Pdd-nos: what is that?

Hello :wave:
Before we begin if you notice any spelling errors please tell me or correct me. Would be very appreciated :heart: secondly: I know everyone on this site is very respectful to others but I still always feel the need to say this.

This is a very personal thing to me. People used to make fun of me for it or would stop speaking to me after knowing about my pdd-nos. This got to the point where I started to get a depression. Because of this I just wanna ask you to still respect me and not view me as any different as that your used to. I’m really not that different and really not a danger to anyone.

I thought that it would be nice to start a topic about pdd nos.
Your probably wondering: pdd-nos? What is that?
Well pdd-nos ( stands for Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) it means on the autism spectrum but it does not fall within any of the other existing categories.
This short video explains it perfectly:

My life with pdd-nos:
Pdd-nos has a big impact on my life and still does till this day. When I was diagnosed with pdd-nos a lot changed in my life. I had to change schools because my old school couldn’t give me the care that I needed. I had to go to a special primary school. In those school there were children who had dyslexcia, adhd and more. Because I was diagnosed with pdd-nos a lot of people like to either make fun of me or treath me like someone who can’t do anything or won’t make it far in life. I used to have a lot of anger issues and had to use medication to calm myself down. I have trouble with unexpected new things. For example if we went on a school trip instead of just normal school I would feel very scared and could get very angry. Things like that are still very hard for me. I just can’t handle unexpected changes in my day to day schedules. I did manage to control my anger issues a lot more. :smile_cat: my head is also always busy so I get tired pretty easily. I have trouble interacting with other people. I sometimes am unable to control myself so I will not be able to control my hands or feet but this is really rare. It only happens if I haven’t been able to walk around or move all day.

I have one more link with more information about pdd-nos that can explain things way better then I do:


If you would like to know more about any of this you can always ask me any questions.

But now I have a question for you: is there anyone else with pdd-nos here?


I was shaking trying to write about this :see_no_evil:

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Oh yeah! I know this.


I have Aspergers, though.


What the difference between this and Autism?


Pdd-nos is used if you don’t have the full criteria of autism. You have above average autism characteristics but it’s still not enough to really be someone who has autism.

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Got it! What are your symptoms? As I said earlier, I have Aspergers.

  • clumsy and scared behavior in social situations
  • little understanding and use of non-verbal communication like eye contact, face expression, body language
  • little or no learning from social experiences
  • the lack of reciprocity in the contact
  • to make a lonely, closed impression
    -showing fear of change
  • fanatically to stick to certain routines
  • to express oneself stubbornly and passionately (prompted by fear)
  • show a one-sided interest
  • develop rigid and compulsive patterns of behavior
  • hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli
    or little sensitivity to sounds, images, temperatures or touch
  • slow language development
  • idiosyncratic, old-fashioned language
    to take language literally in all cases
  • clumsy, stiff motor skills

Sounds a lot like Autism. I’m confused as to why you went just diagnosed with autism.

It’s kinda difficult for me to explain sorry but here is a link that does it better.
HTML Meta Tag.

Basically everything I just called up is just what someone with pdd-nos could have. However they are also just not that well shown or active as someone with autism.

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I see

Added some tags

@Health, maybe this can interest you? :eyes:

Pdd-nos, like aspergers and ‘levels’ of autism, no longer exist as a diagnosis. That being said, many people who were originally diagnosed with Pdd-nos still strongly identify with that label, as it is the one that has been used for them their entire lives (since their diagnosis)

Many people who were originally diagnosed with Pdd-nos show symptoms similar to what was originally referred to as Aspergers, both of which are simply called ASD now.

(Hope this helps anyone originally confused as to why this was so similar to Autism, as they are now the same thing, technically)
@Health - Did you guys know this?
@Discussions - Were any of you guys diagnosed with this?


Not really, but I had heard of it

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