Nordic Reviews 🧭

Nordic Reviews

This review shop will be reviewing stories from Nordic authors and stories written in the Nordic languages. Nordic Reviews has one reviewer as of now and will only be able to review stories by Nordic authors that are in English and stories in Swedish.

Please pm me (@fraud) if you want to become a reviewer! The only requirement is that you should be able to take reviews in at least one of the Nordic languages.

:denmark: :finland: :iceland: :norway: :sweden:

Reviews and Ratings
Except from a written review you will get a rating and a badge from the reviewer/critic. There will be a 1-5 compass rating system (:compass:) where 5 means that the story is outstanding and 1 means that it could need some more thought and work.

Keep in mind that the review will be put on this topic and on Instagram, the critique your story gets isn’t supposed to put you down. The reviews will be the reviewers’ personal opinions and you can take aspects of the reviews to improve your story but don’t feel like you have to change your whole story just because you got a bad rating. You don’t have to agree with everything in the review, but read it carefully since someone has taken time out of their day to read your story and please be respectful.

:denmark: :finland: :iceland: :norway: :sweden:


I will not be reviewing any Episode stories but any text based stories and comics on Wattpad, Tapas or other medium should be fine! I will only be reviewing publicly published stories. I love reading but am hardly impressed and don’t enjoy pure romantic stories so have that in mind when you request from me and when you get your review. I tend to be busy so expect the review in about 2 weeks after your submission. Depending on how long the story is and on the number of requests I have, I might not read the full story, but we’ll decide this together before I start with the review.

Languages: Swedish and English

:denmark: :finland: :iceland: :norway: :sweden:


To get your story reviewed, please fill in this form and post it on this topic. Be aware that your review might not be taken and you will be notified in that case. Unless you’re a Nordic author or have written a story in any of the Nordic languages you’re not eligible for a review in this shop.

Description: 1-5 sentences

:denmark: :finland: :iceland: :norway: :sweden:

Good luck on your writing journey! Lycka till! :dizzy:



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thats pretty cool. live in Denmark. though I only have an episode story. but I am bookmarking this for the future


Awesome! :sparkles: I’d be happy to read it. (And I remember that you’re from Denmark! We talked about H.C. Andersen sometime around Christmas.)


thanks, I can pm it to you if you want. its a fantasy and not really Scandinavian styled.

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Oh, please do, I love fantasy :sparkles:

Doesn’t matter if it’s not Scandinavian style :wink:

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Title: Skyddsänglar
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Description: 1-5 sentences* Sixteen year old Leah gets attacked by an older woman and blacks out. When she wakes up she starts to have visions of the future. Visions that show other people being harmed and she can help them. She has become a Guardian Angel. Leah tries to figure out what is going on with this new life, at the same time she angry that no one protected her brother and trying to figure out how to be a normal teenager.
Platform: Wattpad
Link: fwallman on wattpad
Language: Swedish
Author: Frida Wallman


Thank you for the request! Tack!

I’ll start reading Skyddsänglar this weekend. I love the summary and that she’s having visions. Exciting! :partying_face:

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Closed due to inactivity