Questions Thread - Tina.G

What are your top five snacks?
What snacks do you hate?
What animal do you think best reflects your personality?
What doesn’t exist, but should?
How do you make decisions?
Would you consider yourself decisive or indecisive?
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you like to be?
If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would you want it to be?
What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
Favorite city?
How have your priorities changed over time?
If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?

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Oreos, apples and peanut butter, chocolate cashew cup, yogurt, thats all i can think of :sob: :sweat_smile:

Black Licorice lol

maybe a penguin? aggressive yet gentle, outgoing but shy, stable yet flighty - everyone sees the penguin in a different way.

i’m not sure :sweat_smile:

usually very thought out or very impulsive

a mix probably?

my grandma’s house (she lives 5 hours away)

I don’t really have much that I couldn’t live without :sweat_smile: so maybe my computer? :thinking:

hmm, idk :sweat_smile:

I don’t think I have one

They usually fade away slowly as I grow as a person, even if I haven’t completed them

probably something small on my left shoulder/back or neck

Favorite rp character

Ice cream of cake?

Are you a vegan?

Would you ever become one?



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currently Azziz from FT

any lol… but chocolate maybe?

no… but I have been (for a week lol) in the past

sure! but it takes lots of planning and work… also doesn’t help that i’m gluten free tho

yes :pizza:

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What’s something that people often misunderstand about you?
What’s something about you that would make your life so much easier if everyone knew immediately?
Do you ever think of changing your username?
What do you like about fall?
When’s your birthday?
If you wore a warning label, what would be on it?
Which Disney character do you most relate to?
I might be tripping but did you ever go by WordGirl at one point-
What language do you really want to learn?
What’s something you can talk about for hours?
What’s your best feature?

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I don’t dislike you I’m just shy and am horrible at keeping a conversation

I don’t talk much in general even when I’m comfortable with you.

yes :sweat_smile:

I love how the air smells and feels

August 2!

Warning: may be awkward during conversation

Elsa probably :thinking:

wait you remember that :sweat_smile:
yes, but my username has always been the same lol


book plots :sweat_smile:

my jaw is pretty nice :sweat_smile:

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Do you have any idea to what?

Oooh what’s that
Leo, right?

Why;s that



What’s your favourite book? Book genre?

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idk :sweat_smile: but I was thinking about something to do with a cactus tho

Yep! though I don’t act like the stereotype leo :sweat_smile:

she’s quiet and reserved, but beneath her regal exterior, she’s actually afraid of herself and her powers. I don’t have powers, but I am scared to be like… the real me?


I’m part of that tribe… though I don’t have much native american in me :sweat_smile:

honestly anything with romance :joy:… but mystery for fantasy

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Do you like cactus(es?)(i?)(bro idk) or something or is it more like you consiiider yourself a cactoose

What differentiates you, would you say?

Aww :pleading_face: that’s so sweet though
I never thought of Elsa like that though but no you’re right


Ooh you are? That’s so funny, I just finished reading this book about an Ojibway kid for my English class
Can you speak/understand any Ojibwe at all?

Last book you’ve read that you really enjoyed??

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Hey @QuestionsThread people, I need to choose (randomly spin) the new star for next week soon, so if you want to be it then please ask questions!


Guys, you haven’t had a thread yet, please ask @Tina.G a question!

@angelic, @Daya, @Dusk, @Madilnel, @Megan, @Oofalumpa, @Quinn, @Sk_Supernatural, @Sophia1233


For those of you who want to be the question star again, please ask @Tina.G a question!

@Acorn06, @AnnSza, @AS007, @averis, @Bonswayout, @CerealKiller, @chococarmela, @courtana, @Divcp, @Duckling, @Edelgard, @Eleanor_W-15, @elixr, @Eliza, @idiot.exe, @Littlefeets, @Meekepeek, @Nil, @Ouijaloveletters, @anon93806337, @phlegmatic, @raviola, @Skyler2, @SpookySherry, @Soleil, @TheDancingFryer, @WolfGamerGirl37

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well… I was looking around my room and a lotion in it was cactus blossom or something :joy:

I ain’t trying to get no ones attention :joy: and while I do enjoy attention, I don’t wanna be the center of it

dang same tho :joy:

I wish :sweat_smile: but no I haven’t really even heard two people speak fluently in it… just this dude at this place I interned at I heard once lol

oops I totally ignored the part where u asked about my favorite book :skull:
well umm… recently I’ve been reading Narnia… lowkey kinda boring :sweat_smile:
but I liked the book The Lake Effect or Don’t Get Caught lol

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english is hard :') (yes my native and only language hush)

Ah yes :sparkles: cactusblossomlotion :sparkles: truly a superior username :relieved:

Ya that’s the only leo stereotype I know so- :cowboy_hat_face: HAHA

Ohhh I get that >.> still maybe you’ll get to learn one day!

Girl I thought you were saying you didn’t have a fav, just like any romance book so-

Never read that, was thinking it might be too overhyped :thinking:

Oooh what’s that about
Book plot me~

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Yaas I felt that :joy:

yesyes superior… now u know if u ever see someone with that username :joy:

Yeah I know :joy: :skull:

I hope so!

aww sorry :joy:

yeah I feel like it is

when I said I could go for hours… I meant it :joy: :sweat_smile:

okokok imma do short ones lol

The Lake Effect ~ mystery/ romance (but it seemed like a comedy to me lol)
This dude, Briggs or Henry (or something like that idk) interns at this like super old ladies house as an personal assistant by this lake. When he gets there, he almost immediately is told to go put a suit on cuz the lady needs to go to this funeral. Basically every week (even sometimes multiple times a week) they are going to funerals. Then, theres the mysterious neighbor girl (Abigail) who Briggy boys charm won’t work on. One day she’s on the beach, the next she’s gone for days. Not to mention , most of the locals don’t exactly like him (looking at u Brandon :roll_eyes: ) and he’s just got dumped lol… basically it’s a book emphasizing that playing along is playing it safe and that u can only be u if ur willing to take risks

Sorry U can stopp reading if u want :sweat_smile:
but if nott…
Don’t Get Caught ~ Comedy (It was some mystery and romance to tho)
So the MC, Max, is this nobody (even has a scene where this girl literally says he’s a nobody, and she didn’t even know his name even thought they’ve went to school together for like 3 years? or something like that and are in the same class). BUT ignoring that he gets this invitation to this club (the Chaos Club) but this club has been known about for years (over like… 10 yrs?) but the whole time it has been anonymous. He ends up meeting up with these other people who also got invites. They end up finding out it was a set up… they got pranked. Not to mention they also got in lots of trouble. Later, (idk remember how) they decide they wanna get pay back on the choas club, but they don’t know how yet…(or maybe they do right away idk :sweat_smile: ) . They decide they gonna expose the chaos club members. But along the way, they’ll have some fun pretending to be them.

AWWWWW theres This SUPER big plot twist in it and… AWW I ALMOST DIDN’t EXPECT it lol :joy:
eheh also for allll that :v: :sweat_smile: thats my best at keeping it short lol


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