Red Band Society Official RP

Screenshot 2020-10-29 at 3.16.36 PM

Red Band Society Role Play

Original RP made by @Madilfill

We all accept the fact we had to sacrifice our time in this hospital for whatever it is we have but we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us. In the simplest terms and most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a mean girl, and a girl next door, and a player, a new guy and a rebel. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Red Band Society.

Welcome to Hembrooke Hospital in Boulder, Colorado ! You don’t just always go there for a heck up or even surgery. You could be one of the teens that actually live there. They could have a medical or even mental condition and need to stay there. There a whole different ward for them, a school, everyone has their own room, game rooms and the place that many hang out at during the night, is the roof! But it’s not all fun, they also have doctor appointments and the nurses checking in on them. Group discussions and therapy happens every week. They call themselves the Red Band Society since they each have a red band on their wrists which means they are in the teen’s ward. the roleplay basically revolves around this group of sick teenagers living in the pediatric ward of the hospital. each is afflicted with their own troubles and each has their own backstory and differing former lifestyles. but now that they are all on equal playing fields, their stories start to connect and get tangled within each other. just because they’re in a hospital, doesn’t mean life stops, perhaps just the opposite…

Rp Rules

• Please don’t start any fights
• If you don’t know much about the illness you choose, do a little research or ask someone who has the condition
• Please have a faceclaim that isn’t anime or a drawing
• Drama is encouraged but don’t take it too far
• Fade out if it gets to that point
• You can swear if you blur it
• If you are uncomfortable or triggered by in-depth detail of eating disorders, depression/self-harm, addiction, or strong/suggestive language then this thread probably isn’t for you.
• Please try not to powerplay, it is okay if you accidentally but please try to refrain
• Be at least semi-advanced. yeah, we all get low muse where our posts suck, that’s acceptable, but in general, don’t sign up if you aren’t an adequate writer. Meaning at least 2-3 sentences.
• Try to be moderately active so we can keep this rp alive.
• Try and keep the genders balanced
• Be respectful to other rpers
• I can deny your forum. Apologies in advance if we do. Also please don’t argue with me.

In Care Rules

These can be broken
• Don’t leave the hospital without permission
• No skipping group sessions or treatments without permission or a valid excuse
• Do not enter restricted areas or other wards that you aren’t supposed to be in
• Follow basic etiquette towards other staff, patients, and visitors
Any violation of these rules will result in appropriate action

Sign Ups Thread
^These will remain open
Face Claims

Just a reminder that 2 days is one day in the rp and that there will be group therapy sessions every few days. (I still need someone to create a staff member to run that). And there will be a tag for the group for you all to join once it is made. It’ll be used to ping all the roleplayers for events like group therapy or any important announcements.


@raviola (Who is currently suspended)


Everest Montagne

He sat down at the familiar seat with the lights off. He couldn’t see any of his surroundings, but he didn’t need to. Everest had memorized the exact location of everything in this room, with the help of others, of course. He opened the piano cover and placed his fingers on the keys, making sure everything was in key before he started playing.

It had been much too longer since he had played. So long in fact, that he was rusty. He winced at the notes he got wrong but continued playing instead of restarting. He had already memorized every note of this song during the long week he had been stuck in that room. That room. That horrible, claustrophobic room, that didn’t have a singular piano. The one he had been forced to stay in as his body had rejected yet another form of liquidized food and Everest hadn’t noticed the lack of nutrition. Which caused him to faint in the common room. Fun, right? His body had needed time to recover. His short, basically broken, body. Seeing as he couldn’t play the piano in that state, he started learning a new song. He used his few savings to get the braille copy of the sheet music, and started memorizing.

Everest had been playing the piano since he was three, and it’s not like the song was extremely difficult. If Beethoven could do it, so could Everest. The door was slightly ajar with his cane on the bench beside him. Playing the piano was the only time he could forget about all of his issues, even if it was only for a moment. His fingers moved fluently across the keys, he might have been rusty, but he was slowly getting back his rhythm.

@Kristi - Sadie


He’s just wearing a blue hoodie with some loose pants and a grey beanie.


