Hey @PubQuiz!
It seems I’ll be starting the quiz about 2021-07-03T23:00:00Z.
This week’s theme, as voted, is…
Emojis - work out the sayings/phrases
For when I start the quiz, could you please vote on the polls below…
- Tag me for every question!
- I’ll keep this thread on watching.
Good luck!
Tagging those who voted:
@elixr, @Caticorn, @unsungcheerio, @Kiwi, @Andi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, & @Ouijaloveletters
Oh so it is going be at 4:30 pm instead?
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Yeah, I realised the times mess up. Whoops.
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Oh okay, then I can join! I ended up calling out today.
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Question One: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
- Not with egg on your face
- Scrambled eggs for brains
- Try to be a good egg
@PubQuiz, it’s starting.
I’ll give you no more than 5 minutes (I hope) for each question. There are 15 in total.
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Two: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Clouded judgement
- Don’t ring us, we’ll ring you
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- Ring out to the skies
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Three: What’s the saying/phrase?
- A nasty taste in your mouth
- Get a taste of your own medicine
- Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter.
- To crack a bottle
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Four: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Don’t give up your day job
- If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine
- Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine
- This is a wonderful, I’ve seen this one before
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Five: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Break a leg
- Love is the greatest healer
- Talk your hind leg off
- when your nursing a broken heart
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Six: What’s the saying/phrase?
- A man is judged by his deeds, not his words
- I’d rather have a bad day fishing, than a good day at work.
- Let someone off the hook
- My dad was a fisherman, but he quit because his net income wasn’t enough.
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Seven: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Speak no evil
- Say nothing to Satan
- Speak not of hell
- Speak of the devil
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Eight: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Frequent change in weather
- Ring around the moon, rain real soon
- The higher the clouds, the finer the weather
- Under the weather
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Nine: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Love is the bridge between you and everything
- Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise
- The bridge between reality and a dream is work.
- We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
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Question Ten: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Be a worthy worker and work will come
- Do not talk about giftedness, inborn talents
- It is a poor workman who blames his tools
- Man must shape his tools lest they shape him
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
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Question Eleven: What’s the saying/phrase?
- A penny for your thoughts
- Money is but a dream not a desire
- Money often costs too much
- Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
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Question Twelve: What’s the saying/phrase?
- All bark and no bite
- A barking dog seldom bites outside
- Barking up the wrong tree
- Happy dog is a walked dog
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
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Question Thirteen: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Being a fish out of water is tough, but that’s how you evolve
- Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days
- Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream
- There are other fish in the sea
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
Question Fourteen: What’s the saying/phrase?
- Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
- Feather your nest
- You have to break eggs to make an omelet
- The rooster may crow but the hen delivers the eggs
@Ouijaloveletters, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Kristi, @Andi
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