Are you ready for my first questions?
Let’s start with some basic stuff…
What’s your age?
Where do you live?
Favourite colour?
Least favourite colour?
Lucky number?
Digital or traditional art?
Zodiac sign?
Chinese zodiac sign?
Cats or dogs?
Are you wearing white socks right now?
Your favourite food?
Your least favourite food?
Your favourite music?
Your least favourite music?
Your favourite artist?
Your least favourite artist?
Biggest dream?
Weirdest habit?
Favourite forum user?
How many languages do you speak?
Pancakes or waffles?
Your favourite type of questions?
Most embarrassing moment of your life?
Proudest moment of your life?
Favourite animal?
Why did you join the star cult?
The story behind your username and pfp?
Do you like polls? ?
Do you like chicken nuggets?
Do you already regret signing up to this?
Should I dare others to ask more questions?
Do you like make-up?
Your favourite TV show?
Favourite movie?
Best childhood memory?
Worst childhood memory?
Do you like to celebrate your birthday?
Do you have a forum crush?
Favourite mod?
Favourite thread?
Least favourite thread?
Favourite book?
Least favourite book?
Favourite movie quote?
Favourite word?
Should I post more questions?