- Have you ever written a letter to a future self?
- Which dead language would you like to study
- Do you have a journal?
- Do you write poetry?
- Have you ever written a sonnet?
- Favorite quote?
- Have you read any poetry?
- Favorite play?
- Have you ever listened to playlist that are like “you’re dancing with your rival and momentarily forget about your target” example: https://youtu.be/8RiAAL062RI or https://youtu.be/aMhe4NyHZCo
10.How would you describe your music taste? - Oldest book you own?
- “Does such a thing as ‘the fatal flaw,’ that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn’t. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs.” what’s your fatal flaw?
- “I suppose at one time in my life I might have had any number of stories, but now there is no other. This is the only story I will ever be able to tell.” how does this quote make you feel imagining your self thinking this?
What’s something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?
What uncommon thing would you like to see become more common?
What thing from childhood do you still enjoy to this day?
What do you wish you understood better?
What is something that will instantly annoy you?
Do you have an app on your phone that you use even though you hate it?
What are your top five snacks?
What snacks do you hate?
What animal do you think best reflects your personality?
What doesn’t exist, but should?
How do you make decisions?
Would you consider yourself decisive or indecisive?
If you could be anywhere right now , where would you like to be?
If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would you want it to be?
What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
Favorite city?
How have your priorities changed over time?
If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?
Yeah, it’s really dumb though cause I wrote it when I was about seven and mad at everyone.
Not anymore.
No to both.
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
Yes I have, my favourite poem is “Solitude” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
An Inspector Calls.
Not until now.
Oldest book I’m sure I still have is Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner.
Hmm, that’s an interesting one. I suppose I’m curious what the story is that’s making me think I can’t tell any other. Is it something that happened to me, or something else entirely?
Read a good book.
People who like metal music
Those space hoppers I think they’re called. The ones you sit on.
Old English
People who start doing tiktok dances just out of the blue.
That water sort game dammit I hate all the time it takes away from me but it’s so addictive.
Breadsticks with hoummus, ready salted pringles, mince pies, brunch bars and raspberries.
Pepperami. They smell and taste disgusting.
More womens clothes with pockets
I just go with what feels right and hope it doesn’t have disastrous consequences.
Most definitely indecisive.
Right where I am.
My laptop is worth more than me lol.
Ice nine kills.
That’s an interesting one. I suppose I’d say recently they’ve changed from getting writing done, to getting studying done.
A crescent moon.
how are you doing?
what are your favorite foods you love to buy when you buy whenever you go out?
do you like window shopping?
if someone dared you to climb a tall mountain for 5mil, would you?
have you ever seen an irl waterfall?
what’s your favorite childhood memory?
do you like chocolate coated strawberries?
do you like sushi?
have you visited any other country and did you like it there?
- If you could have an ideal pet (even a mythological one) what would it be?
- What was your favorite fairytale (or story) when you were a kid?
- What is your favorite fruit? (coconuts count)
- What are some of your favorite characters (from anything: books, movies, shows, anime)?
- Do you have a funny holiday memory? (example: one year, my sister dressed her chihuahua as an elf…and it was the most grouchy elf anyone’s ever seen)
- Do you own a pair of red shoes?
- Did you ever have an article of clothing that was your favorite? (I had a soft Twilight shirt I loved to death)
I’m doing good!
Always make sure to grab a pack of breadsticks
Seriously? I’d climb it twice for that money.
No, but I want to one day!
Love them!
No, not a massive fan of seafood.
I’ve been to Spain, that was really nice! And Greece, which was also nice, but a bit too hot for me.
A polar bear!
I’m sure I read Cinderella at least a million times
Severus Snape from Harry Potter and Aeiln Galathynius from Throne of glass.
One year, we were in Spain and someone came up to my Dad and asked him something in another language, and we were really confused. Turns out they thought he was Turkish, apparently they really thought he looked it, so now it’s an ongoing joke that he’s the Turkish guy. When we went to Greece, we were so close to his “homeland”.
That’s an odd one. And no, I don’t think I do actually.
Oh yes, there were these shoes when I was little (I don’t even remember what they looked like, just that I was obsessed with them.), and I loved them so much I made my Mum buy them for me again when they got too small, and then again after that.
- The Turkish guy!!
If it makes him feel any better, I always get confused for an Indian because of my nose.
- It’s always great when you’re able to find them and buy them again! I didn’t have that luck for mine.
What is your fav pet?
What is your fav show on Netflix if you have netflix?
Hmm, what is your fav story?
Are you an adventurous person or a home person?
What is your fav ice cream flavor?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
All I could think about!
Aw no!
I don’t have any pets, but I’d love a doggo.
New Girl! It’s being taken off soon though
Book? Throne of Glass series.
Definitely a home person.
It’s hard to think of on the spot! I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting, I do embarrassing things all day every day, but a few years ago there was a guy I liked and I got caught up looking at him, and tripped up the stairs, faceplanting and somehow managing to loose a shoe that I had to crawl back and find while being trampled because it was a one-way stairwell. He saw it all.
Sorry for laughing but I’m imaginating the scene!
@Ebx Please tell me you’ve written or are writing a story with a scene similar to that.
It was probably funny to watch, but I’ve never wanted the ground to swallow me up so much!
I have not, but maybe I will do just for you
Hey @QuestionsThread people, I need to choose (randomly spin) the new star for next week soon, so if you want to be it then please ask questions!
Guys, you haven’t had a thread yet, please ask @Ebx a question!
@angelic, @Daya, @Oofalumpa, @Quinn, @Sk_Supernatural, @Sophia1233, @Dove6
For those of you who want to be the question star again, please ask @Ebx a question!
@Acorn06, @aesthetic, @AnnSza, @AS007, @katabasis, @benitz786, @Blegar, @Bonswayout, @Cadborosa, @liyahsdiamond, @courtana, @Danielle318, @Divcp, @Edelgard, @Eliza, @ethereal, @KiaraTheSnek, @Konix, @lamecast88, @Madilfill, @Megan, @Nil, @OhSumana, @passionfruit, @phlegmatic, @raviola, @Rxttenx, @ShanniiWrites, @Skyler2, @SnowyStar, @StarMaryGoth, @unsungcheerio, @Yomama
- Why is it called a TV “set” when you only get one?
- How do mermaids make babies?
- How can there be “self help GROUPS”?
- Why do they write “May contain traces of peanuts or other kind of nuts” on peanut butter jars?
- Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state: Caution - May Cause Drowsiness?
Alright, well here is the SG guide thread or if you prefer to help out the forums, you can find it here on the website.
Okay, so here’s the Prompt Eighteen Official SG, which is a group one and anyone can read, vote, and participate at any time.
On another note, do you like romance stories or adventure stories or both?
I’m not too too sure about that. Maybe you just need to join a few SGs with characters and/or read along with them and then maybe you can, yeah.
Heya My fav tea listener
How’s your day?
Are you feeling good?
Coffee or Tea?
Pineapple on Pizza?
Forum bestie?
Fav Song?
Fav movie? (Can be anything hehe)
I’m too lazy to write more-