Professional Gamers and Sport Atheletes

Do you think professional gamers are similar to athletes in other sports?

I’m not sure where I stand on this topic because I don’t really focus a lot in the gaming community, what they do, or stuff like that. I’ve heard somewhere a while ago where someone said they should be considered because of their abilities, but I’m not sure. What do you guys think?



I think that sports altheles are similar in some ways, especially with gamers who play in gaming tournaments
Another similarity between the two is when gamers play sports video games, but that’s not as similar a the first example, because for tournaments you have to train, whether gaming or real life sports, but when you’re just playing sports related games, unless you’re training an practicing a lot, it’s not similar to real life sports

I’ve heard many people say that they are very similar because they also have to practice, they have to spend hours on working on their skills and they can get hurt as well.
For me, it depends a lot on how professional a gamer is and what game it’s about. But generally, I’d say yes, they are similar, just not totally the same.

They are definitely similar, especially since the same amount of dedication, passion, practise and skill is required to master a game and master a sport.

With that said, professional gamers are just gamers who get paid, they don’t necessarily have to be god tier at the game, just entertaining.

@Gamers What’s your opinion on this? Do you think professional gamers are similar to sport athletes?

I don’t know, I think the pay is quite high but if they wanna do it then why not, yeah?

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