Questions Thread - cheesybaconpizza

So for this week’s Question Thread, we have @cheesybaconpizza! Congratulations!

If any of you have any questions for her, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!

The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions, please!

Have fun, I know we will! :wink:

How to Play

If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up to the @QuestionsThread Group! :smile:
Remember you need to post a question at least to be kept in the running for questions star!!


Am I the first person who asks a question? :eyes::green_heart:





what does your perfect day look like? :blue_heart:

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Do you actually like pizza?

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Do you like sharing a birthday with me?
Should I have been born on the 7th instead?
On our birthday, can we go get pizza and milkshakes?

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I need an answer to this:

Do you really like cheesy bacon pizza?


@cheesybaconpizza are you still in the group chat? :eyes:


What’s your favorite song? Singer? What kind of music do you like?

Pineapples on pizza? Fav pizza? Fav cheese?


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are you an rper
whats your sign (sun and/or rising)
do you like astrology
why’d u choose ur username
do u like my profile
what do you think abt it
are you confrontational
whats your favorite book/movie genre
detail oriented or big picture person
who are your favorite music artists? do you even listen to music?
would you consider yourself a funny person?
give me evidence
whats your aesthetic
what character do you consider yourself to be in the coming of age movie, im lgbt supporting cast as an example
what are your favorite general subjects in school?
how self aware are you
whatd you get on your report card as a kid
sweets or salts
ru damaged
where do you get your clothing from
describe your taste in whoever youre attracted to


oh shes a cancerrrrrrr
i like her


@cheesybaconpizza would you consider me as a friend?



  • How does it feel to be question star? Do you think 28 people will ask this same question? Why?
  • Favorite doorknob sock method? Why?
  • The cliche: why is the sky blue? Why?
  • Who did you expect to be question star?
  • Why didn’t you spam me? Why?
  • Why?
  • Favorite cheese? Why?
  • How do I paint a wall? Will you help me?
  • If you could choose any number between my left toe and my right toe, which one would it be?
  • Favorite bacon? Why?
  • Can you provide a wikihow on breathing?
  • Do you like cherry pants? Why?
  • How do I turn it off and on again?
  • If my rice is broken, do I put it in rice? Why?
  • Do you regret this already?
  • Opinions on me when you met me vs now?
  • Are we friends? :pleading_face:
  • Does the cheesy bacon pizza mainly consist of cheese, bacon or pizza? Why?
  • Favorite pizza? Why?
  • What’s your username? Why?
  • ?
  • Favorite question so far? Why?
  • How deep is the ocean if it were dry? Why? Who dried it?
  • When did you do? When? How? Why? Who?
  • Forum friends? Where?
  • Were you born at a young age? Why?
  • Would you like me to ask you your own questions? Why?

Favorite pizza side? :banana::sparkles:


What’s your favorite color?

  1. If five-year-old you suddenly found themselves in your current body, what would five-year-old you do first?
  2. If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
  3. If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
  4. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
  5. What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
  6. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
  7. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed? Why?
  8. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  9. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Why?
  10. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  11. What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
  12. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?
  13. What’s the first thing you do when you are bored?
  14. If you had to remove one color from the world forever, which would it be?
  15. What can you talk about for hours?
  16. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be?
  17. If you were given a million dollars today, how would you spend it?
  18. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
  19. Who would you get to play as you in the movie of your life?
  20. What are you proud of, but never had an excuse to talk about?

What is your favorite part of these forums?


Who is your best friend on these forums?


Do you prefer writing notes on an electronic device or on a piece of paper?
Do you prefer writing with a pen or a pencil?