Plotter or a pantser?

In writing, a plotter is someone who plots out their story, uses outlines, pre-writing, etc. A panster is someone who writes by where their “pants” takes them. They write on impulse, connect everything they should while in the moment, but they let it all form together.

Which one are you? Plotter or a panster? Or both? When is there times you decide to do the opposite of your typical first choice? When do you think it should be best to plot, and when you might think it’s best to go with the flow? Or should you not do one route at all?

@Writers @Discussions


Kinda both? I don’t use outlines but I think I prewrite ig. Like, a lot of times I start to write when i have almost nothing but then later think of a different way of how I want the story to go and end up starting over with more knowledge. I do this so often that it’s rare that I finish something.

For me I’m a panster lol. But I first write down the outline and basic concept. Writing down the moral of the story before I write is sort of a basic idea and then is touched when I start writing more into the story and making it more worldly and real.

Typically I start a story because I have this really nice idea and start writing, but then another idea pops in my head and I don’t finish the first. But then when I write the second, I get ANOTHER IDEA. So like you said it’s hard to finish. Lol the most I’ve gotten in a story is 20k words. :sweat_smile:

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Plotser? I have so many ideas that I tend to write different stories and never complete them.

But I always create planning sheets and write general summaries/synopses for each of my stories, at least, I started doing that this year. It’s super helpful.

I can never finish my stories because my mind is like popcorn in a microwave. Help meeeee lol

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Yeah same! This is more problematic for me with Episode tho cuz if something is slightly off I end up scrapping the whole scene or something. It doesn’t have to really look a certain way but I want it to feel a certain way to me and if it takes on a new feeling that I don’t like then I’ll end up scrapping it.

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I’m a plantser :eyes:

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Yeah, I’m definitely a panster since most of my ideas are scattered all over the place. Eventually, I find ways how to connect them with each other.

Hi I am a panster, my pants take me wherever it wants me to take to :smile:

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Plotter. But I can’t get it written down, it’s all in my head :weary:

A panster.

I’m definitely more of a plotter when it comes to any kind of writing.
What about you guys, @Acorn06 & @Edelgard?

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I’m both! I mostly plan in my head, and sometimes write down everything I want to happen in the chapter, but sometimes I come up with new scenarios and change the chapter at the last minute.

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I used to be more of a panster and still am when it comes to short or simple stories, although I do a lot of planning for the more complex ones ~


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Short posts too, like in RPing?

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Yes, actually, although I suppose that in RPs like Westeria, the main plot is planned, so some things relating to it will be incorporated in the post :kissing_heart:

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Oh, yeah, that’s true. So yeah, you are a bit of both then.

I’m both, I plan for certain scenes but also just see what I come up with. it needs to fit the energy as well after all.

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