Meet The Ladies
Eleven female bachelorettes stood in a small empty room, about the size of three Orcas swimming side by side. It was in an everyday office block, and this was all that was on this floor, aside from the toilets that were next to the lift.
Lilith stood in one corner, her jet black hair out and parted to one side as it hung below her shoulders. Wearing a nice navy blue shirt that was loosely tucked into her black skinny jeans.
“Adelaide, hi, nice to meet you. I’m Lilith,” she greeted, holding out her hand.
Adelaide looked at Lilith’s outstretched hand for a few seconds too long before replying quietly, “Yeah, nice to meet you too.” Instead of shaking her hand, she reached her hand to her ear and adjusted her large hoop, which were similar to Lilith’s. Unlike Lilith, she wore a dress; a modern haltered, Greek toga. The dress had been bunched at the top and bottom of the bust, revealing a little midriff through the thin connector between the top and skirt. She looked at the third member of their group, waiting.
This woman, Noga, had long brunette hair too and was running her hand through it. The strands of her straight hair that she was playing with, covered one of the spaghetti straps of her white boob tube. With it, she wore a long high-waisted skirt that was patterned with many banana leaves. Her tanned left leg escaped out of the slit that reached all the way up to thigh.
“Pardon?”, Noga queried, looking straight at Adelaide and wondering if she missed being spoken to. “Did you say something? I’m sorry. I thought you were just making introductions. I’m Noga, by the way.”
“Noga,” Lilith repeated. “That’s an unusual name. I haven’t heard of it before.”
“No, you probably wouldn’t have in the U.S. I know at least five, although I use the term know loosely. I do hope that sets me apart then, in the competition, having an unusual name.”
“It’ll probably have the opposite effect,” Adelaide said, speaking a little quieter. “People are usually drawn to those with names they either know or associate things with. Even if your personalities mesh well together, they may not give you time at first, over someone with a name they know.”
“Uh, thanks? That was just me trying to be optimistic, I hope to have as much as the next girl in here.”
Adelaide subtly shrugged. “Only basing it on statistics.”
Just a metre and a half away were three more ladies, a taller and slightly louder group. Mia stood there half-listening in a scarlet knee-length dress that had a sweetheart neckline. Her loose brunette curls were a little untamed today, mainly due to her tiredness after having to be awake so early. However, her makeup was flawless, giving her copper-coloured skin a perfect muted shine.
“-time will only tell,” the dark-skinned Barbie finished up saying. Mia heard none of what Barbie had said, too mesmerised by her off-shoulder, designer sapphire cocktail dress, accompanied with black stilettos.
“Yes, time. Actually, what was it you’re talking about, Barb- Maya?”, Mia asked, quickly fixing the slip of almost calling her Barbie and hopefully, it went unnoticed.
It didn’t, at least not by Bexley, who gave Mia a quizzical look as to why she almost said that. Then dropped it and let her eyebrows fall. She came dressed the most naturally of the three, with light makeup and her long light brown hair hung out in loose waves, one side tucked behind her ear. Except for her dress, which was long and red, which had a train and hugged all her curves. “We were talking about who we thought would last in this competition,” she answered with a little too much enthusiasm.
Mia yawned, looking around the room. “Really? That’s good for me then if you two don’t think you’ll last.”
“I didn’t say that. It was more guessing who would be in the top two to five.”
“Of course, we all think and want to be in the top five,” Maya replied. Speaking in a rich southern accent without the usual drawl. “It’s nice to guess who will be there with you, don’t you think?”
“And it’s fun too,” Bexley added.
Mia knew that she wouldn’t be able to tolerate Miss Bubbles for too much of this competition, not unless she was popped. “Alright, I’ll be in the final two with her over there,” she pointed to a girl not too far from them.
The lady Mia had pointed at was Maria. A lady not too different to Mia’s look, from colouring and hair to her physique. All except that she would have been a few inches shorter, as was the same with her hair. Although her dress made her look taller. She wore a slinky lilac silk dress that flaunted her assets and had a slit up one side. She was deep in conversation. “-don’t know what I want but I don’t have the money either. Gotta focus on my education and surviving that first.” She laughed half-heartedly.
The girl she was talking to nodded, her name was Lorelei and wore a tight crop top that was the colour of the night sky, with a push-up that enhanced her cleavage. Matched with black skinny jeans and charcoal Doc Martens. Flicking her slick black hair behind her, off her abdomen, she revealed more of her tattoos peeking out from under her crop. “Sadly, that is probably a wise choice,” Lorelei told Maria. Her voice was deep with a hint of something European in it. “After your first, you usually can’t stop there.“
“That. I’ve heard that before. But the cost for one alone is expensive, so waiting is best.”
Lorelei nodded again. “If you are concentrating on and budgeting for your studies, then why did you come on this show? It sounds to me like you would be missing out on getting your qualifications.”
Maria adjusted the spaghetti straps of her dress before answering. “Uh, well, I am gonna graduate. Just wanna find a balance in my life too. Can’t be all work, can it?”
Over in the other corner from Lilith and her group, was a woman whose style looked like a grunge tomboy. Wearing a dark green chequered shirt over a long black tank top and ripped denim shorts, with tights and converse. “But seriously, do you think I’ll get demerit points or something for being the last one here?”, the tomboy, Eden, asked, tucking strands of her tousled short brown hair behind her ear.
Nova was fidgeting with her own long brunette waves, focusing on standing upright and steady in her summer tied wedges. She had already face planted upon arrival, in her long summery pastel-yellow dress, mildly grazing her knee. She didn’t say anything.
The woman on Nova’s other side, a petite and once fair-skinned woman with long blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, was off in her own little world. Her name was Lexi and she was dressed all in black. From stilettos to a mid-length pencil skirt with a slit up the middle and a tight long-sleeve, v-neck, criss-cross crop top. Hearing the last few words, she snapped her head back around. “Sorry, I missed that. What did you say?”
Eden lifted both hands this time to tuck her hair behind both ears. “Uh, I was wondering if you think being late will count against me.”
“I hope not, else… um… else I’m in trouble for tripping over and being so… foolish,” Nova added quietly.
Lexi gave them a friendly laugh. “I shouldn’t think so. Looks like there are only contestants here and the show’s host isn’t even-” Before she could finish, there was an interruption.
Johnny Doe walked in, stopping just inside the door. No one saw or paid him any attention until he started speaking, then all eyes were on him. “Ladies, welcome! We’ve had The Bachelor and we’re had The Bachelorette, but welcome to the first Bachelor…ette. Yes, that’s right, this season we’re going to have both, at the same time.”
“You’re probably wondering where your bachelor is. Well, he’s not here. In fact, first I have a task for you and then I take you to meet him,” he continued. “All the male contestants are all grouped on a floor below you and your task is to choose two to send home.” He paused for gasps from the group, then pointed to a door next to the toilets that didn’t seem to be there before. “You’ll go in there, read their names and select two to send home. Announce to the camera who they are you’re sending home and why, as well as introducing yourself. Are you ready to do this?”
What do you think of the characters introductions?
What is your character’s first impressions of the others? What do they think of the first elimination?
@astxrism, @benitz786, @CerealKiller, @Kate, @Littlefeets, @Madilfill, @passionfruit, @Kristi, @Skyler2, @Tellyg47, and @unsungcheerio