I’ll try my best not to
Do you have any tattoos?
Do you want any?
If you do, is there any idea of what you’d like to do?
I’d like a semicolon tattoo
Dark, milk, or light chocolate
Milk chocolate
What inspired you to write Flowers have Thorns?
Do you like being spammed with random questions?
Do you believe in aliens?
Why really gets on your nerves?
If not blue, what color do you think the sky should be?
Same about the ocean☝🏾
Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
What are your 3 favorite movies?
If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?
What’s your favorite smell?
What’s your least favorite smell?
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Which of the Seven Dwarfs is most like you?
I watched the drama “Ice Adonis (Yellow Boots)” for major inspiration. I wonder if I should make a thread for the story for you to fangirl about it. Hehe.
I believe that they exist. It’s impossible for there not to be other life-forms in the universe.
Who really gets on my nerves, you mean? People.
Green or turquoise.
Yes, because that’s the right way to eat it.
3 movies I enjoy are: Charlie’s Angels, Carrie and… The Shawshank Redemption.
Probably Queen Mary of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I. Court drama is super interesting…
The smell after it rains.
Dead people.
Megan Thee Stallion!
I don’t know. Grumpy?
I actually meant what oopsie
But people is a mood
Oh, what gets on my nerves? 80% of Twitter
I may have been faster you with my Reflections on Q stories thread
Where’s the thread?
Hi there
Oh. Link?
I am going to cry.
I didn’t think people would like it that much!
If you were any flavour of popcorn, what flavour would you be?
Spicy cheese popcorn.
Favorite pizza topping?
Favorite frosting flavor ?
Weird but amazing food combo?
So you color you nails?
And your feet nails?
Cheese or chicken.
Pizza and ranch.
Not that often, but yes.
Again, not often, but I do.