Disclaimer: This thread is about the OLD Ninjago series, not the new one. But if you’d like to compare the two, that’s fine by me.
Welcome to the Nijago Fan Club! Talk amongst yourselves and discuss what you liked about about the show, such as the characters, seasons, merchandise (Lego playsets, shirts, etc.) animation, anything based on the old series. NOT the movie or the new one in 2018. [Read Disclaimer]
My favorite character is Jay. I love him. 
@PensiveShadow aka Black Shadow ( Like Black Widow. Get it? )
Vice President
What’re you talking about?
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I just like lego. So I’ll just lowkey stalk this thread and say things every now and again.
Ninjago was a little after my time in terms of lego, but it’s still cool stuff!
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Awh. Sorry Shadow :c
I still love lego, for what that’s worth
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This is why we need more users. Not your fault
I’ll hope when we get more users, they’ll come join.
My brother used to watch that and I thought that it was pretty cool aswell
however I don’t know much about it 
That’s okay! You mind sharing the little you know about it?
I want this to have enough conversation.
from what I remember from it: (not much but I know something
there are 4 ninja’s with each a special element that they need to control. this is thought by the wise old guy with a beard.
the red one = kai?/black/white and blue = Jay
I don’t really remember the names
At first the where all fighting to become the green ninja who has a lot of power however none of them can actually become the green ninja so they had to find out who the real one was?
element powers
Red = kai? has fire powers
black has earth
white has ice
blue has thunder
the girl in the back is called Mia? and she is the sister of Red=kai?
they have to potect ninjago from the snake people who want to do something but I don’t remember what… but they want to do something that is for sure !
O yeah and the first 4 ninja’s get their powers from the golden weapons that the snake people want to steal!
and the teacher a.k.a wise old guy with beard has a stick!
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You actually got it right!
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But that’s the first season. There’s so much that has gone on for the rest of the seasons.
It’s amazing.
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Then I really need to start watching it again 
I would reccomend it! It’s a really good series.