Ouija’s ghostly Gay advice

This may confuse you but not sure.

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When you see someone and you can’t tell their gender, so you still find them attractive? Does it change your attraction if a crush in non binary?



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Well, that’s my experience, so I’m guessing you’re Pan. I have a thread if you want to see it.

Link the thread pls

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Imma do research on pansexuality just in case and tell you if

After deap research, I find that I am most likely pansexual. :raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3: Gang gang

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Yeet! That makes three of us.

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  1. I know minoesje, ChaoticDeluge, ShanniiWrites, me, you

Oh, I forgot about Shannii and Min.

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Update lol - I haven’t had crushes in a while but now I have one on two people, a boy and a girl
I like the girl better but I talk to the boy WAY more often so yeea
Edit - I overheard the girl say she was lgbt back in September so yeah that happened
I was sitting at the same table as her in first hour

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Oohh. Well, if you like the girl better, get to know her.

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Lol the problem is that she is in 2 of my classes and I don’t sit near her and we haven’t talked since the time 3 weeks ago I showed her a poem SO STUPID I’m fuming
It went like this -
Great times in this car
Driving from our problems, bye
into the darkness
UGH ITS SO BAD LOL ihatemeself whyyy
Anyways lol also she has quite a bit of friends, not popular but has a semibig friend group and unless we sit near each other we ignore eachother
I sat near her last month and she did stare at me a lot so that’s grate lol
Me and my boy crush mostly just goof around. We don’t sit at the same table but we have sat near each other 3 times from November to now, we just goof around together

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Ok, that poem is awkward. I’ve been there.

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Lol. It isn’t even about her
She said it was good but she is really nice

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Well, it’s awesome that she’s nice. Just try to talk with her and be nice back.

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I might try
We might get to choose our seats next month in 1st hour if the stupid boys would shut up and do science, maybe I could sit at her table but yeah

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Well, good luck! I’m rooting for you.

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