every time you jump, you hit your head on a tree branch, even if you’re in a city.
Power: I can instantly grow trees.
every time you jump, you hit your head on a tree branch, even if you’re in a city.
Power: I can instantly grow trees.
Sky’s the limit.
Power: I can control minds
You can’t stop growing them and soon there is no room for humans on the earth.
Power: to end human existence
The person you’re controlling can also read yours.
You can only end the existence of others if you end the existence of yourself.
Power: To have powers to produce any flavor of ice cream at your own will.
every time you want a flavor, ten cows are killed, it doesn’t make since, but that’s the weakness.
Power: I can bloom flowers instantly
They die instantly if grown by you.
Power: imunnity to pain.
You’re only immune to physical pain so if someone emotionally hurts you badly then you might die.
Power: power absorption
You can absorb power but not store it so you have to use it right away.
Power: I can read minds
You can only read the useless thoughts like a song that is stuck in the person’s head
Power: I can speak every existing language
no one can understand you when you speak
power: shapeshifting into any predatory animal like a wolf
But I’m the wolf!
You can only eat humans
Power: being a wolf
you can turn into a human on a full moon
Power: time travel
we both can be wolves
But I don’t want to be human
You get stuck in the past.
Power: being the eagle
But you are clumsy
Power: FIRE
But you can only burn smores with your powers.
Elsa Powers/Ice
It is painful every time you do it.
Power: immortality
Is very glitchy
Power: sommuning
One of your friends dies each time you use it
Power: you can see trough walls
You can only see through if yellow paint
Power: eye color constant change