Opinions on Instagram accounts for Episode characters?

Some authors or die-hard fans of a story have made Instagram accounts for the characters of a story where they pretend to be the character and post things as if they were that character.

What is your opinion on this?
Do you like it, or do you think it’s silly?
How do you feel when the character from the character account starts posting stuff that isn’t even related to the story?
Is it a fun way to get people to engage with the story, or do you consider it unnecessary?


Kinda weird, but I guess I think that it’s good for establishing the character. If I was really into something, I suppose I also wouldn’t mind it.

Mostly silly, honestly. Kinda weird, especially if it’s something I don’t like

Fine, I’d be more upset if there were important information there.

Really depends on the type of audience you’re going for.


What is your opinion on this?
I mean, it’s cool but I don’t see the point. if somebody offered, I would allow it but I don’t understand what you would post.

Do you like it, or do you think it’s silly?
I mean I’m not against it :rofl:

How do you feel when the character from the character account starts posting stuff that isn’t even related to the story?

Me: :expressionless:. Hopefully it doesn’t sound rude but the point of the account is to manufacture like you’re the character themselves. And spread the news about the story.

Is it a fun way to get people to engage with the story, or do you consider it unnecessary?

To be honest with you, I’m in the middle. I do find it unnecessary but it could be a great way to engage with the readers. If, the author themselves are in charge of it. If it’s just a fan then I feel they won’t correctly get the character’s true essence. Just the outlier and the part the author has shown.

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i love it cos of the cute little clips but everything else is a bit much

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I actually think it’s pretty cool! It’s a great way to see the lives of characters outside the main storyline. That way you can avoid too much filler in the story and have more info for the people who like the characters.

I guess it’s fine, but make it relate to the plot at least a little. You can’t have a character currenly in a dungeon post a selfie from an amusement park.

I think it’s fun.

A show called Miraculous Ladybug has IG accounts for their characters. I haven’t checked in a while, but pretty sure they have over 100k followers. :eyes:


This would be so annoying! I would hate that kind of discontinuity


I mean it doesn’t bother me too much, Since it’s just another form of RP. I think it depends on their content + If they got permission from the author.

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It’s kind of weird but kind of cool at the same time :woman_shrugging:

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It’s weird but if you like a person character that much, then the author is definitely doing something right and should keep doing it.

I think its kinda silly dedicating part of your life to act as someone else’s character. I just threw shade at my own community

I feel uncomfortable because it diverts the attention away from the story and how the character was made to be.

It’s fine when they still acknowledge a lot of elements from the story but once it starts deviating from the story, then it’s unnecessary.

#opinion and #instagram tag added :innocent:

I love that idea so much!

I don’t really mind those accounts, I sometimes check them out when I’m bored. :smile:

@Episodians what do you think of this? :thinking:

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I think they are okay.

I don’t really mind it.

Only if the character actually has a personality tho and not just them being a bad boy.

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Welppp I don’t read episode anymore, but I do remember the character accounts.

Personally, I never followed any but I think they’re pretty cool. Sometimes they post memes and fanart/edits that are fun to look at

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If anime characters can have insta account why cant episode characters?

I like it! it shows the author is good and what they do-although it’s a little weird

Interested! I like to know what the character does behind the scenes;

It’s as quirky and unnecessary as it gets But I also think is a fun way for people to engage it as it lets authors feel warm that people like their characters so much.

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Closed due to inactivity :innocent: