Opinions on people saying feminism/men’s rights activism is stupid

Yeah, I found about it a few years ago though, not many people know about it sadly. And thanks for the picture!


I mean, would Nazi solders want to be treated as equally as the prisoners? No, definitely not. I’m sorry, this is a terrible example, but it’s what I thought of…

What? Sorry, I don’t understand wdym and what it has to do with feminism :sweat_smile:


The people are stupid

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Added some tags :eyes:

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Well, I am neither of those so I don’t know

@Discussions What do you think?

is feminism just…fighting for women rights? i get mixed signals


In my opinion, feminism is fighting for equality between men and women :sparkling_heart:


them im a feminist =D


Yayayayayay me too :pleading_face:





And my opinion on people who think it’s stupid… they either don’t understand what it means? Idk I don’t get amazing vibes from people who call fighting for other people’s rights stupid


well it’s still changing. Before it was way more about the males doing the work and the females doing the caring. It is changing, but something like that takes a long time to change.

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Feminism isn’t just about women’s rights; this movement more heavily focuses on women’s rights because currently women do have more issues — not saying men don’t have any either because men do also have a lot of problems that we need to work on. There are still countries today where women cannot walk outside without a man accompanying them, or where women are underpaid or refrained from having certain jobs all because of their sex, where women are killed by men as an act of sexist hate crimes in some countries still.

People who claim that feminism can only be for women or for a gender are not feminists. People who claim that men’s issues don’t exist aren’t feminists. Women who are misogynistic towards their own gender or misandrist towards other men are not feminist. People who do anything other than supporting both genders are simply not feminist.

Where people are Insulting feminists is either because they’re sexist or because there are some who claim to be feminist but discriminate against men. These people were never feminist if they tear down another gender, then they were never about equality.

Feminism isn’t just about women. It’s all about equality. Point, blank, period.

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