Please help the community of Lovestruck App!

I don’t ask for much when it comes to apps shutting down but this app is very important to me personally! It’s also helped many people from the LGBTQ+ community for its variety of pride characters to choose from plus many other people who read the normal routes as well! All I ask is if you would please sign the petition? We need 1000 signatures to reach our goal. If you could share this petition as well I would appreciate it a lot! Thank you for just reading this thread even if you don’t sign!

(Sorry for two tag posting)


What app is this? I’ve never heard of it.

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Thank you! It’s the app called Lovestruck. It’s the one where we were reading Saerys’s route on the Mature Otome thread. They already took it out of the stores but the petition still has a chance at least.

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Aw, damn. I’d have downloaded it. Is it for mobile? I found an otome fb group.

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Yeah, it is a mobile app! I’m recording what stories that I have read the most. Most fb groups are recording the game as well!

My main question is like, why is it being removed? Is there something bad about it? :joy:

I’m gonna give this a quick google


There is nothing bad about it. It’s being removed because they couldn’t financially support the app anymore. There are also some things that were going on about the writers not getting paid enough and bad work conditions.

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Okay :eyes: not to sound harsh but if they can’t financially support it anymore then maybe like, a petition won’t really do much? :sweat_smile: I get that it sucks, also poor work conditions and under paying writers doesn’t sound good.

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That’s not what the petition is after. I think they want a different company to take over the app instead of the Voltage USA branch instead. I feel the same way about the financial part and the work conditions part as well. I really think the petition was to help them find a way to help the USA Branch with their problems.

I’m confused.

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It’s the app that Saerys route on the Mature Otome thread is on. They are shutting it down but there is a chance we could make an effort to get it back. Though that is just pure luck at this moment.

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Oh. Okay… Though I think a lot more than 1000 signatures would be needed, no?

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I’m not sure. I’m not the one who made the petition. It is a small number but I think it has to do with the time limit on our hands. The app will go offline on March 31st.

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Oh. Uh, not sure 1000 will convince anyone though.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. There is no telling even if they get to the full thousand signatures needed to to get to the next step. We will have to just wait and see.

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…Hmm… we will. Though I may be being pessimistic but I think I can guess.

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We won’t know until the end. I’m not going to cut out all chances just yet. It’s only February.

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Alrighty then. Fair enough.

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Okay cool!

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