Kaoru swallowed, staring straight ahead as they got out of the car, starting the long, painful walk to the doors of the hospital, their parents trailing behind, stiff as statues. Kaoru’s mother was holding Daisuke, who was peacefully sleeping. Kaoru knew they shouldn’t wake him up, but they wanted to say goodbye. Both Kaoru and their father were carrying bags. Once they walked in, Kaoru’s mother signed them in while Kaoru’s and their father mover their stuff to their room. Once they were done, they walked back. Daisuke was crying, and Kaoru guessed their mom had explained what was happening. Kaoru picked up Daisuke, hugging him tightly. (1)“Ikanai de, onēsan!” He wailed. Kaoru flinched slightly when he called them onēsan, but brushed it off. After a minute, Kaoru’s mother took Daisuke, simply saying “Kurasu de umaku yatte kudasai.” After both left, Kaoru sighed, sitting down on a chair and messing with their arm warmers.
(1) Don’t go, big sister!
(2) Do well in class



I don’t really want to leave my hometown and move into a teen ward at some stupid hospital. Not too long ago one of my doctors referred me to a doctor in Boulder, Colorado USA. That doctor then mentioned the new teen ward being opened at the hospital he worked at to my parents, who thought it was a good place for me to be. Now we are driving in a rental car, from a hotel to this hospital. At least I have Willow I thought looking over at her curled up beside me sleeping. Once we arrived, the whole process of paperwork and registration took forever. I didn’t even know where anything was, so I stayed in the lobby and watched life unfold around me. But after that was done, I was able to go up to the teen ward and get settled in. I was able to talk with my doctor and figure out things before saying goodbye to my parents. I’m not sure when I’ll get to see them in person so I made sure I savoured every moment with them. My parents did help me decorate my room a bit before they left. Being in a wheelchair has its perks, for instance, my room is bigger than some due to me needing space to get around. But on the other hand, it’s harder to be at non-accessible places, and a nightmare to use while setting up my room. After I was done putting most of my stuff away, I kept my door open and transferred to my bed, where I sat looking through a notebook of songs I wrote.


After a long 27-hour road trip, I finally made it to Boulder, Colorado. I wish I could’ve taken a plane, as it would’ve been so much faster. But thanks to my lung function, I wasn’t able to fly. From what I’ve heard, Boulder is definitely colder than it is in Tampa Bay. My sister only lives a few hours away from the hospital, so we crashed at hers before leaving the next morning.

It’s now morning and we finally made it to my new home away from home. I came in and was brought up to the ward and my new room. My mom helped me set up my room before a nurse came in. She brought all the medical equipment that I would need like an afflovest, iv stand, nebulizer, med cart, and other things. I then grab a mask that would protect me from getting more sick and my portable oxygen concentrator. I then decide to walk out of my room and say goodbye to my parents. “Guess I’ll just roam the hallways,” I mumble to myself before walking around.


I’ve been here for a few months or so. Just not in the teen ward. Supposedly I was a “high-risk” patient and had to be constantly monitored until I finally gained trust from my doctors and therapist. I feel like this place has made my depression worse. Every meeting with the counsellors and therapists consists of lies. I pause to look around the cafeteria and sigh. I doubt no one here would have any drinks here for me. I rub my arm that has a tattoo of my sister’s name on it and walk towards the line. It’s a good thing the cafeteria’s breakfast food tastes adequate. I decided on hash browns and sausages with some water. After ordering my food I sit down at an empty table and eat. {Approachable}


I can’t really believe this, a few years ago they let a few teens come into this ward, and then let even more a year later. Now they are opening their doors to a ton of other teens. It used to just be me and a few others. Man do I miss those days. I can remember being the only one in the hang out room and having to go across the floor to convince someone to play foosball with me. It was even better if I had visitors as it was quieter and we could do whatever we wanted without having to be around other patients. A nurse comes into my room and lets me know my chemo is almost done. Osteosarcoma isn’t a label I’d like to be given after being in remission for 5 years. I was only 9 when diagnosed with Leukemia. A few year battle and I was as healthy as I could be. A familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts telling me they are deaccessing my port. I nod and grab my leg brace that was leaning against my bed. Once the nurse left I put it on and got up. One step led to another before I found myself in the elevator heading up to the roof.



