That’s not how the song goes

nO. i aM aN inDePenDenT pRiNCeSS wHo dOn’T nEEd nO mANz
That’s not how the song goes
no, this version is called CINDERELLA BECOMES WOKE
[quote=“Eccentric, post:23, topic:8355, full:true”]

The only time I’ll ever use this emoji
Are you an angry zombie?
The only time I’ll ever use this emoji
Are you an angry zombie?
I’m a sad zombie now.
Why did you choose the title Arbitrary Arbiter?
I’m sorry!

Why did you choose the title Arbitrary Arbiter?
You should’ve seen my fancy ““aesthetic”” bio with the definitions
Arbitrary because, well arbitrary and arbiter because it’s alliteration. I’m not actually an arbiter here because I don’t participate in debates for the sake of maintaining peace with others.
(Arbiter - person who settles dispute)
(Arbitrary - based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system)
I’m also a pro parent debater so if you need a parent lawyer hmu
Do you remember the game Shopping Street?
When was the last time you played Papa’s Freezeria?

Do you remember the game Shopping Street?
The game where we got to nearly the highest level and the computer didn’t save the game

When was the last time you played Papa’s Freezeria?
Last year at the beginning of the school year, I wanted to see what sites they blocked so that was the first place I went.

The game where we got to nearly the highest level and the computer didn’t save the game
Then we got mad and stopped playing it

Then we got mad and stopped playing it
Sasha’s Health Spa
Do you still play Haunt the House?
Too scary
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A, well maybe once.
What’s your favorite way of scaring people in Haunt the House?
The pink bed of doom
No wait— the cage in the attic with the bird, because everyone always goes up there and the bird is the loudest.
And the bear in the living room