PlayStation vs Xbox

One of the biggest topics of debate among console gamers, the PlayStation or the Xbox. Both consoles are similar, each updating with new consoles every few years, having similar controller configurations, and having most of the same games.

Personally, I like both without much of a preference between them, I have multiple generations of both the PlayStation and the Xbox at home. However, many people do have a clear preference so…

Which system do you prefer and why?
Which system/s do you own (if any)?


I both prefer and own a Playstation (4)

Using the different controllers, I’ve noticed i prefer holding the PS one over Xbox, probably because of the size difference (PS is more comfortable to me).

The system just seems easier too even tho it might not be to others :sweat_smile:

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i don’t own any :point_right::point_left: i just have a nintendo-

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I have never used a playstation before, the controllers kind of scare me. :eyes: I have an Xbox one though.


wdym scares u lol

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A lot of buttons :pleading_face:

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there’s barely any

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how many does an xbox controller have?


Like 1 less than the ps4 i believe… :eyes:

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Not much like 12 maybe :thinking:

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It doesn’t actually-

it has the same amount :eyes::eyes:


ive got ps4, it has 15 buttons and the sticks


LOL even better


wait does the digital pad thing count as a button? if so then 16


oh yeah-

i forgot about that :skull:

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I prefer the Playstation because, for me, the layout is easier for me to navigate and understand and the controllers are much more comfortable in my hands.

Playstation 4 but we’re gonna buy the 5 soon.


Ps4, because for me it’s pretty easy while xbox seems confusing…

I only have a Ps4 at the moment

I own both but I prefer x box

I don’t really have a preference for either of them. They’re both fairly similar, although I’m sure people are more used to one over the other. I only have had access to an xbox, though. Still prefer computers over consoles

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