Today was a day just like any other, which made me hate it nontheless. The sleep schedule is non exsistent here and for days I’ve been only recharging by taking cat naps. You might think it’s appealing or at least okay since I have no function to do everyday, but it makes me feel depressed … but that’s not the sole reason for depression. There’s also the inabillity to go somewhere withouth having to be pushed or work up my arms a lot, the only time I get to work out for a bit of seratoning or dopamine or both it hurts like hell because it’s physical therapy, I sit or lie in a bed all day with very few visitors, most of them doctors and I have no happy memories to remeber considering I can’t even remeber who I am or the rest of my life since the tragedy that sent me here. Today after painfully managing to get mysellf into the wheelchair withouth anybody’s help, I decided to take a stroll … or a drive. I’ve reached the elevator and I managed to go downstairs to the lobby hoping I would be able to get outside after a long time and breathe some fresh air. However, as I was using my arms to roll the wheelchair forward one of the sleeves on my hospital gown got caught in the wheel and I couldn’t move forward. I then turned to the first person I saw and said “Hey could you help me? I’m a little stuck.”

ORP: @Ouijaloveletters - doesn’t have to be Kaoru if you have other characters, you don’t have to change your post cuz of me

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Kaoru sat there for who knows how long, before the squeaking of wheels startled them out of their trance. “Hey, could you help me? I’m a little stuck.” They looked up to see a boy in a wheelchair looking at them, the sleeve of his hospital gown stuck in the wheel. They quickly stood up, awkwardly limping over to free the boy’s gown. After he was free, Kaoru bowed deeply, smiling. “Ok now?”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Unknown


Location: Rooftop

She was a little startled as she saw the elevator doors open from across the roof. Ash had received her treatment for the morning and wanted to watch the sunrise. She had brought a pair of earbuds to listen to music and was listening to Young Rising Sons. She wasn’t opposed to socializing, it was just early and she hadn’t slept well last night. She kept having nightmares and had been laying in bed awake all night, which was somewhat obvious if you looked at the bags under her eyes.

“Oh, it’s you,” she mumbled, barely loud enough for the man to hear. She had seen him around in classes. They had both been there a while and were both leukemia patients, she just never got around to talking to him. “Austin, right?” Ash asked while taking out an earbud. She double checked to make sure that her arms weren’t visible. They were still safely tucked underneath her extra large yellow hoodie. “I’m guessing you came up here for the fresh air?”

@zoe4564 - Austin

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As I walk out of the elevator I notice another person up here. I sit down on the far end of a couch and take some of the velcro straps off of my brace, to let my leg breathe a little. As much as I like the support it gives me, the pressure of the brace can get too much at times. ‘Austin, right?’ I hear from the girl near me. “Yup that’s me.” I give her a small smile as I mess around with a ring on my finger. “Probably more along the lines of wanting to escape all the chaos of today. I also just finished a treatment that might not be working and wanted to flee from the doctors and nurses.” I look up at the sky and watch as the white clouds slowly move across the vibrant sky. “What about you? Fresh air or is it to escape from everyone too?” I look back over with raised eyebrows.

@Skyler2 -Ash

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I looked down, ashamed I let myself put in such a position. I mean what kind of an idiot does it take to get your hospital gown stuck to your wheels? The sleves are short for god’s sake … How can I be trusted with driving a wheelchair. I can’t drive a wheelchair myself, who gave me a car to drive? Boy I’d blame that person as much as I blame myself, I should have never touched a wheel of any vehicle. When a girl approached me with a limp and helped me I sighed with self-hatred. “Ok now?” with a shy undertone but a deeper voice than expected (You didn’t explain how this works for your character so I just assumed she’s got a male voice, tell me if I’m wrong I’ll change it) and then, she bowed. It was evident from her face she was either asian or one of her ancestors were, but bowing like that made it evident she wasn’t outside her homecountry for long. Lost in thought I snapped myself back to reality and said “Oh … yes, thank you very much.” I looked at her and decided to introduce myself even if she was here only to get her drugs, it’s been long since I talked to anybody so I was gonna dump it all on her or anybody else I meet today. I raised the hand that wasn’t in a cast even though to most people it was unusual to shake the wrong hand and said “Hi, I’m uhh …” And then I realised why I never introduced myself before but decided to salvage it anyways. “Well that’s as much as I know about myself. But when the staff reffers to me they sometiems call me ‘John Doe’ behind my back so you can call me John or Doe or JD if you like.”

ORP: Omg John Doe is also JD like John Dorian OMG faints
@Ouijaloveletters - Kaoru

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She was laying on her bed- Well, more like the hospital bed. She licked her lips repeatedly as she listened to a song recommended by one of the doctors in this new hospital she had been taking too by authorities. She grimaces a little as she thought of what happened, yeah… she definitely didn’t need to go through all that again.

*Piano sounds *

Sadie tensed at the sound of the song that seemed to be playing.

“River Flows In You Yiruma” she trembled a little saying the name of the song her late mother would sing to her daily in an attempt to calm her anxiety. She couldn’t believe she was hearing the sound again- she was deeply amazed. Now, there is something you should know about Sadie… she was definitely not an explorer or one to wander around in search of an adventure. She was the more of the type of person to relax in the comfort of her bed and listen to music recommended by the nurses and doctors. But she definitely wanted to explore where the music was coming from. So while slightly twirling her hair, giving herself a moment to hesitate she sought out to explore the new sound.

She sang quietly as she came closer to the source of where the song is playing.

*creek * *creek *

The sounds of a rusty door creaked. Sadie did not know what she was doing, and heck yeah she was really nervous but she went to the place the door creaked.

“YES!” she screamed quietly in her head and did a little happy dance. She had finally found to the source of the sound. Now, she just needed to get a little closer so she could hear it better- she thought.


Sadie accidentally fell, making the music stop.

“Oh, no!” She accidentally said out loud. She cursed her terrible luck, now probably she must have alerted the one playing the marvelous song.

@Skyler2- Everest

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He loosened the straps to his brace, which seemed odd. She had never had a brace, but it didn’t seem good to take of the pressure. However, she didn’t say anything. He knew more about than she did. Besides, it was his body. For a moment she was confused when he brought up the chaos of today, then she remembered the transfers were coming today. “Oh, right. I forgot today was transfer day. Well, it can’t be that bad. Don’t you remember being all nervous? And I’m sorry to hear about the treatment. I know how scary that can be…”

“What about you? Fresh air or is it to escape from everyone too?”

She took a deep breath. It was hard to just peg it on one thing. She took a moment to look at the sun. It’s just a star, she thought in her head, there are billions out there. She thought this everyday. It was a mental routine. Though she wasn’t sure if it was meant to make her feel better or worse. “I came for the sunrise,” she looked back at Austin with a sweet smile. “And for the fresh air. Everything in there just reeks of chemicals. I also haven’t been sleeping great.”

@zoe4564 - Austin


Kaoru straightened back up from their bow, standing there for a second to see if he was going to say something, which he did. “Oh, yes…Thank you very much.” Kaoru nodded, giving a thumbs up, a gesture they’d learned meant “good”. The boy extended the hand that wasn’t in a cast, and Kaoru blinked, before remembering that shaking hands was a sign of greeting. They grabbed his hand, shaking it. “Hi, I’m uhh…” he trailed off, Kaoru waiting for him to gather his thoughts. “Well, that’s as much as I know about myself. But when the staff refers to me, they sometimes call me ‘John Doe’ behold my backs you can call me John or Doe or JD if you like.” He said. Kaoru nodded. “Amano Kaoru.” They introduced, giving a small wave.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Unknown
They’d sound like a girl, just slightly lower toned.

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“Not really. I’ve been going to this hospital ever since I was little so I already knew some of the staff. But I guess I was nervous being in a new ward with people who didn’t have just cancer. And it’s fine. If it doesn’t work they can just amputate my leg and the Osteosarcoma should be gone as long as it doesn’t spread.” I shrug. An amputation is the last thing I would want anyways, but cancer has taken so much of my life already. At least a prosthetic can allow me to play soccer.

I look over the balcony at the sunrise. “It is quite an amazing time of day to be outside. And yeah the hospital definitely has a weird smell to it.” I can remember not liking it at first but then slowly getting used to it. “Nothing can beat the smell of fresh air.” I point out before taking a minute to think. “If you aren’t sleeping that great just tell a nurse and they can get you something to help you sleep. Take advantage of the perks of being in a hospital. It’s like a hotel but for your health.”

@Skyler2 -Ash

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I smiled and said “Nice to meet you Amano” I said this thinking it was her first name. She seemed shy so I didn’t decide to seem creepy or to make her feel like she’s being hunted. I asked "Are you staying here? If you are I can help you get to your room. You can grip my shoulder or my wheelchair to help your limp … That is unless you’d wait for the nurses to help you or somebody to notice you need a cane or something. Do you want to get there anytime soon or … "


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Waking up to a pretty calm day which is rare, today my morning couldn’t have started better. After ariving early all I had to do is give some medications to people, do some tests, do some work for the first year interns who were too afraid to do it themselves and now, I have to give some behaviour meds to my last patient (my last patient to give meds to, I’ve got more serious work after that). When I arrived to her room I noticed the doors were open as if she knew I was coming. I’d give up a lot of things to have at least some sort of a routine, my days are never the same and there’s always a different type of accidents and illnesses around. I walked in and said "Good morning … " I read the chart “Lyla … Ready to take your medication?” I asked.


