Reminding People of RP Replies

How often do you remind people to reply to your roleplay post?

Do you worry about annoying the people you are asking?

Have you ever been reminded, and if so, does it ever annoy you?

I sometimes find myself having to remind people of RP posts, because I have a feeling that otherwise it will never move forward. But, everytime I do it I feel really bad and worry I am annoying them. Yet when it is the other way around, I’m glad about people reminding me as I’m quite forgetful and need the reminder!!


I sometimes have to remind people. I’m terrified I’m p*ssing them off…


How often do you remind people to reply to your roleplay post?
I only remind after its been 3 or 2 days.

Do you worry about annoying the people you are asking?
Yes, that’s why I wait long.

Have you ever been reminded, and if so, does it ever annoy you?
No, I haven’t.


I actually should remind someone now…




staring at you


I don’t remind anyone but I do get reminded sometimes and really don’t mind it as some people find it annoying. :eyes:


I don’t normally remind people to reply to my posts, actually, because it’d be hypocrisy-

plus yeah I worry about annoying people about it, so if ever I need to do it, I just ask like once or twice :eyes: I don’t mind being reminded, that’s rad actually, but not when it’s too much


I don’t remind people unless they’re my friends

Yes :sob:

A lot of times :star_struck: But it doesn’t annoy me at all, I need people to harass me to reply, otherwise I slack off

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I rarely remind people to reply to my posts because I know I take a while to write my own, so I want to show my partner the same patience and respect they showed me. So much could be happening in their life that I’m clueless about, so I don’t want to rush them. If they’re my friends or people I talk with on a regular basis, though, I would be more likely to remind them since I know their situation and if they’re busy or not.

I’ve been reminded several times before, and it usually doesn’t annoy me. I actually rarely forget deadlines or to respond to people; it’s more likely that I’m actively avoiding responding (:sparkles: anxiety :sparkles:) or I’m busy. A nudge every couple of days or weeks is appreciated, as long as they’ve given me some time at least. :))


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