Painter ~ Claude Monet 🖌

My personal favourite painter ever, this French impressionist has painted some amazing art pieces. My two favourite pieces of him are:

Do you like Monet’s work? If yes, what’s your favourite piece of his? What makes him such a rad painter?


I really like the ones with people in them, especially the one posted above

But this one was also really nice

I’m not the type to hang art or anything, but I wouldn’t mind this in my living room :person_shrugging:


Oooh, that’s really pretty!

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i don’t know enough about Monet for my liking, so i can’t really say much about this topic, but i gotta say that what little i’ve seen of him has all been absolutely breathtaking


It is breathtakingly gorgeous. It’s so soft and subtle and just stunning. He’s technically an amazing painter, and personally, I absolutely love his use of colours, and in general the subjects of his paintings. Whether it’s landscapes or people, it seems very purposeful without feeling forced. Not sure if that explanation makes any sense :joy:


I adore oil paint, particularly how the colours blend but the thinners are too toxic for me to work with them at home therefore I will admire them ~ Monet combines my love for softer and at times ethereal colours and interest in light / colour theory. Whenever I see his paintings I feel like taking a stroll in the sunshine or simply laying in the grass and enjoying the breeze.
(p.s. I am not an expert)

Le Bassin aux Nymphéas, 1919

My favourite version from his series of water lilies because of the colour palette <3 My nail tech also painted waterlilies on my nails for good luck before I went abroad so they hold a special place in my heart. I also like this quote from one of Monet’s critics: “in full flower assert themselves … their golden discs encased in purple, against the cloudy waters.”

La Promenade (1875)

A casual family portrait of his wife and son in Argenteuil. It reminds me of when I used to go on strolls in La Campaigne with my family so it evokes more personal feelings of nostalgia alongside the liberating feeling of being out in a field with the wind blowing through your hair ~


Firstly, I absolutely love your post. So well articulated!

I remember being obsessed as a kid with this work, that much I painted it on a wooden pencil case. Obviously that didn’t work out well :joy: But yeah, this piece is lovely, love the colours in it and the way he uses light and reflection. It’s stunning honestly!

Once again that pretty soft colour pallet, however, I don’t adore the sky in this piece as much as I do with most most of his work. It seems a bit rough for him, but the perspective and shadows in this piece are very intriguing…


Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to practice my English more and get more into writing ~

That’s so cute! Have you ever thought of a recreation?

I AGREE, I can’t stop looking at it and tbh I would be tempted to jump into the lake…

Oh yes, the sky is a bit… lacking compared to other works but the perspective really catches my eye and to be able to apply light theory to it is really impressive


That seems to be paying off!

I might do that yes! After seeing it again just now I feel inspired to make something similar that actually looks good. If you want I can share how it looks, but please don’t judge my 10 year old self too much :joy:

It really looks like that would be an amazing experience, almost like something that would happen in an amazing dream or something like that if that makes any sense…

It’s an impressive artwork indeed yes, it inspires me to play with different perspectives and light in my own art honestly. Not that I’ll ever get close to painting something as gorgeous as that

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it does!
and yeah i can tell that much about his technique from pictures alone, so i can imagine how amazing it’d be to see them in person

oh i love how you put this so much

This is gorgeous woah


You already know, but I nearly cried when I saw his art pieces irl. It was so impressive…

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i don’t doubt that!
must’ve been sublime

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That dress is my life. So pretty, the whole painting.

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I agree :point_up:

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LOVE him. He is definitely my favorite artist. I was in the states last summer and had the opportunity to see his work (and cry because I was so happy) so hereee
Enjoy it like I did!

wa dc



I’ll be traveling with my parents next week and I really hope I get a chance to visit his garden. On top of my bucket list for sure :sob:


I’m gonna see at least one more Monet today, I’ve been looking forward to it a lot!