Question Thread - Skyler2

For this week’s Question Thread, we have @Skyler2! Congratulations!

If any of you have any questions for her, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!

The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions, please!

How to Play

If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up to the @QuestionsThread Group!
Remember you need to post a question at least to be kept in the running for questions star!



How was your day?
What’s your favorite activity?
Movies or books?

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  1. What’s the story behind your username?
  2. What advice do you think a younger version of yourself needed to hear?
  3. What’s your greatest accomplishment as of now?
  4. What’s your favorite breakfast food?
  5. What’s your favorite lunch food?
  6. What’s your favorite snack food?
  7. What’s your favorite dessert?
  8. Is it acceptable to eat cereal for dinner?
  9. Have you ever been in a performance?
  10. What’s your favorite subject in school?
  11. What’s your least favorite subject in school?
  12. Who do you talk to the most on the forums?
  13. Who do you want to talk to more on the forums?
  14. What could you talk about for hours?
  15. What’s a weird talent that you have?
  16. Do you like writing?
  17. What’s your favorite genre for books/movies/TV?
  18. Can you speak any languages other than English?
  19. Do you want to learn any more languages?
  20. What do you think more people should know about you?
  21. Can you swim?
  22. Have you ever gone hiking or camping?
  23. If you have, did you like them? If you haven’t, do you think you would or not?
  24. What’s your favorite song?
  25. Cats, dogs, or ducks?


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Oop-- :kissing:

  1. If five-year-old you suddenly found themselves in your current body, what would five-year-old you do first?

  2. If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?

  3. If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?

  4. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

  5. What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?

  6. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?

  7. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed? Why?

  8. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?

  9. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Why?

  10. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  11. What conspiracy theories do you believe in?

  12. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?

  13. What’s the first thing you do when you are bored?

  14. If you had to remove one color from the world forever, which would it be?

  15. What can you talk about for hours?

  16. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be?

  17. If you were given a million dollars today, how would you spend it?

  18. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?

  19. Who would you get to play as you in the movie of your life?

  20. What are you proud of, but never had an excuse to talk about?


Would you rather be a toilet paper zombie or a white sheet ghost?
Did you ever slip on a banana peel?
Toilet paper, over or under?
Would you rather eat a stick of butter or snort a tablespoon of salt?
Have you ever been to a close relative’s wedding?
What Crocs do you want for Christmas?
Trick or treat?
If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
What crazy name would you give your child if you were a celebrity?
Cookies or cake?
Cat or dog?
Computer games or video games?
Pop music or Rock music?
Stuffed animals or dolls?
Pancakes or waffles?
Hot chocolate or Tea?
Day or night?
Text message or call?
Library or museums?
French or Spanish?
Summer or winter?
Theater or cinema?
Love or money?
Book or movie?
Chocolate or vanilla?
Spotify or Apple Music? (Or Amazon or YouTube or idk what)
Rain or snow?
Comedy or horror?
Hamburgers or hot dogs?
Shrek 2 or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?
Bra or no bra?
Stay up at night and sleep during the day or be a normal person lol?
Shower or bath?
Shampoo first or soap first?

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What was the first rp you joined?
How long have you been rping?
Who’s the best character you made?
Are you currently in any rp?

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What’s your Hogwarts house?
Opinions on Tiktok?
Current celeb crushes?
Favorite and least favorite thing on Episode?
CAPS LOCK or all lower case?
How often do you check the forums?
Most creative username on the forums?
Most creative bio on the forums?
Favorite button on the keyboard?
Mouse or touchpad?
Numbers or letters?
Favorite and least favorite school subject?
Best and worst school subject?

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Day or night person?

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Cats, dogs, or ducks?

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Hi @Skyler2
What’s the sky like?
Do you like how your room looks?
Where is the dog that bit the cat?
Fish or chicken?
Rice or Macaroni?
Do you like Croissants? :pleading_face::croissant:
Chicken or fries?
Are croissants rad?
Which country would you like to travel to?
If there’s one thing that you’d like to do for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Do you like chocolate?
What’s your favourite type of ice-cream?
Why did you make the ice scream very loud?
Do you think news is important?
Am I rad?
Do you like DucroissantDog?
What’s your favourite snack you love to eat?
Do you like going out with your family?
Do you like the Shanniiwrites forums?

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What does your perfect day look like?

