Yay. That’s fun
I feel like Sammael’s FC would be Erin Mommensen (probably wrote it wrong) because he looks like the silent, awkward guy
Wowww yesss matches Sammael’s vibe so perfectly
Yes, anyone can pick FCs. (thumbs up) If you think you’ve got a good one then share it with my here and I can ask everyone what they think. The only thing I hope is that we have a mix of people picking FCs too. (wink)
Also, guys, if they haven’t got pronouns in the slides, then they’re open for discussion too. I really love writing for different genders and their appropriated pronouns.
Okay, @SGers, here’s our first FaceClaim suggestion. BUT for one to be chosen, the selected image has to win 50% of the vote or higher.
This FC decided is for Sammael Schaeffer!
Everyone who has liked or commented so far:
@Littlefeets, @idiot.exe, @LunaticLeviTheSecond, @Kbail, @Isabella.writes
Hey you guys who are currently online… are any of you interested in joining us?
All it means is reading this story and voting on polls. (wink) I just would love to have more people join in the voting.
@liyahsdiamond, @Nemesis, @KiaraTheSnek, @Caticorn, @Meekepeek, @Rose, @Megan, @SecretRolePlay, @Ebx, @Edelgard, @Danielle318, @Ouijaloveletters, @CerealKiller, @novella, @BlueInferno
Cheers. Thanks. Though please post here and not on the actual thread.
Also, if you want, you’re welcome to answer the other three questions too since another person did as well.
Uh yeah sorry, I accidentally replied in there-
Spotted. HAHA. Have deleted them for you. (wink)
Thank you. (wink) Much appreciated.
So what do you think of the story so far?
Interesting lol! I’ve changed the topic to Watching so I get alll the details hehe
Phew. Thanks. … Oh, cool. That’s exciting. Thank you.
Also, in case you haven’t seen, there’s the first character FC choice above. Plus, anyone is welcome to suggest a FaceClaim or outfit for any character who needs one.
Yep! I know, I’ve already chose a character
Cool, cool. Thanks.
Need some help, @SGers!
Can I please have 5 random adjectives? Only one per user though. (wink)