So for the second ever Question Thread, we have @ThatRandomCaraPerson ! Congratulations!
If any of you have any questions for Cara, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!
The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions please!
Have fun, Cara!
How to Play
The Disclaimer
Replying to all of these questions is going to be a huge task! Please only sign up if you:
Aren’t easily offended – As long as the questions follow the rules and aren’t too vulgar, there’s nothing we can do about questions that might offend people a little bit. So, if you’re someone who is easily offended, please reconsider signing up for this. It might cause you quite a bit of emotional distress! (We might work on a Restricted Section NSFW version of this if we get enough interest in that category).
Have the time on your hands – We’re hoping this will be an active thing! Please only sign up if you have the time on your hands and you’re willing to answer all of those questions!
Are okay with prying questions – just like with the offence issue, there’s nothing much we can do about questions that are a little prying. We’d like to have as many people who are willing to answer all the questions they can and come up with funny/silly answers for the ones they aren’t comfortable being truthful about. If that’s you, sign up!
The Rules
So every Thursday, we’ll be posting up a questions thread for a specific user.
That thread will be open for one week and will be closed just before we put up the new user.
You have 1 week to ask all the questions you can think of and the spotlighted user will have just the same amount of time to answer them.
After that week is up, the user is out of the spotlight and you’ve missed your chance to post on the thread! Of course, you can still ask them questions elsewhere, but it’s not their job to answer them anymore!
The spotlighted user will be given a badge and with that badge will come a title.
The spotlighted user will be required to keep the title for the full week so people know who they are.
If You Get Chosen
You will be granted the Forum Questions Star badge and you’ll have to change your title to “Forum Questions Star” – this will become an option on your profile as soon as you get the badge.
if you have a title at the moment that you want to go back to afterwards, make sure that you keep note of it so you can let me know after your week is over!
All you have to do is make sure that you scroll to the bottom of the thread and make sure you set it to “watching” (as seen below).
Then, just make sure you answer as many questions as possible before time runs out!
If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up on the thread below!
Would you rather eat 12 buffalo wings or 2 live octopuses?
@ThatRandomCaraPerson if you had to give up one thing to stay alive, would you choose books or friends?
@ThatRandomCaraPerson what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever smelled?
@ThatRandomCaraPerson Do you like chicken nuggets?
do you have any pets?
What is your favorite song?
Thanks ;-;
12 buffalo wings
Books. Probably…maybe.
My sister ( not Sam this time—surprise! ) wasn’t paying attention and accidentally burned her brownies she was making. It smelled really weird and bad.
Like chicken tenders? Yes. If they’re like those chicken nuggets from McDonald’s then no.
Ring Around the Rosey. Mostly because it’s about the Black Death ( I think ) and I find it creepy and unnerving, which is a good thing because I enjoy being scared.
I used to have a guinea pig named Scabbers because of Ron’s “ rat “
That’s a hard question. Right now it’s between Hometown by Twenty One Pilots or The Great Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd.
Edit: Or The Fall by half•alive
Favourite place you’ve ever been to and why
Hmm…probably Florida because it’s so fun here with Orlando and because I have family down here.
@ThatRandomCaraPerson if you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be and why?
What are you’re hobbies?
@ThatRandomCaraPerson have you ever played Detroit becomes human?
Not sure. I’ve never been interested in dying my hair, but maybe a dark brown?
I like to draw, play softball and tennis, listen to music, do yoga, and read.
What are you most scared of?