Reasons why I love Jojo Siwa…
She’s different from everyone else.
She has a great selection of bows…
She makes good music.
She’s cool
Her hair…
She’s very inspiring…
Her clothing style is very unique.
She has a lot of merch… ?!
She is a role model to many young girls.
She’s not involved in a lot of drama.
Her music videos are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!
She’s creative.
She made a YouTube video with North West…
JoJo has “over 700 or 800 bows.”
She has a dog named Bow Bow.
She appeared on the reality TV show " Dance Mom’s"…
Jojo is a good role model for kids because she doesn’t curse.
She can speak English
She can speak Korean
She can speak Spanish
She can speak Russian.
She has her own animated show…
She dresses appropriate…
Her bows are beautiful
Lots of glittery stuff going on.
This was a struggle…