Problematic anime characters

I thought Natsu was pretty developed, but that’s just me.

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Oh, Isabella from TPN. She’s…ok, I get that she’s supposed to be like that, but the things she’s done…oh my god.

Yup! I actually get pretty defensive about Bakugo now but only because I read the manga and I would never defend his early actions. However, he has changed. He’s still very shouty and uses insults and stuff but now it’s a lot different and far less malicious. But anyway I’m not going to spoil the manga for anyone. I’ll just say I believe in people changing to become better and it bugs me that people only focus on how he is early in the story and act like experts on his character.

If we wanna talk about problematic anime characters we could always talk about the fact in Tokyo Ghoul, every trans character is literally evil. Before anyone tries to be like many tokyo ghoul characters are evil yes there are but also many aren’t and it’s often pretty telling when every trans character is literally evil. I’d give examples but, spoilers.

And I don’t mean evil in the “mwuhahaha” way
I mean it in the sense they’re probably the most insane and psychotic characters


Well…at least they have trans characters…even if they’re insane.

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Low low lowwww bar :joy:


Now I’m really wondering if I should watch it…

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Oh, in Wonder Egg Priority, there’s a…ahem. Diddler.

I mean
I own all the manga and the illustration book, I also have a poster
I love Tokyo Ghoul but it’s important to sometimes acknowledge that it’s got problems
Unfortunately it’s not the only manga/anime with those problems


Well, if you like it that much, I should watch it. I’m also planning on Future Diary and Toilet bound Hanako kun.(My boyfriend was so confused, lol.)


Yeah, those evil trans characters are a problem. I mainly had an issue with Big Madame. And honestly, I still love Uta (I know he’s not trans)despite what happened. I just…can’t hate him.

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Honestly, both Yuno and Yuki from Future Diary. Mainly Yuno. I love her so much, but she’s absolutely insane.

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Hisoka. I…I just…I hate him. What the hell?! He’s turned on by a twelve year old! I’m disgusted.

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Yes it is disgusting but also he’s the villain which is rightfully making his being turned on by a 12 year old into something bad. Instead of it being like, oh look he’s one of the good guys, no he’s…the bad guy, any disgust reflex you get from him is intentional.

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Well, yes, but I hate him even more than I’ve ever hated a villain.

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Can’t stand him. He’s a creep.


An absolute creep!

Sakura was just written badly cuz the author can’t write female characters

At least the ugly pervs are easy to hate. Meliodas…that’s tricky. Just an opinion.

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I started SDS, and he’s definitely creepy. I don’t mind him, but he’s certainly very perverted.