Rett Syndrome Awareness

Rett syndrome is a genetic disorder affecting the X chromosome, therefore people born with two are mainly affected. They are born absolutely normal, but between 6 to 18 months, they begin to regress, forgetting how to walk, talk and grasp. Not all forget everything, some able to walk with difficulty and talk. It is often mistaken for Autism or Cerebral Palsy. Due to it being an issue with the X chromosome, those with an XY chromosome that are born with it are mainly stillborns or die soon after birth, but there are rare cases of survivors.


Found a website that will explain more than I ever could.

that’s really sad :pleading_face:

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It is. They’re trapped.

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Something about this just feels wrong...


i definetly see how it could be percieved as autism…even the photos could easily be mistaken as someone who has autism

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Well, it is a mutation of a gene.

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yeah but without context, even seeing it with context. i didn’t think of it as a mutation before i saw that. it just sounds like something from acid or like x-men…

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I see what you mean.

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i feel like the words ‘how is it diagnosed’ would be better

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somehow this popped up again in my feed so…bump!

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It’s because I fixed some things.

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oh okay! sorry :sweat_smile:

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I fixed it because I used gendered pronouns.

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