Questions Thread -CrazyCaliope

For this week’s Question Thread, we have @CrazyCaliope ! Congratulations!

If any of you have any questions for her, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!

The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions, please!

How to Play

If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up to the @QuestionsThread Group!
Remember you need to post a question at least to be kept in the running for questions star!


Hey @QuestionsThread people, remember to ask questions if you haven’t had a question thread and really want one!

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Where are you from? If you don’t want to answer, what is the weather like?
Favorite book
Craziest hair cut you’ve gotten? Or seen?
Red or blue? Why?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Favorite meal
How was your day?

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Where are you from? If you don’t want to answer, what is the weather like?
I’m from New Zealand, from a town known as Palmy. Today is rather hot and there’s no wind, which is surprising for Palmy. HAHA


Favourite book
The Bronze Horseman series

Craziest hair cut you’ve gotten? Or seen?
Umm… (shrug)

Red or blue? Why?
Red. My favourite colour.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Nah, not really, not unless shown undeniable proof. That hasn’t happened yet.

Favourite meal
Is chocolate a meal?

How was your day?
So far so good. Gonna be an exciting one.

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What do you do in your spare time?

Current career vs dream career?

What got you into roleplaying?

Where do you see that going in the future?

Are you happy where your life is now?

What’s your favorite little thing going on rn IRL?

Edit need to add this question: what are you currently reading?

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What do you do in your spare time?
Uh… when specifically? ‘Cause there’s a list.

Current career vs dream career?
Barista VS esl teacher or writer

What got you into roleplaying?
General RPing: bor

Where do you see that going in the future?
I don’t. Is that depressing?

Are you happy where your life is now?
Yeah, I guess.

What’s your favourite little thing going on rn IRL?
The thing that happened yesterday. HEHEHEHEHE. (giggles)

Edit need to add this question: what are you currently reading?
Been a bit busy as of late, so still As You Wish.

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What is As You Wish about?

I guess I’ll reword the spare time question to: what do you do when you’re not working or on the forums?

Current favorite hobby?

What do you like about your current job?

What do you hate about your current job?

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What is As You Wish about?
It’s a sort of autobiography about Cary Elwes’ time making The Princess Bride.

I guess I’ll reword the spare time question to: what do you do when you’re not working or on the forums?
Write, D&D, play Sims, board games, and read.

Current favourite hobby?
Very very very current one… play with Rocky. HEHE

What do you like about your current job?
Great people to work with.

What do you hate about your current job?
The lack of business 'cause of the latest Covid cases.

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  • If you could have an ideal pet (even a mythological one) what would it be? Actually, give me both…your ideal pet of animals that exists AND a mythological one!
  • What was your favorite fairytale (or story) when you were a kid?
  • What is your favorite fruit? (coconuts count)
  • What are some of your favorite characters (from anything: books, movies, shows, anime)?
  • Do you have a funny family memory? (example: I once won a prize at a fair that my cousin tried desperately for. I literally just handed it to her as a birthday gift, so it was instant gratification at its finest. The look on her crestfallen face when she didn’t win was hilarious because I had always planned to give it to her.)
  • Do you own a pair of red shoes?
  • Did you ever have an article of clothing that was your favorite? (my current favorite is a very long teal shirt, though it’s a size or two too big on me these days)
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  • If you could have an ideal pet (even a mythological one) what would it be? Actually, give me both…your ideal pet of animals that exists AND a mythological one!
    Ah… usually I’d say cat, but I’m loving having a doggie. As for mythological, I’d go either a Gargoyle or a Kelpie.
  • What was your favourite fairytale (or story) when you were a kid?
    Three Little Pigs, but the Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes version.
  • What is your favourite fruit? (coconuts count)
  • What are some of your favourite characters (from anything: books, movies, shows, anime)?
    Ludo from Labyrinth, Wesley from The Princess Bride, and Gary from Goodnight Sweetheart.
  • Do you have a funny family memory? (example: I once won a prize at a fair that my cousin tried desperately for. I literally just handed it to her as a birthday gift, so it was instant gratification at its finest. The look on her crestfallen face when she didn’t win was hilarious because I had always planned to give it to her.)
    HEHEHE. Love your story. But… umm… not sure. Uh… when I was maybe 13, on Christmas Day, we had a water fight. So it was me, my grandma, and her partner (Leighton). My mum was home 'cause she was still working (not on the day) and didn’t have time off until after new year’s, that’s when she’d come down. Anyway, I digress. We’d done presents, just the three of us, that morning, and then we were cooking Christmas dinner, which is more a lunch thing. This is more a British tradition for Christmas dinner, I think. Well, we were going to pack it all up and go to the lake for a picnic, except, it was pouring down outside. So we stayed home and set up the table inside the pub. Yes, my grandma and Leighton owned a (country) pub at the time. Plus, nearing the time to eat, they’d invited a couple of the (single) dairy farmers to join us so they weren’t alone, 'cause they could be away for too long to visit their extended families 'cause cows need to be milked.
    Anyway, after we had had dinner and before pudding, my grandma had bought extra silly prezzies. Just $2 ones. Just for extra fun, and I had wrapped them for her the day before. There were six prezzies, but 'cause we had an extra guy invited, grandma and I shared the last prezzie since we wrapped them. HEHEHE. And I saved the best for us; the water pistols. Once unwrapped, grandma whispered for me to “use the loo” but really fill them up and come back in and spray the boys. I did.
    So we had an indoor water fight while it was raining. The guys had water balloons in one of their prezzies. The fight ended with grandma tipping the large bowl of water (they used to fill balloons) over Leighton’s head and he ripped off his wet shirt and threw it at her.
    Then we changed, me changing my jeans 'cause a water balloon had been popped down them, and sat to enjoy pudding/dessert.
  • Do you own a pair of red shoes?
    …I don’t think so.
  • Did you ever have an article of clothing that was your favourite? (my current favourite is a very long teal shirt, though it’s a size or two too big on me these days)
    Yeah, a few items. But currently it’s two hoodies. One has Luke’s Diner on it, and the other is a Shanniiwrites noir one.
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That sounds like it was a great day, rainy weather and all! Thanks for sharing.

