Questions Thread - Nil

For this week’s Question Thread, we have @Nil! Congratulations!

If any of you have any questions for her, feel free to post below! If you wanna blow up her notifications, feel free to @ her, too!

The questions can be as silly as you like. Just make sure you’re following the guidelines – no swearing or NSFW/mature questions, please!

How to Play

If you’d like to have the chance to be chosen for next week, sign up to the @QuestionsThread Group!
Remember you need to post a question at least to be kept in the running for questions star!


Where’d you come up with your username?


Do you like being this week’s question star?

Will this thread get annoying?

What’s your favourite book genre

Fav mod

Fav leader


Ahh hiiiii!!!

What does your perfect day look like?



  • G****** or shrek?
  • Best weight for a door?
  • Best angle for a door to be at?
  • What’s your opinion on door abuse?
  • Do you take your doors on walks? If so, how long for?

Do you like pasta? :yum::heart::rose::two_hearts:

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What’s your favorite song?
School subject?

I didn’t answer all of my questions nooooooo

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Favorite RP?
Favorite character you’ve made for an RP?
What character that you’ve made do you most want to improve?

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Opinions on Gilbert?

What trust level are you?

Do you like fries?

Do you like onion rings?

Do you like fried chicken?

Do you follow a diet?

Inspiration behind your username?

Do you like goats?

What’s you favorite section on here?

What’s your hair type?

Opinions on shrek?



@Nil :wink:

How’s life right now?
What is your favorite weather condition?
Favorite type of wood?
Are you on zepeto?
Most useless social media platform?
Favorite color of trash bag?
Worst type of backpack?


How many ducks would you adopt if you could adopt as many as you’d like?
Am I your favourite duck? :pleading_face:
How many cuddly toys do you own?
Do you have pets?
Do you like polls?
Should ducks rule the world?
Did you draw your pfp yourself?
Do you like my pfp?
Am I too obsessed with ducks?
Quack? :duck:
Is this emoji :pleading_face: cute?
How would you describe your forum aesthetic?
Are you in a forum relationship? If yes, when’s the wedding?
Should me and @Nessie adopt you as our first forum child? :joy:
Do you believe in aliens?
How often do you wash your hair?
What’s your least favourite colour?
What do you do when you’re hungry but you don’t want to eat bread?
Do you like to feed ducks?
How many languages do you speak?
What’s the funniest word you know?
When was the last time you went outside? :eyes::sparkles:

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Do you like seals?

Have you seen that farting seal video :pleading_face:?

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  • do you like to eat sand? why?
  • what’s the absolute worst angle for a door to be at?
  • how often do you shower your mirror?
  • is there a certain door material (other than wood) that irritates you?
  • would you rather go on a date with your window or bedside lamp?
  • what’s your favourite pillowcase flavour?

What do you do in your free time?
Dogs or cats? why?
What are you favorite board games?
Favorite Starbucks order?

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Omg yayyy

  • Favourite roleplay?
  • Favourite movie?
  • Who is your favourite character you’ve made in a roleplay?
  • Who’s your least favourite?
  • How do you come up with names for characters?
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What’s your Hogwarts house?
Do you associate yourself with any fandom? Which ones?
Favorite scene in a movie/tv show?
Current celeb crush(es)?
Do you play any video games? Which ones?



Okay, I’ve regained my composure.

It’s actually an acronym for one of my characters who has a long and crazy name—Narcissa Ingrid Liuré, which says NIL, so yeah. I liked it, especially that it means nothing… because I’m nothing :<

No, just joking.

Of course! I love being asked things.

Definitely Fantasy! If favorite fantasy, high fantasy!

Ah, that’s hard. I don’t know if I have a favorite, because I think they’re all fair to me. They work hard for the forums so they’re all awesome!


My perfect day should start off with me waking up early, and include me finally finishing the tasks I’ve been procrastinating on (a.k.a. writing).

I don’t know who’s G****** is, so I’m left with one. choice :3


Huh? I don’t know about degrees, but definitely straight and fixed with 90° angle on each corner.

What has this become to? Door abuse shouldn’t be romanticized or whatever. Doors protect us from outside evils and you’re abusing it? No-no-no, that’s not how it works!

I don’t… doors are heavy and if I do, what’s left for our house? :laughing:


Do you support the LGBTQ+ community?



My favorite song varies from moment to moment, but I think right now I definitely love Steelheart’s She’s Gone!

Avril Lavigne : D

A dark shade of grey.

Panda bears


Literature : D

My Ma’s fried chicken

Hmm… maybe that mais con yelo? Or mango float?

Coffee :yum:

Seven : D

I always hold Fairytale-d! close to my heart :')

Probably Merthiel from Fairytale-d? I don’t why she’s my favorite with her personality, but yeah, she is xD

That’s hard to think, because honestly—I want to improve all of them.

Who’s Gilbert?

Trust level two, member.

Definitely! They’re one of my favorite snacks!

Yup, but not if the coating is gone :'0

That’s my favorite!

Yes, unhealthy diet.

One of my character’s names.

I like their meat being cooked by my grandfather : D

Though I would go and say the Roleplay and Games section, I’ve actually been going around the General Chat… especially Discussions. So, yeah. Discussions, especially because people and I can voice our different opinions and… debate (which I like).

Hold up, let me search…


I don’t want to cause war between me and the Shrek stans, but… but he… the first scene, I- :'0

Life’s pretty much the same as much as I can remember. It’s fair, but pretty stressful with the upcoming school. Thank you for asking!


None :3

I attempted to, but I deleted it not long after xD

I don’t exactly know, but maybe Instagram? xD

Black xD

There are types of backpack?