Old Sega Games and Consoles

To be honest, I only ever played the Sonic the Hedgehog games mostly from Sega. Sega is still around making games even this year. I’ve never really checked out many of their other games though. Here is a link to the Sega website:


This link is about the different types of consoles made by Sega. I do remember something about the Sega Dreamcast console from when I was younger though.

This link is about the top games from over the years of Sega’s reign.


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I’ve actually only heard of these games and never played them.

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Same, it’s been awhile since I heard about them.

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It was a thing for teens of the 80s and 90s, no?

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Yeah, I think so. I was a baby in the '90s though so I only ever heard about it console-wise. Except for the Sonic games.

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Yeah, yeah, exactly. Same. I learnt about it in films in the following millennium. HAHA

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