You know the drill. Wait for questions, answer within 20 seconds.
Theme this time is music, 'cause I’m obsessed.
We start in 2020-02-01T20:30:00Z
You know the drill. Wait for questions, answer within 20 seconds.
Theme this time is music, 'cause I’m obsessed.
We start in 2020-02-01T20:30:00Z
Is it gonna be here or in a PM?
here i suppose
Also I’ll use the @Announcements tag to get people
I’ll join, but please add a B to “Pu” in the title
Also @Mxtixnlxss
I’ll join!
I’ll try to join this time!
I’ll join.
I will join if I still can!
Also yes I will be joining, it will make it easier to award the badges
I thought Elvis is his middle name and the other one is his actual name
I wonder how many of these will come to a random guess from me…
The right answer is Aaron.
@Duckling 1
@Rainbow 1
@anon68003072 1
@Littlefeets 0
Question #2
Who did win the most Grammy Awards in the 80?
0 voters
Ahh, I’ve missed the first 2, guess I will just be participating next week again…
want me to open question for couple of sconds so u could answer?