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SpookySherry's questions
  1. It wasn’t great, but it could have been worse.
  2. I guess listening to podcasts or playing pointless video games.
  3. Movies.


passionfruit's questions
  1. Well, on the Episode forums, it was Skyler2 because someone already had Skyler even though they were never active :expressionless:. But on here I put the two (even though Skyler was available) to keep the opportunity open for other people.
  2. Ask for more than one cactus.
  3. A bracelet I made for my dad.
  4. Waffles.
  5. A fried chicken sandwich.
  6. Chips.
  7. Brownie with ice cream.
  8. Yes.
  9. Yes, four I think.
  10. English.
  11. French.
  12. Right now, @Ouijaloveletters
  13. Just other people in general.
  14. Ready Player One (book).
  15. I’m not sure.
  16. Yes
  17. Sci-fi/action/thriller
  18. Yes, french.
  19. I kind of want to learn braille, I’m not sure if that counts.
  20. Hmmmm, I don’t know.
  21. Yes
  22. Yes, multiple times.
  23. It was kind of fun, but more fun when there’s other people.
  24. Forbidden Friendship - John Powell
  25. Dogs


RainbowCat's question
  1. Be nicer
  2. I wouldn’t even try because then I’d be called a witch.
  3. How to avoid and deal with chaotic evil dramatic people.
  4. Probably punch someone.
  5. A whole bunch of people avoiding each other.
  6. A skull.
  7. What do you mean if?
  8. Dangerous
  10. smoothies
  11. I guess the butterfly effect and chaos theory. I don’t know if you count that as a conspiracy theory though.
  12. I tried a monster energy drink
  13. Check my phone.
  14. Pink
  15. Ready Player One (book)
  16. Hmmm, I dunno. There’s not really enough people I know to invite them.
  17. I’d put it in my savings, move to a different town, buy my dad an apartment to live in the other city, buy a new house in the other city (cheap, small house). But I wouldn’t let any of them retire, and the money would be mine to distribute.
  18. Some awesome song that’s awesome.
  19. Me
  20. Being good at crib.


CerealKiller's questions
  1. White sheet ghost
  2. No
  3. Under
  4. Snort a tablespoon of salt
  5. Yes
  6. None
  7. Treat
  8. Butter with peanuts
  9. Mayonaise (but everyone would call them May)
  10. Cookies
  11. Video games
  12. Rock music
  13. Stuffed animals
  14. Waffles
  15. Tea
  16. Night
  17. Text message
  18. Library
  19. French
  20. Winter
  21. Cinema
  22. Love
  23. Book
  24. Chocolate
  25. Spotify
  26. Rain
  27. Comedy
  28. Hamburgers
  29. Shrek 2
  30. Bra
  31. Stay up at night
  32. Shower
  33. Shampoo
CerealKiller's second questions
  1. I forget what it was called but it was something with superheroes and villains by @CrazyCaliope
  2. around a year I think?
  3. Cohen Madenson @benitz786 and @Megan know :eyes:
  4. Yes, I’m in two. The Red Band Society by @zoe4564 and After the End by @Littlefeets


Soleil's questions
  1. Griffyndor
  2. ENTP
  3. Some of it’s good, but the dancing of dances that you didn’t create to songs that you’re not even singing it rough.
  4. I did like some stories, but it’s very obvious they only care about money.
  5. all lower case
  6. Normally everyday
  7. @CerealKiller
  8. @Ouijaloveletters
  9. Space bar
  10. Touchpad
  11. letters
  12. English or Math. French.
  13. I think math or something that you want to continue as a career is good, but social studies or history is kind of unnecessary.


TheDancingFryer's question



rozie's question



YoTanaka's question
  1. Kind of dark
  2. Yeah
  3. dead because the cat brought it’s friends
  4. chicken
  5. macaroni
  6. yes
  7. fries
  8. eh, they’re alright
  9. Maui
  10. avoid people
  11. yes
  12. mint chocolate
  13. because i need it to cool my drink
  14. yes
  15. of course
  16. Sure?
  17. chips
  18. yeah
  19. Yes!


astxrism's question

Rainy and I don’t have to go outside


What do you think of Creepypasta?

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I think it’s creepy and it shouldn’t bring pasta in to it’s creepiness -_-


Woah hello you :open_mouth:

  1. How’s your day going?
  2. How’s your life going?

That’s it from me

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Should you rejoin the D&D RP :eyes:

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Uh, ok then.

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  1. Hmmm, it’s alright
  2. pretty good

Yes, I 100% should. But I feel weird rejoining :eyes: