Rebranding - For Feedback/Help!

Damn. My favourite was the writers draft


Same here


Right :sob: Ugh


Okay, this is just my opinion, but I am lowkey a bit disappointed that basically all the names were completely writing focused. While I understand how writing in a way might be the fundament of this forum, I think it is about so much more than just writing. I genuinely hope that’ll stay the same after changes have been implemented, cause honestly, I don’t want to lose the diversity of the forums. For me the reason to join was never really the writing part, it was in general the creative vibe, definitely not exclusive to writing. It’s also about the people, I don’t think I’ll be the only one for who this has absolutely been my safe space. So yeah, personally I would have loved to see a name that encompasses all of what the forums is… Having said that though, the most voted for name definitely isn’t the best choice in case we actually want to focus more on writing (which I would understand), any of the others with write in their name would have made the forums much more findable online to people looking for a writing community :sweat_smile:


I really agree with this :sob: I am a biased person I will not lie but I personally feel that Writer’s Draft is a more searchable term than Dripping Quill

idk i may be bsing here


It definitely is a much clearer name on what to expect from this forum, and therefore would attract new people easier in my opinion. While Dripping Quill sounds pretty rad, you’re absolutely right in saying that it’s less findable for people. This comes from someone who has done a couple of marketing courses btw and one in specific on things like this, how to reach your market audience. You should never overcomplicate a name, the best is actually to make it as direct as possible (especially online). Make sure people understand what the are clicking on when they find it when scrolling, and make sure it’s findable that way for the audience that’s interested in the topic.

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Ooh someone else in marketing and even took some courses? There’s a group chat right now and we’re focusing on market research, I’ve been tackling it on my own at the moment but do you think you would have the free time/availbility to join and help? No pressure if not though, I get life may be busy right now <3

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I would absolutely love to help, but unfortunately I’m currently not in a position where I can. I’m basically travelling for a year, so like, I can’t be online on a regular basis… Tho, if you want to discuss something with someone who has a decent knowledge of marketing, feel free to send me a PM and I’ll reply whenever I can!

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On further thought, both Dripping Quills and Writer’s Draft sound cool. My 2nd choice was Writer’s Realm

I’m in and out on here because of college (political science is not an easy major at all lmao) but during a summer job I did last year, I read a little about SEO and learnt that eye-catching names are super important. If I remember more I’ll tell you.


To be fair, it’s always been called ShanniiWrites! I don’t think the creative side will disappear, but I won’t be a major part of any changes.

I’m sure if lots of people come on for the creativity, that will still be a big part of the forums. It’s just that lots of people aren’t coming on right now


I also feel like it would be good for Google’s algorithms because people might type in “writing a draft” and get our forums pop up! That’s why I suggested it. It’s an interesting play on words.

Alas, I only have one vote!


It’s more like now there is a chance for rebranding, it could have been a good option to consider names that include more elements of the forums than just the writing. Like I totally understand why it was called ShanniiWrites, but I feel like the name never truly was a complete representation of the forums. But in the end it all depends on how the marketing is done :woman_shrugging:


There were a few attempts! The problem is that most of them are already taken or the domain costs wayyy to much


Alrighty, beloved forumers! Dripping Quills needs a logo!

Our logo creators have been working hard and need your help to decide on which one(s) you prefer. (wink) We are possibly thinking of having two; one for darker themes and one for lighter.

And though the creators are probably going to focus on the most popular designs above, we still interested to see which colour palettes you like/prefer as well?! (wink)




Hey @Discussions, make sure to vote!

Only 9, 11, & 12 voters on these polls. Please make sure you voted on all of them!

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Your choices from the Polls!

Here are the designs you chose…

Choice for darker theme backgrounds

Choice for lighter theme backgrounds

Choice for the logo colour palette

Second Choice for both theme backgrounds

What is your preference for the new logo?
  • Use the top choices as they are are
  • Use the darker theme choice only as it is
  • Use the lighter theme choice only as it is
  • Use the top choices of both themes but instead they use the colour palette chosen
  • Use the darker theme choice only but instead it uses the colour palette chosen
  • Use the second choice only for both themes as it is.
  • Use the second choice only for both themes but instead it uses the colour palette chosen

0 voters


The logo looks really good. Especially the lighter ones.



This is possibly the last poll before we have a decision, guys.
Make sure to vote!

@Announcements & @Discussions


As for the logo results…

It seems that with over 50% of the vote, this was the logo liked/chosen.


Alright, everyone, the time has come to rebuild the forums staff team, starting by the admins who will be at the head of the team.

The rebranding team has decided that, given the current activity in the forums, we can start out with a three person team:

  • Creative Admin: will look over the writing, art and RP/SG sections, in charge of possible events for those.
  • Organisation/Discipline Admin: will help with general organisation and deal with extraordinary situations regarding broken rules
  • Social Admin: will look over the chat sections (including all locked ones), in charge of possible events for those.

We want your input on who you believe is fit for these roles, which is why we are opening admin nominations. We want as many options as possible, so please do fill out the form below and tell us why you think these people would make good admins:

While filling the form out, please keep in mind that these are some of the things we’re looking for in an admin:

  • Be the face of the interactions on this website
  • Engage with others and make them want to engage
  • Have a genuine interest in what others have to say
  • Communicate properly with both the members and the rest of the staff
  • All admins should be active
  • Keep the peace and organisation in the forums

Nominations close in four days.

We will let you know the results when the time comes.
