What does your dream SG look like, if you were to join one?

It’s Monday morning and I have a bit of a brain fart. What are you referring to exactly when you say “SG?”


A game that focuses on the narration of a story rather than the choices a character makes.
But I’m not so good in explaining. @CrazyCaliope do you have a better explanation that actually makes scenes? :sweat_smile:


Found it! Found the info on SGs. Reading now.


Okay, from what I grasp of it…unlike in RPs where each person is roleplaying their specific character acting and reacting to other characters and situations…an SG is like one person cooking up a big stew with everyone’s characters and suggestions being tossed in as ingredients? Does that sound about right?


More than mine. But yeah, from what I’ve seen, there are multiple definitions for it, some elements are in- or excluded from it.

So let’s just say, go with what you think it is haha


If that’s the case, than a “dream SG” that I would enjoy reading and being a part of would involve: 1. A soulmate system of some kind. 2. Fantasy. 3. Hilarity. 4. LGBTQ+ friendliness. 5. Character diversity.


Oooh that does sound like an interesting one. Fun combinations too! :thinking:


:rofl: I know what I like. I was also cursed blessed with tons of plot bunnies running around in my head and multiplying, so I always mix it up in my own writing…but, usually what I listed is always part of each story (though that’s not to say I don’t also enjoy action/aventures, crime mysteries, and other genres).


That’s the fun thing about SG and Rp’s though. Even if you do the same thing twice but with different people, the outcome will be different. It would be interesting.


Maybe a fantasy or supernatural SG where the creator chooses the “Chosen One” at random. Could be your character or not. I’ve often thought it interesting that while we’re living our own lives/stories we can be side characters in someone else’s.


Beautiful explanation. Also, thanks for finding the info. (wink)


My dream one? I’m not sure, 'cause I actually do them when I want to. BUT the one I want to break back and finish is my challenging mystery SG.


Hey @CrazyCaliope , can you link me one of your SGs? I’m really curious about them.

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Sure thing. Though I’m not sure if you’d be interested with what you said above about not really enjoying the traditional genres. (thinking)

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I find enjoyment in almost anything. Your SG is in good hands, I promise. (hands? more like eyes, since I’m just reading, ha ha)

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Hahaha. I’m not worried, just didn’t wanna give you anything that’d disinterest you. (wink) Anyway, these are the ones open in the public forums.

Note: The DnD ones are a little different from traditional SGs, as they are a little more game-like.

I also have three in the restricted section, which is a private section for adults who wish to join for no more than $3 a month. A small amount that helps the forum greatly.

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It’s fascinating. For some reason, the adventure story reminds me of old radio adventures “tune in next week, as our hero tackles…” Which were actually a couple of generations before me. The shows I waited for weekly as a kid were cartoons like The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Gargoyles, both of which had cliffhanger commercial breaks and multiple-part episodes. As for the Bachelorette, I like the voting system! Feels like you’re really watching a reality tv show. :rofl:

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HAHAHA. Thanks. Yeah, I can see why you’d see that, you know, since I adapted them from the old Fantasy Fights books. (wink) Wicked. That’s awesome to here since I was really trying to make it seem like my own version of watching the show.

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