Quantum Enhancement - Signups

Yeah, just fill in the form and then any necessary editing can be done later.

What kind of mutations?


Any type of mutations really ā€¦ If it connect to their DNA and stuff, and they were doing something with rocks and it made their DNA share something with what they were closest to, would they be allowed to gradully start looking like the Thing from The Fantastic Four? Like endure some sort of change, like the guy from Kafkaā€™s ā€œMetamorphosisā€?


Ok yes something like that is allowed.


@Littlefeets are there any boundaries as to age?


I know you said any age but are small children ok too?


Woop! Cool. Thank you muchly.

Also, another query. As they are in a prison camp thing, I assume thereā€™s regular humans watching over them that you play, right? Well, is there going to be one of the superpowers individuals in charge/who runs the group? Just someone that is part of the imprisoned group who they all look too sort thing, since this is sort of like a dystopian-is world?


Yeah I was also wondering about really old people, like if theyā€™re about to die or whatever ā€¦ OMG Imagine you make a character thatā€™s uber old thinking youā€™d only make him to die at some point, and Littlefeets gives them the power of immortality lol


Yes, I wanted older people too.


Nope. No age boundaries.

The only limit Iā€™d say would be if the small child is under 3 years old, then they might be better off as an NPC :sweat_smile: but really, as young as you want is fine.

Yeah, really old people would be there as well.

It was a blanket decision for individuals to be placed in this prison. No matter their age or condition, if they were determined to have enough quantum particles in their system.

Correct. There are regular human NPCs that are present, ensuring supplies/food is available, and is there to deal with situations that may occur.

That is possible. I expect that there could be two individuals who have taken charge, as there are individuals who are both good, ordinary people, and others who would rather go a more criminal route.


I was going to go for older than this so all good thanks


Okay can I make an older woman, who in her whole life had so many misscarriages that she couldnā€™t take it anymore, and during the storm she was giving birth. Her child has the high amount of Quantum particles, but she doesnā€™t so she pleaded to be sent to the camp with the baby so she doesnā€™t have to be parted with yet another child so soon?


Just a quick question on how old you would say this kid looks?



Yes. That is acceptable, and its definitely an interesting plot idea that I love.
I was even just thinking about the potential of a situation such as this actually.


Ahā€¦ Iā€™m not certain. Perhaps around 7-ish?


Can I reserve a girl?

Also you mentioned that some people used their abilities to do good. Can my girl go by a superhero alias? :thinking:


Hmmā€¦ if they are regular then how would they be able to keep the superhuman in the camp?

But whenever there is one in charge of a group there are always people who disagree and go against what they say. Thatā€™s drama. Not everyone things the same. Like one person in charge that most listen to and possibly deals/talks with human guards/leaders, but a few other members may plan things in secret.


ok thanks that is helpful I was aiming for 6


Reserve a male and female for me Brooks <3


Sure thing

You can include a superhero alias, and if thatā€™s what she chooses to go by, she can.
However, she would have been placed in the prison based on her actual name.

Good, I definitely think the fc could work for a 6 year old.

There are barriers that keep the enhanced there. The regular human guards are more around simply to monitor and provide supplies, though they may often stay out of the way due to a fear of the enhanced individuals. The enhanced do not know where/how the barriers come from, but they do not have the ability to get through and escape

Depending on the actions of the characters, there will be a way for them to discover during the rp the source of this force field type barrier and how to take it down.

There is one individual (my male character) who is the person who tries to keep order and deals with the guards/officials, who could be a leader type figure. How the other characters will take to him, Iā€™m not certain yet, but I do have a character who is intended to be that person trying to provide order and some leadership.
Right now though its just a bit hard to say for that dynamic since so far there arenā€™t any characters aside from mine.

I got you Ani :grin:


Ah, okay. Understand. Thank you. (wink)

Ahhh, got it. Thatā€™s where I was going with that. To see if you were planning this character or to see if I were able to seek in there. HEHE. Cheers.

Okay, now to start with reservesā€¦
Iā€™m still tossing up between twins and triplets.
Do you have a preference or should I say Iā€™m going do one of these and just see which one strikes more inspiration?