If you could have everyone know one thing about you, what would you want everyone to know?
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
Do you know how amazing you are? If not, I can always tell you more.
What is your favorite time of year?
^I actually know that one! So they don’t get sued if someone were, for example, to eat peanut butter but be allergic to peanuts, it would be the companies legal fault for not stating on the label that there is peanuts in it. …despite being called peanut butter
ru a boob or butt guy
or if u like men only, arms or sum else
do u think rihanna’s actually pregnant
do u think the fame would get to ur head if u became a celebrity
whats a spelling of ur name that u think looks cooler than the actual one
favorite type of seasoning
which crush do u most regret
Cool. Looking forward to you helping out with 18 if you’re interested. (wink)
Oh, cool. Well, I have The Bachelor(ette) SG if you are interested in romance. Anyone can read it and vote on the polls throughout the story; I even love hearing comments on the Bachelor(ette)'s chat thread.
For the adventure one, I have two that I really want to continue but will be needing new people to adopt a character since some of the old users are M.I.A. The SGs are The Kraken and Deathsleep.