Question Thread - CerealKiller

Deal with it

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Sorry I can’t now choose one:

Water or waTeR?


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wrong, ok I will choose for you



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Hi, Michelle!
(Please forgive me if any of these questions have already been asked and answered.)

  • Favorite thread on the forums?
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast?
  • What are you looking forward to the most right now?
  • How many pets have you had in your lifetime?
    Here’s a question I’m sure no one has asked you:
  • Which one (or more) of my favorite Post songs do you like the best? (Sunflower, Circles, Better Now, A Thousand Bad Times, Hollywood’s Bleeding, Staring at the Sun, Goodbyes, Paranoid, Only Wanna Be With You…) ? (Yeah, I have a lot of those now.)
  • Have you ever published a story on Episode, Wattpad, Tapas, or any other app?
  • What’s your favorite shade/pattern of nail polish or nail art?

WOW! I’m surprised. I swear you’d entered into more.

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Cali, I haven’t been part of the questions tag for a while, but you keep tagging me. Stop trying to shame me into joining the tags. I asked you nicely on several occasions to stop tagging me for events I’m no longer interested in, and I expect you to respect my wishes. Thank you.

Please PM us like we keep asking you and please can you stop posting it to threads that are trying to stay active and full of fun content? Respect the threads please and Use the PMs instead?!

Blue royalty chat thread :v:t4:

Breakfast who

No idea tbh

I think like 2 not including fish

I think maybe circles


Matte black

There weren’t really any I was interested in (and there weren’t many in general)
I should tho


9 hours cry
Ask me questions :sob:

Murder me with tmi

Am I using your questions? yes

What do you spend way too much money on?
How do you calm yourself when you’re angry?
Favorite animated movie?
Do you believe in god?
And astrology?
What book influenced you the most?
Are more of a morning or night person?
Favorite season?
Favorite thing to do in your free time?
Do you tan or just automatically burn?
What are you most passionate about?
Best childhood memory?
What did you want to be growing up when you were smol?
Do you like camping?
Are you good at Tetris?
Would you rather live in Europe or Asia?
Why time do you finish work?
Do you procrastinate often?
Have you ever felt a generation gap with your friends?
If you could give one important message to the next generation, what would it be?
Who has had the most influence in your life?
Why teaching?
Do you like to gossip?
Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?
Do you like to flirt?
Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?
On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your conversation (conversational?) skills?
What is your best birthday memory?
Do kiwis have any special birthday traditions?
Do you like change?
Would you ever want to get a tattoo? If yes, what would it be?
Have you ever donated blood?
Have you ever donated to charity?

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Firstly can I ask boyf related questions cause I’m nosey and love hearing about relationships?
How are you?
If you could live anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted rn, where would you live?
What’s your biggest flex?
What’s something you can’t stop talking about?
Least favourite thing you have to do each day?
What’s something you thought you would hate but turned out to not be that bad?
What’s your favourite time of the day?
I might be going crazy but you’ve had a question thread before right like just out of curiosity
Least favourite thing about adulting
What does a perfect world look like to you
Santa’s real; what would you want him to get you for Christmas?
If you weren’t named Michelle, what would you want your name to be?
What’s your favourite phrase?
What’s something people commonly misunderstand about you?
You can learn three languages fluently after hearing them once, which languages would you use this special talent with?
Would you rather be overwhelmed with notifications or underwhelmed?
If you lived in the US, which state do you think you’d live in?
Favourite app?

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YES! You should!

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Good choice! :yellow_heart: :heart_eyes_cat:

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Proud of you for it


I don’t


Idk tbh
Maybe not


The little Prince

Night for sure


what is this free time and where do I sign up

But ig tan

Idk tbh

Y’all have good childhood memories?

An actress


Don’t remember the last time I played it

Europe any damn day

12:30 am


Not at all
Half my best friends are way older than me
My boyfriend is older than me
Age is just a number fam

Just don’t

Ig my mom? Not necessarily in a good way tho



I’m so bad at flirting tho

Yess I love those


On my 18th birthday I went with friends to a bar and it was a rad night

But not really

Just yes

Wanted to tho


I just realized how much these questions were directed at cali

Yes please
I stan

Generally good
Currently dying

Far away with the people I love

Man idk

Not sure there is such a thing

Wake up


3 am


The whole thing
Who invented that shiz

Non existent

All I want for Christmas is yooooouuuu

Jk tho I want a private jet


It’s not in English but I’ll translate it ig
Don’t ask questions you won’t hear lies
I use it like all the time

Basically everything
I realised how people irl really don’t know me

Arabic Russian and Spanish

Depends when but maybe over

Pennsylvania be chillin

Spotify ig

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Great hehe :dancer:t5:

Don’t die I don’t stan that

I immediately thought of the Shrek kingdom

Same tho

Adults :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

But if it existed


That’s why your ef ysername was that I was so puzzled with the correlation

What’s it look like in
What language do you speak again
The Not-English :cowboy_hat_face:

That’s such a mood
Covid for me has been really eye opening about the depths of my relationships

Why there and are you going to Philly

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