So, I feel like I have to explain the red shoes, since it’s apparently such a rare thing these days. So, there were 2 occasions were I needed red shoes and was downright desperate to find them, but NEVER found them. 1. I was dressed up as Dorothy for halloween when I was a kid, but we never found the red shoes that NEEDED to be part of the outfit, so instead I was confused for a raggedy ann doll. 2. Once again for halloween in my teenage years this time, I had on the coolest head-to-toe red dress outfit with devil horns and a pitchfork and a tail~ But, I couldn’t find so much as a red pair of converse to wear that day. I’d have liked to have found red boots.

So, I’ve been on the lookout for red shoes ever since. The closest pair I own to red is a pair of burgundy wine-hued sneaks.


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It’s hard thinking of questions!

What genres do you read?

Are you in a romantic relationship?

When you were younger, did you have any expectations for where you would be where you are now? Do these expectations line up with where you actually are?

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If you could sit down for a meal with any 3 characters that you’ve created, which ones and why? What about any 3 rp Characters (whether they were yours or not)?

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Yeah, it really was. One of my favourite christmases.

Oooooh… HAHAHA. I was wondering if it was a Dorothy-related question.
I mean, my mum has a pair. Actually no, I think she has a could of pairs, maybe even three. But yeah, she has a lot of shoes. … Oh wait, I did have a pair of red shoes. From years ago when one of my besties and I went on a road trip. We were looking in a shoe shop and found a pair of wedges we both loved. Tried them on and both bought them. Got home and my mum fell in love too, so a year later when I saw them on sale back home, bought her a pair too.

My friend Gabi & myself

Awww, sooo cute!

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It’s hard thinking of questions!
I feel you there.
What genres do you read?
I usually go for mystery, thriller, and comedy.
Are you in a romantic relationship?
Just romantic? No. (smirk)
When you were younger, did you have any expectations for where you would be where you are now? Do these expectations line up with where you actually are?
No, I honestly didn’t. I wasn’t one of these kids who pictured their life or job or whatever. I had no idea.

Hmm… can I say the crew from Regency Goals? Hmm… three and three. Okay, my Andrew and Alexandria. Then Jay’s Aliana and Chocy’s Jordan. Oh, plus, Briar’s Atticus. As for a third of mine, I’d go for… hmm… maybe Nathan Keller?

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HEHEHE. I do. He’s new. We’ve only had him for (almost) 5 days.

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Nice! Haha, those are lovely wedges. My cousin also had a pair of red converse she wore to death. I’m still hunting for my dream pair of red shoes.

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