya? @CerealKiller
  4. Will you go find Aurora after the ball? She wants to hear how you night went
  5. What made you go up and give that very nice speech? Did you not think there would be some consequences?
  6. Are you happy Jesse was there to save you before someone else came?
  7. Well… you still got called in to talk to the headmaster. Are you nervous?
  8. Do you think you’ll get kicked out?

Jesse @novella

  1. Hi buddy how are you?
  2. How can you be around Amani she’s so mean to your dear cousin?
  3. Okay, serious talk… What do you think about Vinnie? He’s kinda stealing your girl (we’ll ignore the fact they re fighting now, you don’t know that because you left)
  4. Do you think Amani knew she was with Vinnie?
  5. How do you feel about Amani? What do you like most about her?
  6. If they asked you to join would you?
  7. But ah Ren… His fault that fun came to end, right? What went through your head when you heard his little speech?
  8. You just had to save him, huh? How nice of you. Did you do it because you wanted to or because you had to?
  9. You must really like Ren?
  10. What do you think will happen to him now? He kinda scared other students… not gooood

Kinda pissed
Jesse had to ruin my fun again

I should probably be upset about that, but it felt good in a way. Sure, that’s not what I planned, but I kind of liked angering her. That was the best part.

A lot of reasons
Mostly the orphan thing
And then other stuff I can’t talk about

(He’s touched)


Im gay but I’m not that gay
Keep that between you and me, though. I don’t need it circulating

(Gay as an umbrella term btw)

I’d probably call her back again, but things would end the same

A little
As a man, there’s just certain stuff I can’t say

Go drink, maybe


What’s this about? Get to the point.

I’m here to learn more about magic, such is the purpose of this institution. I have my reasons for coming “late”, but isn’t it better than never enrolling at all? I’ll make the most of my time.

I know Dante, he’s an acquaintance I met this summer. He’s the one who introduced me to Ninth House. Though he isn’t anything special, anyone could’ve given me the information and I would’ve chosen to enroll. It’s the purpose that drew me rather than a person, I know better than to let others decide the path I take.

And I don’t have any old lovers. I’ve never fallen in love. Where are you getting this information?

I’m not nervous, I’m cautious. A pretty girl could easily ruin your life if she wanted to. Their appearance doesn’t fool me.

I prefer my own company to that of others. If I meet a person worth wasting my time on, then I wouldn’t be a loner. But that’s clearly not the case.

This is the first time I’ve seen her. I can’t judge her until I’ve spoken to her. So far she isn’t anything special, though her elegance and style drew me in.


ok so im lazy and not about to use color code so hereee

“obviously irritated”

snorts Vincenzo is everything but a cool nice dude’ he’s fcking creepy

is there a reason I should like him? looks around Am I missing something or?

Kinda? I wish

I’ve had a lot of people obsessed with me, I grew up my entire life with people obsessed with me

My time is expensive, and I do not have all the time in the world to be obsessed with someone other than myself.

No, I did not know it was Vincenzo and I would never wished that it was him I was dancing with,

The past is the past

Jesse… Jesse is someone I am friendly with and darling, I’m already on the top.

I wouldn’t call him nice but he’s bearable, unlike his cousin

She needs to stay 40 feet away and all times

I don’t want to talk about it

If you had my family, you would understand. I love my family it’s just- no, nothing, i love them.

Am I mean?

What did he do to deserve that???
Ok you do not need to know the details, but you saw what he did today, no?


Are you hitting on me?

I must have a pea in my bed. You know, like the princess and the pea?

I have nice words for everyone. I hate to say it, but no she is not my favorite girl…sorry just got to be honest. I am not about leading people on. I haven’t spoken to Arya in a while so I can’t answer that.

I might unless I find myself somewhere else.

Consequence, smonchumence

Isn’t Jesee such a sweet guy? So giving and selfless.

No, me and Adrian, we go way back. Best buds, probably just going to play a game of checkers.

They need me here, who else would they put into a wet t-shirt contest?


I’m having a lot of fun right now!

I like making my friends jewellery for their birthdays. Or if I find new beads or something that reminds me of a friend, I’ll make them something with it.

It’s a gold charm for his watch. I engraved a lily and a shamrock into it to represent Italy and Ireland.

I wish I could answer that. I have no idea what’s going on with him.

Again, your guess is as good as mine

No, I really wish he did though. I hate that he’s shutting me out.

I don’t but I’m interested in getting to know him.

I can’t say that I have.


Questions for the ladies (so Vinnie can stalk you properly) (I wish I was kidding) (I’m not) (kms) (so sorry ladies)

  1. What is your usual sleeping position?
  2. What do you wear to bed?
  3. How many steps is your skin care routine? Any favorite products?
  4. Do you have frequent dorm sleepovers with anyone? And if so who
  5. Do you ever have dinner in your dorm?
  6. How do you fall asleep? Ex: read, watch tv.
  7. Do you consider yourself an insomniac?
  8. small v!brators or d!ldos

  9. What are your favorite books and shows?
  10. Is your room usually clean?
  11. How often do you make your bed?
  12. Favorite take-out food? Do you like take-out?
  13. Thoughts on wearing socks to bed?
  14. Does your dorm have any special features? Any places where it would be good to hide a camera :eyes:
  15. What’s the view from your dorm window? Ex: quad, the landscape around campus, etc
  16. Showers or baths?
  17. How often do you shave? Do you wax? And does that include arms too (cries in latina)

Ok that’s it I’m done if you want drop the toothbrush color LMAO
@NinthHouse girls only

  1. What does success look like to you?
  2. What was the worst decision you ever made?
  3. Do you believe in free will or fate?
  4. What makes you jealous?
  5. What Jeopardy category would you crush?
  6. What villain do you secretly admire?
  7. Who’s the last person you would want to be stuck in an elevator with?
  8. Where is your favorite place in the world?
  9. What skill would you like to learn?
  10. If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?
  11. What is your favorite line from any movie?
  12. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  13. Which is the best Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor?
  14. Can you fold a fitted sheet by yourself?
  15. What Mario Kart character are you?

amani is the 4th one,

Thalia is the 3rd one,

though sometimes shes the

15th one]

Amani is this but emerald

Thalia: Story pin image


when shes not feeling lay

Amani: 11, and I make sure never to skip a step no matter how tired I am

Thalia: 2 steps, anything more seems too much :woman_shrugging: and my skin is not that bad

Amani: Celestine,

Thalia: Some times, some of my friends drop in

Amani: listening to music

and sometimes masturbating

Thalia: reading something online

Amani: no, I don’t have troubles falling asleep

Thalia: most often? no, sometimes sure

Amani: vibrators

Thalia: ??? I’m not answering this both

Thalia: my favorite book is on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, favorite TV show is victorious and gossip girls

Amani: favorite book is Anna Karenina, sometimes it’s Jane Eyre it switches between the 2 depending of I’m rereading either, favorite TV show is Fresh prince of Bel air

Thalia having flashbacks to how her room looks rn: Well… it’s not the worst, it looks like a museum rn tho

Amani: of course, always.

Thalia: When it gets too disorganized

Amani: before I go to bed, when I’m feeling tired

Thalia: Sushi and Kebab,

Amani: I don’t like take out foods that much, but Chinese

Thalia: Just no, its uncomfortable

Amani: no

Thalia:??? :sob: Why would I tell you this

Amani: no, and if it did, what will possess me to admit that?

Thalia; quad

Amani: landscape around camus

Thalia: showers

Amani: baths