And the moose with the long neck
And the monster in the bathtub
What’s your favorite game on Cool Math games?
The Papa’s Franchise
Which one is your favorite?
The OG Papa’s Pizzaria, but I don’t remember how to play it now
Isn’t there a tutorial?
Did you ever burn a pizza (in the game) on purpose?
To serve to a certain person who always gives me bad ratings regardless? maybe…
Weren’t they called “Closers”?
What’s your favorite temple in Fireboy & Watergirl?
Yeah, the ones with permanent angry expressions
The light temple because it’s hard and takes forever.
(Whenever there’s someone I want to meet, I just whip out my chromebrook and ask “Fireboy and Watergirl?” and they usually oblige. Then we proceed to bond over the pure rage the game brings and have conversations during the easy levels, so in a way fireboy and watergirl is the reason why I have some of my friends today.)
What do you hate most about lockdown?
What’s the first thing you’ll do once quarantine is over?
Do you miss anyone right now?
What food are you craving?
Why did you choose the name Mysteria?
What’s your MBTI type?
Do you have pets?
What’s your favorite thread on the forum?
- Have you been reading any of the RPs?
- What’s your favourite section of forums?
- Do you still use the Episode app and do you write on it?
- How’s isolation for you?
- What’s your favourite question of all the questions above?
How’s business for the crumbs?
Lack of interaction with other people, it’s just been myself and my family.
Go outside and probably play with the neighborhood kids
still a 5 year old at heart
My school acquaintances, and the fun aimless chats we had.
Chunky Monkey
I wanted to remain ambiguous here, but not have the name Mysterious. I heard the word “Mysterio” before, and to make it different I changed the ending vowel.
Protagonist, I don’t remember if I’m assertive or turbulent though
I had fish at one point, but that was short lived.
The Last Post Wins, it’s really whimsical in a way.
I’ve been reading the Camp Half-Blood RP
Forum Games, hence why the majority of my posts are in that catagory.
I do use episode, although I may not agree on some of their forum issues there are authors that I enjoy reading. Writing? I have a few comedy ideas up my sleeve
Not terrible, I’ve become a green tea enthusiast though.
Good question, it’s “Have you been reading any of the RPs?” because I don’t see many RP based questions on these threads and I should ask more RP/SG related questions. (:
No bueno chica, no es bueno.
I knew it
Oh yeah, I heard of Mysterio from Spiderman Far From Home
Do you remember that we used to call the multiplier in Subway Surfers “Tom Brady”?
Okay, prepare for them then. HEHEHE
All CHB RP-related questions below:
- Who is your favourite character?
- Favourite conversation?
- Favourite writer(s) on there?
- 'Shipping anyone?
- What do you think of Ani’s clues?
- What do you think of Ani’s plotting?
Do you like spicy food?
Have you ever seen a double-rainbow?
Do you like rhinos?
What’s your favourite movie?
What’s your favourite TV series?
Thank you qwq
Your replies are hilarious tho xD