Ouija’s....something. I don’t know what to call this. Need ideas

I’ve seen several people do this, so here you can post questions you have for me or say what you think of me!


I tried to submit something but it says number must be greater then 0 :thinking:

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Hmmmm…crap. Hold on.

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no offense, but you’r basically the personification of ‘im 14 and this is deep’ lmao
Um…thanks. I don’t know what this means, but it can’t be flattering.

IMHO, you really need to work on your art. Maybe watch some tutorials? You have promise, it’s just kinda cringey going on the Show Your Work thread and going from seeing Deluge, Ann, and Blue to then seeing your art.
Fully aware it’s bad. If you don’t like it, then don’t look. I just do it for fun. I’ve seen Deluge like my art, and that really makes me feel good, because I know I suck majorly. I think @FuzilladeBlue actually offered to take me under his wing, which I seriously appreciate. I mean, his art…holy crap.


Crap, my last response was mean. I’m sorry about that. It’s just that I’m proud of my art and want to show people.

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Nah I don’t think you meant to come off as mean. Kinda sucks when you like your art and then someone just tells you how bad they think you are. Personally I like a few of your drawings, and I think with a bit of practice you can become a really cool artist. Then again, that’s just my opinion, if you like/love it, keep doin your thing. Everyone starts somewhere :relaxed:


How about “Ouija’s Board”, also sounds like “Ouija’s Bored”. :grin::wink:

As I said before, I cannot draw, but if it’s something you enjoy and want to improve on you need to keep practicing. The anon confessor obviously meant the same, so don’t shy away, but keep on trying. :art::writing_hand::woman_artist:

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Are u posting the confessions @OuijaLoveLetters?

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Yeah, I was watching The Croods.

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Exactly! One person’s opinion isn’t going to stop me!


I’m glad you like some. I do my best and I just started digital drawing.

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Oooo man digital is so much easier than traditional (more ways to get steady lines, symmetry, etc) I’m excited to see what you end up creating!

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Thanks! You should’ve seen my first couple drawings. If you think these are bad, you should see those! Even I’m cringing! :joy:

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Digital art was rough for me at first bc before I had a stylus, I drew with my finger and omfg those drawings were so bad :sob: honestly time fixes everything

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Great person, even if I don’t have the same interests as you, I still like you!
Thank you! I like you too.
You’re a really nice person. Keep it up!
I can definitely do that! It’s just who I am.
You’re nice and friendly. Although we have extremely different views on God and religion, I like that you are always respectful towards everyone else’s beliefs.
Thanks! Yeah, some people just need something to believe in. I still do, even if it isn’t a God.


I got a stylus, but things look worse, lol. I can’t feel what I’m doing.

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Yesss omfg it felt so funny until I got the hang of it- if you draw on a tablet I’d recommend putting it flat on your lap and hold the stylus how you hold your pencil

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who said she was doing it for you

