Question Thread - AS007

For this week’s Question Thread, we have @AS007! Congratulations!

If any of you have any questions for her, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!

The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions, please!

How to Play

If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up to the @QuestionsThread Group!
Remember you need to post a question at least to be kept in the running for questions star!


Yesss finally @AS007
I’ll spam you with questions when I’m fully up :kissing_heart:


Hey @QuestionsThread people, remember to ask questions if you haven’t had a question thread and really want one!

Hey @AS007, how are you?

  • Do you know what SGing is?
  • Have you ever been in an SG?
  • Do you want to be in an SG?
  • Have you ever written an SG?
  • Do you want to write an SG?
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pls dont ask where I live I dont wanna be murdered by an online friend :slightly_smiling_face: I mean yes, sure, friend! :kissing_heart:


Ok ok
I shall not ask about private matters sm

How are you though?

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Do you like going to the gym?

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Where is the last place you would ever go?
What are you completely over and done with?
What memory do you just keep going back to?
What’s the most immature thing your parents do?
What is your favourite TV show?
What are you most passionate about right now?
If you could go back five years, what would you change about your future?
Have you travelled much (or do you want to)?
What’s your biggest deal-breaker in a relationship?
What was the last crazy adventure you went on?

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Hi @CrazyCaliope, I am fine! How about you? :kissing_heart:

Yes! Story Gaming!

I was in one, back when RPs/SGs were still well-functioning there.

Currently, no. But maybe in the future :smile:

Nope. I am not that creative… or patient enough :eyes:

I mean yes, why not? But not currently. Maybe if circumstances allow me in the future, I would definitely try out my hand in it :+1:t2:

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Do you like physics?

Ok bye I sleep some more until it’s fully morning???:sleeping:

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I am dying because of my exam stress yes so :joy::rofl: yeha, I am… fine :blush:

How are you though?

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I have never been to a gym. But maybe I will try to go this year as I have turned 18… and meet more sweaty people :slightly_smiling_face:

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  1. If five-year-old you suddenly found themselves in your current body, what would five-year-old you do first?
  2. If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
  3. If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
  4. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
  5. What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
  6. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
  7. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed? Why?
  8. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  9. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Why?
  10. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  11. What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
  12. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?
  13. What’s the first thing you do when you are bored?
  14. If you had to remove one color from the world forever, which would it be?
  15. What can you talk about for hours?
  16. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be?
  17. If you were given a million dollars today, how would you spend it?
  18. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
  19. Who would you get to play as you in the movie of your life?
  20. What are you proud of, but never had an excuse to talk about?
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Why :confused: I’m not question thread star how dareeee ??!!!

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Hahahahahaha :rofl::wave:

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Still functioning where?

Both of these answers made me sooo super excited! HEHEHE.

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Oh… the cemetery. It’s just so… scary :hot_face:

Life I mean, I am done with looking back at the past and feeling regretful over my choices. Whatever happened, happened for some reason :+1:t2:

Oh, that memory, when I sold someone’s diamond-embedded socks in the black market, was bullied by someone. Yeah… not a happy moment but we all suffer from some dark times, don’t we?

Hmm… my parents are strict and really mature :thinking:
Though they did gift me a box in my 16th birthday and I thought it was a brand new Samsung phone but it was just a worn-out Nokia qwerty phone. It was found to be a prank later on :ok_hand:

omgomgmg I cant just choose one- I think it’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.

Scoring great in my upcoming finals and getting into a great college of my choice :blush:

I think I would ask myself to not be distracted by Episode and focus more on studies (since Episode was a new and exciting thing for me that time :ok_hand:).

I haven’t travelled much and I DO want to travel more when I grow up and have enough money.

I haven’t been in a relationship yet but from an outsider’s perspective, I would call it quits if there is a huge lack of communication or incessant lying.

Last night… to the bathroom… at 3 a.m… when suddenly all lights went off…

I’m sorry, lol. I haven’t gone to a crazy adventure in a long time :pensive:

Awesome questions btw!

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Yesn’t :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes yes. Complete your sleep, child :ok_hand::dancing_women:

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funny enough, you can take that in two ways, because in the end. the cemetery is the last place you will ever go probably. :thinking:

I can learn from that.

I hope you’ll do well

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