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~>>Jamie Olivers<<~
Jamie woke up staring at the ceiling. She remained like that for a while, trying to catch her latest dream while it fluttered just out of reach. When she was positively certain it was gone, she heaved a sigh and got out of bed. It was dark in her room, the only light a small nightlight in the corner. It had been a week since she had arrived at the hospital. She had stayed in her room all that time, windows bolted shut and the special blinds down to block out the light. She couldn’t even have fresh air at night.

Jamie flicked on the overhead light. She had a dimmer function, so instead of a blinding white light, it was a softer orange tone that just barely illuminated her messy room. Needless to say, Jamie had been bored this past week. Everything she had tried to use to entertain herself lay scattered across the floor, her desk, even her bed. But today she was going to finally be let free. Or somewhat free. She was strictly forbidden to go on the roof without supervision.

A nurse would come for her at 10. Jamie checked the clock. Dang, it was almost time. She hastily threw on an oversized hoodie and and sweatpants, stuffing her sunglasses into the sweatshirt pocket. Into a pair of maroon Converse went her feet, and she was ready. Actually, not quite. Jamie grabbed a small tube that lay on her dresser and smeared the substance within all over her face and jammed the tube roughly in with her sunglasses.

Someone knocked on her door. Jamie scurried to open it. A kind looking nurse stood in the hall. “Are you ready, dear? I’ll be escorting you to breakfast. After that, you are to stay strictly in the teen ward, okay?” Jamie nodded, still resenting this restriction of her freedom even though she had brought it upon herself. Stepping out into the hallway, Jamie pulled her hood over her head and slipped on her sunglasses. There weren’t any windows along this hallway, but the hall lights were uncomfortably bright. Actually, for anything brighter than her room she wore sunglasses.

They walked in silence until the dining hall, where the nurse left her and promised she’d check in with Jamie from time to time. Jamie rolled her eyes. One good thing about having to wear sunglasses is that no one could see your eyes. She sat down at a table after collecting her meal and began to eat, people watching. She didn’t spy anyone particularly interesting and grew bored, retreating inside her head to imagine herself some entertainment.

ORP: APPROACHABLE and I’m proud if u suffered through reading all that



Most of the songs in my notebook, both my friend and I wrote together. More reminders of how much I miss being back home in Canada. At least he will get to visit me more than my parents I thought. I look up to see a nurse at my doorway and put down my notebook. “Good morning, and I guess.” I give him a smile and look over at Willow who just stares at me. I command her to get off of the bed and go to her own so she isn’t in the way. “I’m assuming it’s the ones I can take with water, right?” I asked leaning over to grab my new water bottle. I fix the position of my legs from them being straight to be in a crisscross.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond -John Mason

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John smiled again then, saying. “Nice to meet you, Amano.” They blinked in confusion for a second, before laughing, covering their mouth. “That’s family name. Kaoru is first. You funny.” They giggled. “Are you staying here? If you are I can help you get to your room. You can grip my shoulder or my wheelchair to help your limp…that is unless you’d wait for the nurses to help you or someone to notice you need a cane or something. Do you want to get there any time soon?” John asked. Kaoru nodded, gently placing their hand on John’s shoulder for support, pointing in the direction of their room. “Thank you.”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Unknown

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I smiled as I pointed towards the tall glass of water on the tray full of medicine. I put it all beside her bed and I pointed towards the water bottle. “I can’t have you take medicine with water you got yourself. It’s just for security considering once a guy put vodka in the bottle and had a terrible reaction to his medication. We don’t allow that ever since then. Could I take that water until you’re done taking your medication?”


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“Not if it was filled here at the water fountain?” I ask remembering my mom filling it up for me before she left. I shrug and hand it to him, “It’s all yours.” I look at the tall glass of water as thoughts race my mind about me spilling it or dropping the glass. I take my time getting the medication off of the tray and putting the first few into my mouth. Luckily I didn’t spill the water or break the glass like I thought I might and finished the rest of my medication. “Am I good?” I ask not wanting to have done anything wrong.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond -John Mason

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