NSFW Adult Messages

Hi all,

I think there is something we all need to discuss – NSFW messages.

We are a very sex-positive community here at ShanniiWrites, but we also have strict morals and make sure that we abide by the law.

That means that NSFW messages are not against the Forum Rules under certain circumstances.

We have some rules that are super important for you to follow:

  1. NSFW Posts are not allowed on the main section of the forum. Please keep those to the Restricted Section. The Restricted Section can be purchased through Patreon for the cost of a coffee once a month, and goes to helping us improve and expand our servers to cater for more users.

  2. All people participating in NSFW posts should be over the age of 18. We do not tolerate any sort of sexual content involving minors on the forums.

  3. You are welcome to make NSFW DMs. I mean, I don’t have the time, energy, organisation skills or bad morals to go through everyone’s DMs to make sure they’re being PG13. However, please, PLEASE make sure that you check that anyone you are messaging in that kind of way is over the age of 18.

  4. Consent is absolutely vital. Please make sure you have the other party’s permission before you start sending them NSFW messages. If you do not, it will be counted as harassment.

Anyone caught creating NSFW posts or DMs involving or in easy access of minors will be banned immediately. We may also need to contact the police.

In order to prevent a ban, you must prove that you asked for the user’s age and sincerely thought that they were 18+. If you find out that they are below this age, you must inform the Moderators immediately, flag the posts and stop messaging in that way.

I hope this makes sense.



But if people (who are over the age of 18, of course) send each other NSFW images on DMs, it would be against the guidelines, wouldn’t it?


Technically, on paper, yes. That would be against our guidelines. But similar to NSFW chats and swearing in DMs - Shannii does not have the time, effort, nor inclination to look through every single DM on this website, and she is the only person who has that ability.

What we can’t see doesn’t hurt us

What we absolutely prohibit is soliciting this kind of thing publically. And just so everyone is aware, if someone is making you uncomfortable, adding a mod into a DM will help resolve this situation. Don’t feel like you have to deal with it yourself


To add to this, the only time we would get involved in this situation is if one of the parties did not want to send and/or receive these NSFW images. Then they would flag the post and we would have to deal with it. However, this ties into my earlier point about consent:


Of course, the nature of the images is also important. I don’t care if the users involved are 18+. If they are sharing images of minors, we will call the police and issue out immediate bans.


This is still relevant, so I’ll bump it instead of closing it :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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