Question Thread - CerealKiller

Ooh yes there



Idk it’s a chill state
I’ve only been to like 4 states tis one of them and it be chill

Would you like a shiny box to keep things in? :eyes:
Would you name said box?

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Shiny :eyes:

Shiny shani

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How long have you been dating boyf?
Favourite memory with the dude
Do you have a song yet???
Ooh what’s a song that describes him dyou think
What’d you do for first date
Physical description please I need the imagery
Do you have pet names for each other :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Is it inconvenient to be dating your boss, like how does that bode in the whole work environment sitch
Have you seen the cover for Halsey’s latest album?
Four elements (earth fire wind water yesyes), which one would you be?
What’s the perfect weather for you?

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Okay imma answer and leave

Like 3 months I think?

Idk tbh
There are so many

Not officially

Bro are you trying to fry my brain

We never went on a normal date tbh :joy:

He do be a bit shorter than me
A bit darker than me
Gots big brown eyes
Black hair
Rad lips

Ew no

We be adults we separate work and other stuff

Omg no but I want


Chill breeze