Promoting my Episode stories!

Hey everyone! I had just joined in here, well, just moments ago! LOL!
I would like to promote my Episode stories. Hope all of you will enjoy reading them, and please share my stories to others as well, if you find them interesting!
Just click on my story title, and see its description! :tada:

My first story: Too Good to be True

Title: Too Good To Be True
Author: Lynn Ann
Style: Limelight
Genre: Mystery, with psychological thriller, drama, romance and comedy.
Description: Your teenage dream did come true when you met YOUR DREAM GUY years later, exactly like you thought it will be! But, is it too good to be true?
CC: Full CC of MC and dream guy
No. of chapters: 20 + 3 bonus chapters (Complete!)
Cover: Too_Good_To_Be_True_WL_posterThumb_WZ4RnQCNu6
Link to TGTBT: Episode Writer Portal

My second story: Love Me Again?

Title: Love Me Again?
Author: Lynn Ann
Style: Limelight
Genre: Romance, and with a little drama and mystery
Description: You have always been alone. You had once fell in love with a simple guy, but soon he broke your heart. A year later, he wants you back, so will you love him again?
CC: Full CC of MC and LI
No. of chapters: 8 (Complete)
Cover: Love_Me_Again_fK_posterThumb_KEWzs6xKOm new
Link to Love Me Again?: Episode Writer Portal

My third story: My Cutie Detective

Title: My Cutie Detective
Author: Lynn Ann
Style: Limelight
Genre: Mystery, with lots of comedy and romance too
Description: Join in to solve 2 mysteries, one as a high schooler, and another as a young adult. A short story.
CC: Full CC of both female and male MC
No. of chapters: 10 (Seasons 1 and 2 Complete) + Bonus chapter
Cover: My_Cutie_Detective_posterThumb_FTaYqp6xem newest
Link to My Cutie Detective : Episode Writer Portal

My fourth story: One Final Chance

This story was only published days ago!

Title: One Final Chance
Author: Lynn Ann
Style: Limelight
Genre: Romance
Description: It was love at first sight when you met your soulmate. Now you’re divorced - and life’s in pieces. The bond between you two is undeniable, so will you take this one final chance?
CC: Full CC of MC, LI and their child (6 characters in total)
No. of chapters: 4 (Complete)
Link to One Final Chance: Episode Writer Portal

Feedbacks are truly welcome! Feel free to ask me anything regarding my stories. :blush:

And, if you had enjoyed reading my story(s), it would be great of you could share my stories to others, or suggest my stories to anyone! I will truly appreciate this.

Edit: Any @Episodians are interested in reading my story(s), or had read any of them? Feel free to check them out and don’t hesitate to reach out to me here! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy reading! :kissing_heart:


I don’t play episode anymore but good luck! They look rad


It’s alright! :blush:
Thank you so much! :heart:


I really need to get back to reading episode stories, yours sound really interesting! :smiley_cat:


I’ll check these out!
They look interesting :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :sparkles:

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I need some more stories to read, so I’ll check those out!

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Thank you so much everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Hey! I understand that it’s been days!
I am just here to inform that I am currently adding art scenes in all my stories (some had been approved and it has been published!). Some are being revamped as well.
If you are still interested in reading my stories, do give a try! I hope you will enjoy reading them with the art scenes done by talented artists who are willing to do for free.

I am open for feedback and questions on my stories. Have fun! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

bump! :sweat_smile::joy:

Bumpity bump! :wink:

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Hahah, thank you! :blush::grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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A major update :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

My latest story, One Final Chance is being featured in the Adulting shelf this week! :heart:

I am really thankful for this feature and congratulations to everyone too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Being on a shelf is awesome.

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Thank you so much! :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

That’s so cool!

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Thank you very much! :heart_eyes:

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Bump! :sweat_smile:

Yet, another bump! :rofl:


Title: “What is This Thing Called Love?”
Writer: GRH
Genre: Romcom / Scifi
Link: Episode Writer Portal
Completion Status: 8 Episodes out, more on the way.
Logline: An alien comes to Earth to study Love. Not content to merely observe, she decides to experience everything for herself and sets her sights on her cute neighbour.
Choices: CC, some outfit choices.

“What Is This Thing Called Love?” is based on an unsold feature film script I’d written a few years ago. I’ve made a lot of edits and revisions to adapt it to the Episode format, (I cut one scene entirely because although it would work fine in a movie, I found it terribly dull to watch on the app.) but it’s essentially the same story. I plan on adapting a few others this way. Limited choices so far because I don’t know how yet. I’ve still got a lot to learn about coding, and I’m revising some earlier chapters as I go.

Bump ump ummityyy

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