Prompt Class Thread!

I’m excited!


Oh sorry it was supposed to say wattpad :sweat_smile:


Wattpad is fine! Send me a link :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Cool just checking!:blush:

I’ll link you once I’ve done chapter 1/prompt 1


I’m glad you are!

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Sorry for the late posting. I was hanging out with a friend.

Prompt One

Theme - Choose a theme to write in, then post a summary of the theme of your story. Is it going to be supernatural, romantic, dramatic, or so on? What is something unique about your story? That you want to emphasize with the theme? Think about these questions when coming up with your theme of the short story. Here is a link to help you write your story and give you a tip!

Characters - Are the epitome of a story. Whether they are only part of the story for a short time or to if they are the main point of your story. You need to choose who your characters will be, what their role in the story is, how they can emphasize the unique plot of your story. Here is a chart to use for your characters, also Shanni’s character exercise thread and Kales guide to characters!

The best way to use this is download to word then upload to your google drive! Trust, me on this,

Symbolism - If you decide to write a short poem then you need to think of the symbolism that you want the poem to provide the reader. Pick something that catches your eye that can be used in multiple short poems or long poems. Here is a list of the best poets as well. My favorite is Edgar Allen Poe. Here is a helpful website that inquires on how to write poems!

Good luck everyone! You have until the next prompt day to post unless something comes up please pm me and your proofreader!


Proofreaders: So you know what to they will be looking at also!



We can do this wherever we want, cirrect?

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Wait so there’s no prompt for this one? Do we make up our own?

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Yep, just post it by Thursday. It can be done in little parts too. You also have until the week of the third prompt if you can’t finish by this coming Thursday.


This one is to post your theme, characters and what you expect from the story. The next prompt which is the discussion prompt will be discussing what it was like to come up with the character and the struggles of deciding what to write for the theme and plot for the story.

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Ok, so in this one are we writing the actual story or waiting to write it?

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You are planning the story plot, theme and characters only. You won’t actually start writing the main story until the third prompt. This is just to start making a outline for your story in sense. Then you will post of finalized version of what you decided to go with.

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Ok, I get it now! Thanks!

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Oh okay.

I’m planning a cliche, probably. But I might twist the romance into a bit of fantasy, have things planned.

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No problem!

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Okay, that sounds like a good plan to go with. Just post the finished outline of that story when you are ready.

I’ve never really outlined a story before (I’m not really a planner) so if I’m doing something wrong please let me know!

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I will let you know if something is wrong. You can always check with @LHT if you have questions too. Also pm me if there are any questions you have later on.


Just to check - we are only creating the plot and theme?

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Plot, theme and characters are the only parts you will work on for the first prompt.