Noun, verb, noun ✨

As the title says: create a random sentence out of a noun followed by a verb followed by a noun :eyes::sparkles:
For example: Hanna loves ducks :eyes::sparkles:

Lily ate an apple

The boy played basketball

The cat slept on the bed.

Wealth drifts power.


Google smells potatoes :joy:

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Glass killed box

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Duckling revives forum games :eyes::sparkles:

Cabbage celebrates hair

Passie is tired

Tom has evolved

A guitar prepared the director

@Eleven_MA thank you for the random generators, this setence is gold

Mr Ambrose is an accomplished businessman.

The child ate candy

The Joker kills people.

I like food

Ladder scores leadership :laughing:

Tanaka killed Cole :joy:


jubgead jomes…

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